Library of Irish Mathematics

Here we list all known Irish mathematics books (see scope and definitions), alongside some basic information on each, with a primary focus on third level.

All of the mathematical sciences—pure & applied mathematics, mathematical & theoretical physics, statistics, etc.—are included, as are mathematical education, history and biography.

This webpage is a spin-off of the Annals of Irish Mathematics & Mathematicians project, which documents 5000+ people.

Companion site: Maths Ireland Blogs (monthly, from Sep 2016)

Companion blog: Huffington Post

  2000 Houston   2013 Kelly & Doherty   2012 Flood, Rice & Wilson   2014 Attis   2014 MacHale
Recent historical books by K. Houston, M. Kelly & C. Doherty, R. Flood, D. Attis, and D. MacHale.

Where possible, original book covers are shown. However, up to about 1950, most covers were dull and essentially indistinguishable from each other. Hence, for some of those, we display covers of reprints.

In addition to books written by (or about) Irish mathematicians, we include all maths books published by Irish publishers DIAS, Cork University Press, Boole Press, and Logic Press.
1847 Salmon   1853 Hamilton   1854 Boole   1885 Casey   1889 Allman
19th century tomes by G. Salmon, W. R. Hamilton, G. Boole, J. Casey and G. Allman

In some such cases—such as for the key items depicted above—we use covers of much more recent reissues.

The goal is to include:

(1) All volumes (undergraduate and postgraduate texts, research monographs, edited conference proceedings, expository or historical works and those aimed at a general audience) authored or co-authored by people from (or originally from) the island of Ireland.

(2) All such books written by academics working on the island of Ireland, regardless of geographical origins.

(3) Biographies of Irish mathematicians and histories of Irish mathematics.

These tomes have mostly been written and published in English, but a few appeared only in Irish, French, Portuguese or Spanish. Several have also been translated from English to other languages later on.

We don't go into details as regards which books have also appeared (or perhaps only appeared) in paperback form.
1929 Murnaghan   1931 McConnell   1949 Semple   1949 Synge   1956 Lanczos
Books from the late 1920s to the 1950s, by F. Murnaghan, A. McConnell, G. Semple, J. Synge, and C. Lanczos.

The mid 20th century saw a growth in the publication of books by Irish mathematicians with careers overseas as well by scholars on the island (both locals and visitors). The Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies launched a series of publications, most of which can now be downloaded as scans.
1963 Todd   1966 Taylor   1968 Simms   1969 Ryan   1969 Takahashi
Books from the 1960s by J. Todd, S. Taylor, D. Simms, C. Ryan and Y. Takahashi.

1972 O'Raifeartaigh   1974 McDonough   1975 Herivel   1978 Dineen   1979 McClean
The 1970s: books by L. O'Raifeartaigh, T. McDonough, J. Herivel, R. Aron & S. Dineen, and S. McClean.

1983 Sen & Nash   1985 Newell   1987 Muldowney   1988 Bell   1989 Ó Mathúna
The 1980s: books by S. Sen & C. Nash, A. Newell, P. Muldowney, J. Bell, and D. Ó Mathúna.

1992 Ellis   1996 Miller & O'Riordan   1993 McMurry   1998 O'Regan & Meehan   1998 Murtagh
The 1990s: books by G. Ellis, J. Miller & E. O'Riordan, S. McMurry, D. O'Regan & M. Meehan, and F. Murtagh.

2000 Weaire   2000 Flannery   2001 Armitage & Gardiner   2007 Boland   2008 Crothers
The 2000s: books by D. Weaire, S. & D. Flannery, D. Armitage & S. Gardiner, P. Boland, and D. Crothers.

2010 McGuire   2011 Matheiu   2013 Hogan   2014 McCluskey & McMaster   2015 O'Farrell
The 2010s: books by G. McGuire, M. Mathieu, P. Hogan, A. McCluskey & B. McMaster, and A. O'Farrell.

The 2020s: books by P. Lynch, J. McLaughlin, G . Ellis, M. Mathieu, and O. O'Shea.

The table below uses Tablesorter by Christian Bach. Click on desired column head to get it sorted by that field. One can also sort by multiple columns simultaneously (in any desired order): simply hold down the shift key and click a second, third or even fourth column header.

This is a first draft: the goal is to have a designated spot/date for each relevant book—detail/polish can and will be added later.

Years of publication listed are what is found in the books; in some cases the volumes were available for sale a few months earlier in the previous year.

Cover (or title page) images are shown in many cases, but sometimes they are for later editions.

Please suggest additions/corrections via email.

There are slider bars at the right and bottom of the table to facilitate navigation. The up/down and left/right arrow keys also work for this purpose.

The earliest work here is a translation of Philippe de La Hire's New Elements of Conick Sections (1704).

Image Author
ISBN Irish
Title Year Publisher Type Subject Pages Review/
Bryan Robinson TCD graduate and staff New Elements of Conick Sections: Together with a Method for Their Description On a Plane 1704 translation of Philippe de La Hire's Nouveaux elemens des sections coniques (1679) 148? 2nd ed 1729
Philip Ronayne
Corkman A Treatise on Algebra in Two Books: The First Treating of the Arithmetical, and the Second of the Geometrical Part 1717 W. Innys contains folding models 408 2nd ed 1727, 3rd ed 1738 Online
John Brien
teacher (Cork) A Tutor to Arithmetick 1719 G. Bennett (Cork) Being an Examination and Exercise, Thro' All the Common Rules of That Useful Science. ... Done for the Better Instruction of Youth in Arithmetick 166?
Robert Steell A Treatise on Conic Sections 1723 George Grierson 103 Text new ed (Edward Cave, London, 64 + 2 pages), 1745
Samuel Fuller
A Mathematical Miscellany in Four Parts 1730 Globe (Meath Street) I. An Essay towards the ... solution of the forty-five surprizing Paradoxes in Gordon's geography. II. Forty-five new ... Paradoxes, some in verse ... III. Answers to the hundred arithmetical problems left unanswered in Hill's Arithmetick and Alexander's Algebra. IV. Miscellaneous Rules 156 Text 3rd 2nd ed (156 pages) 1735, 3rd ed (190 pages, I. Jackson & Son) 1770
Samuel Fuller
Practical Astronomy 1732 Globe (Meath Street) In the Description and Use of Both Globes, Orrery and Telescopes ... 10 + 237?
George Berkeley
The Analyst 1734 J. Tonson (London) & S. Fuller (Dublin) A Discourse Addressed to an Infidel Mathematician: Wherein It Is Examined Whether the Object, Principles, and Inferences of the Modern Analysis Are More Distinctly Conceived, or More Evidently Deduced, Than Religious Mysteries and Points of Faith 40 2002 edit
Jacob Walton
Vindication of Newton's Principles of Fluxions 1735 Dublin
Robert Helsham (ed by Bryan Robinson) TCD staff A Course of Lectures on Natural Philosophy 1739 8 + 404 new ed, 484 pages, CRC Press, 2000
Charles Phipps
Doctrine of Vulgar and Decimal Fractions 1745 Dublin Text
Hugh Hamilton
TCD graduate De Sectionibus Conicis: Tractatus Geometricus 1758 Johnson 8 + 211 English trans "A Geometrical Treatise of the Conic Sections" (266 pages) 1773
John Gough
A Treatise of Arithmetic in Theory and Practice 1759 Dublin 2nd ed 1770
John Gough
Practical Arithmetick in Four Books 1767 Dublin also 1792, 1796, 1809, 1831
Daniel Dowling
Mercantile Arithmetic 1768 J. Exshaw, in Dame-street, and H. Saunders, in Castle-street, Dublin Or, Compendious Methods for Performing the Principal Arithmetical Calculations, Practised by Merchants and Exchangers 294 3rd ed (248 pages) 1795
Theaker Wilder & James Maguire (eds)
TCD grad and staff Newton's Universal Arithmetick 1769 W. Johnston or, A treatise of arithmetical composition and resolution. Written in Latin by Sir I. Newton. Tr. by the late Mr. Ralphson; and rev. and cor. by Mr. Cunn. To which is added, a treatise upon the measures of ratios, by J. Maguire. The whole illustrated and explained, in a series of notes, by T. Wilder. 8 + 636 + 2 + 63 + 3 Text
Richard Murray
TCD graduate and staff member Artis logicæ compendium 1773 S. Hooper In usum juventutis collegii Dubliniensis 1 Link trans as "A Familiar Commentary on the Compendium of Logic (by R. Murray)" by John Walker, 1805, later "Murray's Compendium of Logic" (8 + 204 pages) 1852 text
William Hales (as Guil Hales)
TCD graduate & staff Analysis Æquationum 1784 Joseph Hill 8 + 248 text
Matthew Young
TCD graduate & staff An Enquiry into the Principal Phenomena of Sounds and Musical Strings 1784 Robinson 214? Review
John Stack
TCD graduate A Short System of Optics 1787 George Bonham Principally Designed for the Use of Undergraduates in the University of Dublin 4 + 124 reprinted by William McKenzie, 1793, 2nd ed (10 + 179 pages) 1811, 3rd ed 1820
Thomas Elrington
TCD graduate Euclidis Elementorum Sex Libri Priores, Cum Notis 1789 Dublin Univ Press 165 3rd ed, 1802 (4 + 167); 10th ed in English, 1833 (4 + 183)
Matthew Young
TCD graduate An Analysis of the Principles of Natural Philosophy 1800 Dublin University Press 450
Paul Deighan
A Complete Treatise on Arithmetic, rational and practical two vols 1804 Dublin 2nd ed 1809, Downes and Reilly
John Walker
TCD graduate The First, Second and Sixth Books of Euclid's Elements 1808 Robert Napper (Dublin) Demonstrated in General Terms, with Notes and Observations: For the Use of Younger Students 125
John Brinkley
TCD staff Elements of Astronomy 1808 Dublin 2nd ed 1819
John Walker
TCD graduate The Philosophy of Arithmetic, (Considered as a Branch of Mathematical Science) and the Elements of Algebra 1812 Robert Napper (Dublin) Designed for the use of schools and in the aid of private instruction 12 + 204 text
André Darré St Patrick's Maynooth staff Elements of Geometry with Both Plane and Spherical Trigonometry 1813 Fitzpatrick 183 Designed for the Use of the Students of the R.C. College, Maynooth; substantially revised by Nicholas Callan 1832, pub by Richard Coyne; 1872 edition (M'Glashan & Gill, 7 + 167 pages) revised and improved by Frances Lennon
William Shaw Mason
TCD graduate A Statistical Account, or Parochial Survey of Ireland: Volume I 1814 John Cumming, and Neary Mahon 34 + 652 Text
Richard Francis Purdon
Theory of some of the Elementary Operations in Arithmetic and Algebra 1814 Dublin to which is added an appendix with a view to their application and practice intended for the use of the undergraduates of the college text 2nd ed 1822, 3rd ed 1831
William Shaw Mason
TCD graduate A Statistical Account, or Parochial Survey of Ireland: Volume II 1816 John Cumming 87 + 560 Text
A Compendium of Algebra 1815 Graisberry & Campbell (Dublin) 119
James Thomson
Academical Institution, Belfast staff A Treatise on Arithmetic: in Theory and Practice 1819 (Belfast) 326 72nd ed 1880
Bartholomew Lloyd (anonymously) TCD graduate and staff Analytic Geometry; or A Short Treatise on the Application of Algebra to Geometry 1819 Richard Milliken
William Shaw Mason
TCD graduate A Statistical Account, or Parochial Survey of Ireland: Volume III 1819 John Cumming, and Neary Mahon + Text
Thomas Romney Robinson
TCD graduate A System of Mechanics 1820 Hodges and M'Arthur For the use of the students in the University of Dublin 442
John Radford Young Belfast College staff (later) An Elementary Treatise On Algebra, Theoretical and Practical 1823 G. and W. B. Whittaker With Attempts to Simplify Some of the More Difficult Parts of the Science, Particularly the Demonstration of the Binomial Theorem in Its Most General Form; the Summation of Infinite Series, &c. for the Use of Students 330 Text reprint ed by Mr Ward, 1832, Philadelphia; revised ed 1834 (John Souter, 14 + 296 pages, Text )
Dionysius Lardner TCD graduate An Elementary Treatise on the Differential and Integral Calculus 1825 John Taylor 33 + 520
James Thomson
Belfast Academical Institution staff Elements of Plane and Spherical Trigonometry: with the First Principles of Analytic Geometry 1824 Joseph Smyth (Belfast) notes for students 68 National Magazine Dublin Gazette 2nd ed (1st available to public) Simms & M'Intyre 1830 (126 pages), 4th ed 1844 Online
George Darley
TCD graduate A System of Popular Geometry 1826 John Taylor ? 4th ed
George Darley
TCD graduate A System of Popular Algebra 1826? John Taylor with a section of Proportions and Progressions ? 3rd ed
Bartholomew Lloyd TCD graduate and staff An Elementary Treatise of Mechanical Philosophy: Vol. I 1826 Richard Milliken Written for the use of the undergraduate students of the University of Dublin 15 + 438
John Walker
TCD graduate Euclid's Elements of Plane Geometry 1827 R. Milliken (Dublin) with copious notes, explanatory, corrective, and supplementary; to which is sobjoined a brief Introduction to Plane Trigonometry with a trigonometric table 1 text
John Radford Young Belfast College staff (later) Elements of Geometry, with Notes 1827 John Souter 10 + 208 Text (with Michael Floy) new revised and corrected ed (Carey, Lea & Blanchard, 1833, 8 + 216 pages, Text)
George Darley
TCD graduate A System of Popular Trigonometry 1827 Both Plane and Spherical: with Popular Treatises on Logarithms, and the Application of Algebra to Geometry 12 + 116 2nd ed
James Thomson
Belfast Academical Institution staff The Phenomena of the Heavens 1827 (Belfast) xxx
Henry Hickman Harte (trans)
TCD graduate A Treatise of Celestial Mechanic 1827 Richard Milliken Translation of Laplace's ?, "Elucidated with Explanatory Notes"
Thomas Luby
TCD graduate and staff An Introductory Treatise on Plane and Spherical Trigonometry 1827 Richard Milliken
Thomas Luby
TCD graduate and staff An Introductory Treatise to Physical Astronomy 1828 Richard Milliken
Dionysius Lardner TCD graduate The First Six Books of the Elements of Euclid, with a Commentary and Geometrical Exercises 1828 To which are annexed a treatise on solid geometry, and a short essay on the ancient geometrical analysis
George Darley
TCD graduate Companion to the Popular Geometry 1828 John Taylor ?
Dionysius Lardner TCD graduate An Analytical Treatise on Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, and the Analysis of Angular Sections 1828 John Taylor Designed for the use of students in the University of London 28 + 317
A Compendium of Algebra 1830 Graisberry (Dublin) also 1839
Pierce Morton
Cavan born Geometry, Plane, Solid, and Spherical, in Six Books 1830 Baldwin and Cradock 272
John Radford Young Belfast College staff (later) The Elements of Analytical Geometry: Comprehending the Doctrine of the Conic Sections and the General Theory of Curves and Surfaces of teh Second Order 1830 John Souter intended for the use of mathematical students in schools and universities 22 + 312 Text revised and corrected by John D. Williams 1833 (Caret, Lea, & Blanchard, 288 pages, Text)
James Thomson
Belfast Academical Institution staff Elements of Plane and Spherical Trigonometry: with the First Principles of Analytic Geometry 1830 Simms & M'Intyre (Belfast) notes for students 126 National Magazine Dublin Gazette 2nd ed (1st available to public) 1830, 4th ed 1844 Online
Henry Hickman Harte (trans)
TCD graduate The System of the World, Vol. I 1830 Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green Translation of Laplace's Système du Monde, "Elucidated with Explanatory Notes" 8 + 513
George Darley
TCD graduate Familiar Astronomy 1830 John Taylor 9 + 332
John Radford Young Belfast College staff (later) An Elementary Essay On the Computation of Logarithms 1830 intended as a supplement to the usual books on algebra 4 + 69 Text
Humphrey Lloyd TCD graduate and staff A Treatise On Light and Vision 1831 442
Dionysius Lardner TCD graduate A Treatise on Hydrostatics and Pneumatics 1831 Longman 8 + 353?
James Thomson
Belfast Academical Institution staff An Introduction to the Differential and Integral Calculus with an Appendix Illustrative of the Theory of Curves 1831 Simms & McIntyre (Belfast) 6 + 242 National Magazine 2nd ed, 1848
John Radford Young Belfast College staff (later) The Elements of the Differential Calculus; Comprehending the General Theory of Curve Surfaces, and of Curves of Double Curvature 1831 John Souter Intended for the Use of Mathematical Students in Schools and Universities 24 + 252 Text Revised and corrected by Michael O'Shannessy (Carey, Lea & Blanchard, 1833, 20 + 255 pages)
John Radford Young Belfast College staff (later) The Elements of the Integral Calculus: With Its Applications to Geometry and to the Summation of Infinite Series 1831 John Souter Intended for the Use of Mathematical Students in Schools and Universities 12 + 306 Text Revised and corrected by Michael O'Shannessy (Casey, Lea & Blanchard, 1833, 14 + 292 pages, Text )
Nicholas Callan St. Patrick's Maynooth graduate and staff Electricity and Galvanism 1832 John Coyne 160
John Radford Young Belfast College staff The Elements of Mechanics: Comprehending Statics and Dynamics. with a Copious Collection of Mechanical Problems 1832 John Souter Intended for the Use of Mathematical Students in Schools and Universities 326 Text revised and corrected by John D. Williams (Carey, Lea, & Blanchard, 1834, 258 pages, Text)
Nicholas Callan St. Patrick's Maynooth graduate and staff Darré's Elements of Geometry, revised and improved 1832 Richard Coyne ? IMTA Substantially revision of André Darré's book from 1813; later ed 1844
Dionysius Lardner TCD graduate Treatise on Heat 1833 Longman 8 + 429?
John Radford Young Belfast College staff Elements of Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, With Its Applications to the Principles of Navigation and Nautical Astronomy; with the Logarithmic and Trigonometrical Tables 1833 John Souther to which is added some origial researched in spherical geometry by T. S. Davies, F.R.S.E., F.R.A.S., &c. 12 + 264 Text
Robert Murphy
Cork born Elementary Principles of the Theories of Electricity, Heat, and Molecular Actions. Part I on Electricity. 1833 Cambridge 8 + 145
Dionysius Lardner TCD graduate Treatise on Arithmetic, Practical and Theoretical 1834 Longman? 363
Humphrey Lloyd TCD graduate and staff Two introductory lectures on physical and mechanical science 1834 Delivered in Hilary term, 1834 77
James Thomson
former Belfast Academical Institution staff The First Six and the Eleventh and Twelfth Books of Euclid's Elements 1834 Adam & Charles Black (Edinburgh) 396 Online
John Radford Young Belfast College staff On the Theory and Solution of Algebraical Equations 1835 With the Recent Researches of Budan, Fourier, and Sturm, on the Separation of the Real and Imaginary... 18 + 271 Text (2nd ed with new title see 1843)
Humphrey Lloyd TCD graduate and staff Lectures on the Wave-theory of Light 1836 ? 2nd ed 1857 (12 + 208 pages), republished with part 2 as "Elementary Treatise on the Wave-theory of Light" 1857, 228 pages
Robert Murphy
Cork born A Treatise on the Theory of Algebraical Equations 1839 The Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge 12 + 171 MAA
Matthew O'Brien
Clare born Mathematical tracts Part I: On Laplace's coefficients, the figure of the earth, the motion of a rigid body about its center of gravity, and precession and nutation 1840 Cambridge 8 + 86 Text
James William MacGauley
Maynooth graduate Lectures on Natural Philosophy 1840 William Curry, Jun, and Company mechanics, optics, electricity, heat, chemistry and more text 2nd ed (as Vol I), 1850 (9 + 368); 3rd ed (12 + 680); 4th ed ( + 698)
Dionysius Lardner TCD graduate A Treatise on Geometry and Its Application in the Arts 1840 24 + 314?
Charles Graves
TCD graduate and staff Two Geometrical Memoirs on the General Properties of Cones of the Second Degree and on the Spherical Conics by Michel Chasles 1841 Grant and Bolton translation with additions of Aperçu historique sur l'origine et le développement des méthodes en géométrie (1837) by Michel Chasles 112
Cornelius Cronin
Cork Mech Inst staff Euclid's Elements of Geometry 1841 ?
John Radford Young Belfast College staff Mathematical Dissertations for the Use of Students in the Modern Analysis; with Improvements in the Practice of Sturm's Theorem, in the Theory of Curvature, and in the Summation of Infinite Series 1841 John Souter 19 + 246 Text
Dionysius Lardner TCD graduate A Manual of Electricity, Magnetism and Meteorology Volume 1 1841 earlier? Longman 464?
Humphrey Lloyd TCD graduate and staff Lectures on the Wave-theory of Light, part 2 1841 ? Republished with part 1 as "Elementary Treatise on the Wave-theory of Light" 1857, 228 pages
Matthew O'Brien
Clare born An Elementary Treatise on the Differential Calculus in which the method of limits is exclusively made use of 1842 Cambridge 271
Humphrey Lloyd TCD graduate and staff Account of the Magnetical Observatory of Dublin and of the Instruments and Methods of Observation Employed There 1842 74
John Radford Young Belfast College staff The Analysis and Solution of Cubic and Biquadratic Equations 1842 Souter and Law Forming a Sequal to the Elements of Algebra, and an Introduction to the Theory and Solution of Equations of the Higher Orders 20 + 247 Text
Matthew O'Brien
Clare born A Treatise on Plane Coordinate Geometry; or the application of the method of coordinates to the solution of problems in plane geometry 1842 Cambridge 12 + 180
Henry Hickman Harte (trans)
TCD graduate A Treatise of Mechanics, Vol. I 1842 A. Milliken; and Hodges and Smith Translation of Poisson's Mécanique + 316
Henry Hickman Harte (trans)
TCD graduate A Treatise of Mechanics, Vol. II 1842 A. Milliken; and Hodges and Smith Translation of Poisson's Mécanique 30 + 754
Matthew O'Brien
Clare born On the possibility of accounting for the absorption of light: by supposing it due to the motion of the particles of matter 1843 ?
John Radford Young Belfast College staff Theory and Solution of Algebraical Equations of the Higher Orders 1843 Souter and Law 24 + 476 Text new version with new title of 1835 book
James Thomson
former Belfast Academical Institution staff A Treatise on Algebra, Theoretical and Practical 1844 Longmans (London) 312
James W. Kavanagh
Arithmetic, its Principles and Practice 1844 J. S. Machen Undergraduate 276
Isaiah Steen
RBAI staff A treatise on mental arithmetic, in theory and practice 1844 Simpkin & Marshall 5 + 158 2nd ed 1848 (170? pages), 3rd ed Shepherd & Aitchison 1857 (195 pages)
Matthew O'Brien with Robert Leslie Ellis
Clare born The Senate-House Problems for 1844 1844 Cambridge 4 + 49
John Radford Young Belfast College staff Researches Respecting the Imaginary Roots of Numerical Equations 1844 Souter and Law being a continuation of Newton's investigations on that subject, and forming an appendix to the Theory and Solution of Equations of the Higher Order 56 Text
Andrew Searle Hart TCD graduate and staff An Elementary Treatise on Mechanics 1844 William Curry, Jun., and Company 4 + 120 2nd enlarged ed 1847
Andrew Searle Hart TCD graduate and staff An Elementary Treatise on Hydrostatics and Hydrodynamics 1846 another ed 1850
George Boole Queen's College, Cork staff (future) Mathematical Analysis of Logic, Being an Essay Towards a Calculus of Deductive Reasoning 1847 MacMillan, Barclay & MacMillan 2 + 87 Text
George Salmon TCD graduate and staff A Treatise on Conic Sections 1847 Undergraduate Geometry 3rd ed, 1855 (15 + 324); 6th ed, 1879
Oliver Byrne Wicklow born The First Six Books of the Elements of Euclid in which Coloured Diagrams and Symbols Are Used instead of Letters for the Greater Ease of Learners 1847 William Pickering /Chiswick Press Geometry 29 + 268 Taschen (2010)
Matthew O'Brien
Clare born Lectures on Natural Philosophy 1849 93
Humphrey Lloyd TCD graduate and staff The Elements of Optics 1849 122
Robert Vickers Dixon
TCD graduate and staff Treatise on Heat, Part 1: The Thermometer; Dilation; Change of State; And Laws of Vapours 1849 Hodges & Smith 16 + 282 + ? text
John Radford Young Belfast College staff (former) On the General Principles of Analysis, Part I.: The Analysis of Numerical Equations 1850 C. C. Spiller Being a Series of Original Investigations in Different Departments of Pure Mathematics 2 + 64 Text Part 1 of a planned 8-part series
William Parkinson Wilson Queen's College Belfast staff A Treatise on Dynamics 1850 Hodges and Smith 4 + 176
John Hewitt Jellett TCD graduate and staff An Elementary Treatise on the Calculus of Variations 1850 Dublin Univ Press 20 + 377
John Radford Young Belfast College staff An Introduction to Algebra, And To The Solution Of Numerical Equations 1851 Simms and McIntyre With full explanations of the theory, and numerous examples for exercise. For the use of schools and private students. 248 Text
Matthew O'Brien
Clare born A Manual of Geographical Science 1852 475
James William MacGauley
Maynooth graduate A Treatise on Arithmetic in Theory and Practice 1852 Commissioners of National Education For the use of the Irish National Schools 12 + 400 Text
James William MacGauley
Maynooth graduate A Key to the Treatise on Arithmetic 1852 Commissioners of National Education Used in the Irish National Schools 240
John Radford Young Belfast College staff (former) Rudimentary Treatise on Arithmetic, with Full Explanation of its Theorerical Principles, and Numeous Examples for Practice 1852 John Weale For the use of schools and for self-instruction 4 + 192 Text Crosby, Lockwood and Co.
J. Galbraith & S. Haughton TCD staff Manual of Plane Trigonometry 1852 Longman 112
John Mulcahy, John Queen's College, Galway staff Principles of Modern Geometry 1852 Hodges and Smith (Dubin) with numerous applications to Plane and Spherical Figures, and an appendix, containing questions for exercise: intended chiefly for the use of junior students 7 + 227 2nd ed 1862
George Salmon TCD graduate and staff A Treatise on the Higher Plane Curves 1852 Hodges and Smith Undergrad; intended as a sequel to Treatise on Conic Sections Geometry 9 + 316 3rd ed, 1879, Hodges, Foster and Figgis (19 + 395)
William Rowan Hamilton TCD graduate & staff Lectures on Quaternions 1853 Hodges and Smith 64 + 72 + 736 Text
John Radford Young Belfast College staff (former) An Introductory Treatise on Mensuration in Theory and Practice, Containing the Investigation of Every Principle, and Several Improved Rules of Operation 1853 John and Charles Mozley Intended for the use of schools and private students 284 Text Written 1850
John Radford Young Belfast College staff (former) Key to the Rudimentary Treatise on Arithmetic 1853 Souter and Law Containing Solutions in Full to the Exercises 8 + 147 Text
James William MacGauley
Maynooth graduate A Treatise on Algebra in Theory and Practice 1854 Alex Thom and Sons for the use of the Irish National Schools 8 + 256 Text
J. Galbraith & S. Haughton TCD staff Manual of Euclid I-III 1854 Longman
J. Galbraith & S. Haughton TCD staff Manual of Mechanics 1854 Longman 192
J. Galbraith & S. Haughton TCD staff Manual of Optics 1854 Longman 142
J. Galbraith & S. Haughton TCD staff Manual of Arithmetic 1854 Longman 258
John Radford Young (with J. F. Twisden & Alexander Jardine) Belfast College staff The Mathematical Sciences 1854 W. S. Orr and Co. Volume VIII of Orr's Circle of the Sciences, a series of treatises on the principles of science, with their application to practical pursuits 8 + 454 + 56 Text Text new ed (Richard Griffin and Company, 1860, 8 + 454 + 56 pages) (
George Boole Queen's College, Cork staff An Investigation of the Laws of Thought on Which are Founded the Mathematical Theories of Logic and Probabilities 1854
J. Galbraith & S. Haughton TCD staff Manual of Hydrostatics 1854 Longman 98
John Radford Young Belfast College staff A Compendious Course of Mathematics, Theoretical and Practical 1855 for the use of schools, and of those who have not the advantage of a master 6 + 204 Text
Robert Bell Booth Carmichael TCD graduate and staff A Treatise on the Calculus of Operations: Designed to Facilate the Processes of the Differential and Integral Calculus and the Calculus of Finite Differences 1855 Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans 12 + 170
J. Galbraith & S. Haughton TCD staff Manual of Astronomy 1856 Longman 176
John Radford Young Belfast College staff (former) The Theory and Practice of Navigation and Nautical Astronomy: with Explanations of all the Necessary Computations, and an Introduction on Trigonometrical Calculation 1856 Houlston and Stoneman Illustrated by numerous examples of finding the latitude, longitude, and time at sea Astronomy 554 new ed as Navigation and Nautical Astronomy in Theory and Practice, Crosby Lockwood and Co (1882, 16 + 282 pages) Text
George Boole Queen's College, Cork staff Treatise on Differential Equations 1859 Macmillan 485
George Salmon TCD graduate and staff Lessons Introductory to the Modern Higher Algebra 1859 Hodges, Smith, and Co. Algebra 9 + 147 2nd ed 1866 (15 + 296); 3rd ed; 4th ed, 1885 (15 + 360)
Dionysius Lardner TCD graduate Hand-book of Optics 1859 Blanchard & Lea 279
J. Galbraith & S. Haughton TCD staff Manual of Euclid IV-VI 1859 Longman 140
J. Galbraith & S. Haughton TCD staff Manual of Algebra 1860 Longman
J. Galbraith & S. Haughton TCD staff Manual of Mathematical Tables 1860 Longman 280
George Boole Queen's College, Cork staff Treatise on the Calculus of Finite Differences 1860 Macmillan 248? 276?
John Radford Young Belfast College staff (former) A Course of Elementary Mathematics 1861 W. H. Allen & Co. Affording Aid to Candidates for Admission into Either of the Military Colleges 12 + 637 Text 2nd ed 1862
George Salmon TCD graduate and staff A Treatise on the Analytic Geometry of Three Dimensions 1862 Hodges, Smith and Co. Undergraduate Geometry 15 + 465 Vol I Vol II 2nd ed, 1865 (15 + 520); 3rd ed, 1874 (17 + 583); 4th ed, 1882 (19 + 612); 5th ed rev by Reginald Rogers in two volumes, in 1912 (22 + 470) and in 1915 (16+ 334); 6th; 7th ed rev by Charles Rowe 1928
Arthur Hill Curtis, Arthur
TCD graduate & UCG staff A Mathematical Deduction of the Principal Properties of the Gyroscope 1862 Alexander Thom 22
Oliver Byrne Wicklow born Dual Arithmetic: A New Art 1863 Bell and Daldy Geometry 29 + 248 (2010)
James McDowell
TCD graduate Exercises on Euclid and in Modern Geometry 1863 Cambridge / Deighton, Bell, And Co. For the Use of Schools, Private Students, and Junior University Students ?? text 2nd ed 1878, 3rd ed 1881, 4th ed 1886
Richard Townsend TCD graduate and staff Chapters on the Modern Geometry of the Point, Line, and Circle (Vol. I) 1863 Hodges, Smith, and Co (Dublin) Being the substance of lectures delivered in the University of Dublin to the candidates for honors of the first year in arts Geometry 20 + 300 Link
William Rowan Hamilton (ed by William Edwin Hamilton) TCD graduate & staff Elements of Quaternions 1866 Longmans, Green & Co 6 + 762 Ad
Peter Guthrie Tait QUB staff (former) An Elementary Treatise on Quaternions 1867
William Thomson & Peter Guthrie Tait Treatise on Natural Philosophy (Vol 1, in two parts) 1867 Clarendon / Oxford 23 + 727 Wikipedia Science revised Cambridge (17 + 508 pages 1879 & 25 + 527 pages 1883, new material by George Darwin)
Joseph David Everett
Queens College, Belfast staff Augustin Privat-Deschanel Elementary Treatise on Natural Philosophy: Physics 1870 Blackie and Son in Four Parts ? Nature Translation, largely rewritten
Franz Brünnow
TCD & Dunsink staff Astronomical Observations and Researches Made at Dunsink Hodges, Foster, and Co 1870 + text
Robert Stawell Ball TCD graduate & staff Experimental Mechanics 1871 Macmillan and Company A Course of Lectures Delivered at the Royal College of Science for Ireland Mechanics 352
Michael Roberts, Michael TCD graduate and staff A Tract on the Addition of Elliptic and Hyper-Elliptic Integrals 1871 92
Edward Butler TCD graduate and Catholic Univ staff (former) Supplement to the First Book of Euclid's Elements 1872 Alexander Thom containing Sixth-Book Propositions proved independently of the Fifth Book, and the Elementary Propositions of Modern Geormetry 60 Review
Benjamin Williamson TCD graduate and staff An Elementary Treatise on the Differential Calculus, Containing the Theory of Plane Curves, With Numerous Examples 1872 Longman's 500
Peter Guthrie Tait QUB staff (former) Elements of Natural Philosophy 1872
John Hewitt Jellett TCD graduate and staff A Treatise on the Theory of Friction 1872 Hodges and Foster 15 + 220
Samuel Mountifort Longfield
TCD graduate An Elementary Treatise on Series 1872 Hodges, Foster & Figgis 4 + 82 Review Web
James Booth TCD graduate Treatise on some New Geometical Methods Vol 1 1873 368
Humphrey Lloyd TCD graduate and staff A Treatise on Magnetism: General and Terrestrial 1874 320
Benjamin Williamson TCD graduate and staff An Elementary Treatise on the Integral Calculus, containing applications to plane curves and surfaces 1874 Longman's 390? 2nd ed 1877, 11 + 348; 3rd ed 1880, 16 + 375; 4th ed 1884, 15 + 393; 5th ed 1888, 17 + 415; 6th ed 1891, 16 + 463; 1913, 17 + 520;
William G. Willson
TCD grad Elementary Treatise on Statics 1874?? For Colleges and Schools pages?
William G. Willson
TCD grad Elementary Treatise on Mechanics 1874?? Intended for use in Indian Colleges and Schools pages?
William G. Willson
TCD grad Elementary Dynamics, Principles of Mechanics 1874?? Thacker, Spink, and Co pages? Nature
Joseph David Everett
Queens College, Belfast staff Units and Physical Constants 1875 ? later The C.G.S. System of Units
Peter Guthrie Tait QUB staff (former) The Unseen Universe 1875 new ed, 1901
William Alexander Willock
TCD graduate The Elementary Geometry of the Right Line and Circle 1875 Longmans, Green and Co. for the use of schools and college with exercises 12 + 172
Robert Stawell Ball TCD graduate & staff The Theory of Screws: A Study in the Dyamnics of a Rigid Body 1876 Hodges, Foster, and Co. 24 + 494
Peter Guthrie Tait QUB staff (former) Recent Advances in Physical Science 1876
Joseph David Everett
Queens College, Belfast staff An Elementary Text-Book of Physics 1877 ?
Daniel Tierney (& H. Sharratt) Queens College, Galway graduate Solutions to the mathematical examination papers set for admission to the Royal military academy, Woolwich, and for the Royal military college 1877 ? ??
James Booth TCD graduate Treatise on some New Geometical Methods Vol 2 1877 492
Peter Guthrie Tait QUB staff (former) Sketch of Thermodynamics 1877
Humphrey Lloyd TCD graduate and staff Miscellaneous Papers Connected With Physical Science 1877 536
Morgan William Crofton
TCD graduate & UCG staff Lectures on the Elements of Applied Mechanics 1877 Printed for the use of the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich 150?
George Minchin
TCD graduate A Treatise on Statics, Containing Some of the Fundamental Propositions in Electrostatics 1877 Longmans or Clarendon? 405 Online Reissued by Clarendon as A Treatise on Statics, with Applications to Physics 2nd ed (1879), 3rd (and later) ed in two volumes (1884), 4th ed (1890), 5th ed (1896)
W. H. S. Monck
TCD staff An Introduction to Logic 1877 or 1880 Hodges, Foster, and Figgis 284? Phil Mag
John Bell Millar
QUB graduate Elements of Descriptive Geoemetry 1878 Macmillan 202 2nd ed 1889, 3rd ed 1899
Robert William Griffin TCD graduate and staff The Parabola, Ellipse, and Hyperbola, Treated Geometrically 1879 Hodges, Foster, Figgis, & Co 178?
George Stokes, George (ed) Sligo born Mathematical and Physical Papers Vol 1 1880 Cambridge 10 + 328
John Casey TCD graduate and Catholic Univ of Ireland staff On Cubic Transformations 1880 RIA (Cunningham Memoirs No. 1) Undergraduate Algebra 140
J. H. Jellett & Samuel Haughton TCD graduates and staff The Collected Works of the James MacCullagh, LL.D. 1880 Hodges Figgis 9 + 381 text
J. H. Jellett & Rev. Samuel Haughton TCD graduate and staff The Mathematical and other Tracts of the late James M'Cullagh 1882?? Dublin Univ Press Series
William Snow Burnside & Arthur William Panton TCD graduate and staff & TCD graduate and staff The Theory of Equations: With an Introduction to the Theory of Binary Algebraic Forms 1881 Dublin University 412 7th ed Dover (1960)
Francis Edgeworth
Longford born & TCD graduate Mathematical Psychics 1881 C. Kegan Paul & Co An Essay on the Application of Mathematics to the Moral Sciences 8 + 150 Web
Morgan William Crofton (with Edgar Kensington)
TCD graduate & UCG staff Tracts on Mechanics 1881? Hodgsons Used as a text-book in the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich 114 2nd ed (114 pages); 3rd ed 1889 (134? pages)
Joseph David Everett
Queens College, Belfast staff Vibratory Motion and Sound 1882 93
Ralph Augustus Roberts
TCD graduate A Collection of Examples and Problems on Conics and Some of the Higher Plane Curves 1882 Hodges, Figgis, & Co. 8 + 200 Text
George Minchin
TCD graduate Uniplanar Kinematics of Solids and Fluids: With Applications to the Distribution and Flow of Electricity 1882 Clarendon Oxford 276
John Casey TCD graduate and Catholic Univ of Ireland staff A Sequel to the First Six Books of Euclid containing An Easy Introduction to Modern Geometry, with Numerous Examples 1881 Hodges, Figgis, & Co. Undergraduate Geometry ? 2nd ed, 1882 (15 + 159); 3rd ed, 1884 (16 + 175); 4th ed, 1886; 5th ed, 1888; 6th ed by Patrick Dowling, 1892 (24 + 302); 8th ed 1910
John Casey (ed) TCD graduate and Catholic Univ of Ireland staff The First Six Books of the Elements of Euclid 1882 ? Undergraduate Geometry 250? 17th ed 1902
Robert Perceval Graves TCD graduate Life of Sir William Rowan Hamilton Vol I 1882 Hodges, Figgis & Co History 18 + 698
George Stokes, George (ed) Sligo born Mathematical and Physical Papers Vol 2 1883 Cambridge 428
John Perry
QUB graduate Practical Mechanics with Numerous Illustrations 1883 Cassell, Petter, Galpin & Co. 10 + 271 6th ed 1891 (296 pages)
Robert William Griffin TCD graduate and staff An Elementary Treatise on Plane Trigonometry 1883 Hodges, Figgis, & Co designed chiefly for the use of Candidates Preparing for the Ordinary Term Examinations in the University 60?
Edward Butler TCD graduate and Catholic Univ staff (former) Syllabus of Lessons, with Notes and Exercises on the Elements of Arithmetic 1883 Thom 96
Benjamin Williamson & Francis A. Tarleton TCD graduate and staff & TCD graduate and staff An Elementary Treatise on Dynamics, containing applications to thermodynamics, with numerous examples 1884 459 2nd ed 1889, 16 + 527 pages
Ralph Augustus Roberts
TCD graduate A Collection of Examples on the Analytical Geometry of Plane Conics 1884 Hodges, Figgis, & Co. to which are added some examples on sphero-conics 8 + 213 Text
Robert Graham
TCD graduate and tutor Algebraic Factors 1885 Simpkin Marshall Resolution of Elementary Algebraic Expressions Into Simple Factors by Easy Methods 320
Peter Guthrie Tait QUB staff (former) Heat 1884
Peter Guthrie Tait QUB staff (former) Light 1884
Robert Stawell Ball TCD graduate & staff The Story of the Heavens 1885 Cassell & Company 19 + 551 Text
Swift Paine Johnston (ed by James Lowe)
TCD graduate Notes on Astronomy 1885 John Heywood together with a collection of examination questions 66 Text 2nd ed 1891 (86 pages)
Robert Perceval Graves TCD graduate Life of Sir William Rowan Hamilton Vol II 1885 Hodges, Figgis & Co History 740?
William J. McClelland & Thomas Preston TCD graduate and Santry staff & TCD graduate and UCD staff A Treatise on Spherical Trigonometry with Application to Spherical Geometry and Numerous Examples: Part I 1885? Macmillan? 12 + 146? 2nd ed 1887 (12 + 146 pages)
Agnes M. Clerke
A Popular History of Astronomy 1885 Adam and Charles Black 468 4th ed, 1902 (15 + 489)
Isaac Warren
TCD graduate Elements of Plane Trigonometry for the Use of School, and Students in Universities 1885 Alexander Thom & Co 116
1885 Casey John Casey TCD graduate and Catholic Univ of Ireland staff A Treatise on the Analytical Geometry of the Point, Line, Circle and Conic Sections 1885 Hodges, Figgis & Co Undergraduate Geometry 16 + 331 2nd ed by Patrick Dowling, 1893 (29 + 564)
Joseph B. Casey
son of John Casey Key to the Exercises in the First Six Books of Casey's Elements of Euclid 1885 Hodges, Figgis, & Co. 286?? 2nd ed, 1890 (4 + 94), 3rd ed by Patrick Dowling, 1893
Peter Guthrie Tait QUB staff (former) Properties of Matter 1885
Peter Guthrie Tait QUB staff (former) Dynamics 1885
John Casey TCD graduate and Catholic Univ of Ireland staff A Treatise on Elementary Trigonometry 1886 Hodges, Figgis, & Co. ? Undergraduate Geometry 15 + 160 3rd ed, 1890; 4th ed by Patrick Dowling, 1895 (15 + 187); nth ed, 1901 (15 + 187), rev by Patrick Dowling
William J. McClelland & Thomas Preston TCD graduate and Santry staff & TCD graduate and UCD staff A Treatise on Spherical Trigonometry with Application to Spherical Geometry and Numerous Examples: Part II 1886? Macmillan ?
Joseph David Everett
Queens College, Belfast staff Outlines of Natural Philosophy 1887 ?
Ralph Augustus Roberts
TCD graduate A Treatise on the Integral Calculus 1887 Hodges, Figgis, & Co. Elementary account of elliptic integrals and applications to plane curves with numerous examples 6 + 368 Text
Thomas Henry Teegan
Cork graduate Elementary and Intermediate Algebra 1887 Chalmney 450 2nd ed 1887 Sullivan, 6th ed 1891 (450 pages), 1898 (529 pages), 10th ed 1899
John Casey TCD graduate and Catholic Univ of Ireland staff A Treatise on Plane Trigonometry 1888 Hodges, Figgis, & Co. Undergraduate Geometry 15 + 276
R. C. J. Nixon
R Academical Inst Belfast staff Euclid Revisited 1888? Clarendon containing the essentials of the elements of plane geometry as given by Euclid in his first six books, with numerous additional propositions and exercises 14 + 378 Text 2nd ed 1890 (14 + 400 pages)
R. C. J. Nixon
R Academical Inst Belfast staff Geometry in Space 1888 Clarendon Containing parts of Euclid's eleventh and twelfth books and some properties of polyhedra and solids of revolution, with exercises ? Review
Robert Perceval Graves TCD graduate Life of Sir William Rowan Hamilton Vol III 1889 Hodges, Figgis & Co History 720?
1889 Casey John Casey TCD graduate and Catholic Univ of Ireland staff A Treatise on Spherical Geometry 1889 Hodges, Figgis, & Co. Undergraduate Geometry 15 + 165
George Johnston Allman TCD graduate and Queen's College, Galway staff Greek Geometry from Thales to Euclid 1889 Dublin Univ Press Series 12 + 237 Nature Revised numerous times
Francis A. Tarleton TCD graduate and staff An Introduction to the Mathematical Theory of Attraction, Vol. I 1899 Longmans, Green, and Co. 11 + 290
Rbert Stawell Ball TCD graduate & staff In Starry Realms 1889 93
Robert Stawell Ball TCD graduate & staff In the High Heavens 1889 93
Robert Graham
TCD graduate and tutor Elementary Algebra 1889 Gill & MacMillan With Numerous Examples and Exercises 8 + 384 Review 3rd ed 1901 (Longman & Green)
Robert Stawell Ball TCD graduate & staff Time and Tide: A Romance of the Moon 1889 Text
Edward P. Culverwell
TCD graduate and staff Elementary Mechanics 1890 Longmans, Green, and Co. 10 + 138 text
Thomas Preston TCD graduate and UCD staff The Theory of Light 1890 Macmillan 16 + 465 Review 2nd ed 1895 (17 + 574 pages), 3rd ed 1901 (19 + 586 pages) edited by Charles Joly?, 4th ed 1912 (23 + 618 pages) edited by William Thrift, 5th ed 1928 (24 + 643 pages) edited by Alfred Porter
David Kennedy RUI graduate Natural Philosophy for Junior Students 1891 ? 167 pages ? 4th edition (1904, 167 pages); 9th ed (1926), 173 pages; 10th ed (1926)
William J. McClelland TCD graduate and Santry staff A Treatise on the Geometry of the Circle, and Numerous Extensions to Conic Sections by the Method of Reciprocation 1891 Macmillan ? Nation
George Lambert Cathcart (trans)
TCD staff An Introduction to the Study of the Elements of the Differential and Integral Calculus 1891 Williams and Norgate translation of Axel Harnack’s Die Elemente der Differential--und Integralrechnung 10 + 404 Text
George Minchin
TCD graduate Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics 1892 438
R. C. J. Nixon
R Academical Inst Belfast staff Elementary Plane Trigonometry, that is, PLane Geometry without Imaginaries 1892 Clarendon 20 + 380 Text
Robert Stawell Ball TCD graduate & staff The Story of the Sun 1893
William John Johnston
QUB & TCD graduate An Elementary Treatise on Analytical Geometry 1893 Clarendon Press 13 + 425 Text
A. C. Dixon
Queen's College Galway and Belfast staff The Elementary Properties of the Elliptic Functions with Examples 1894 Macmillan 8 + 142
George William Parker
TCD graduate and staff Elements of Astronomy 1894 Longmans, Greeen, and Co with Numerous Examples for the use of schools and colleges 9 + 233 + 20 text review 2nd ed 1900, 4th ed 1902
Thomas Preston TCD graduate and UCD staff Theory of Heat 1894 Macmillan ? 2nd ed (1906, 20+838 pages, rev by Joseph Cotter), 3rd ed (1919, 840 pages) Review
Benjamin Williamson TCD graduate and staff Introduction to the Mathematical Theory of the Stress and Strain of Elastic Solids 1894 Longmans, Green, and Co 10 + 135
Robert Stawell Ball TCD graduate & staff Great Astronomers 1895 Text
Isaac Warren
TCD graduate An Elementary Treatise on Heat and the Steam Engine 1895 Hodges Figgis & Co 6 + 326 Eng Gaz
Thomas Henry Teegan
Cork graduate Key to Elementary and Intermediate Algebra 1896 Simpkins 184
James J. O'Dea
The New Explicit Algebra in Theory and Practice 1897 Longmans 10 + 616 Nature
John Perry
QUB graduate The Calculus for Engineers 1897 Edward Arnold 9 + 382
Sophie Bryant (ed, with Charles Smith)
Euclid's Elements of Geometry Books I and II 1897 Macmillan ? Text
John Perry
QUB graduate Applied Mechanics 1897 Cassell and Company, Limited A Treatise for the use of Students who have time to work Experimental, Numerical, and Graphical Exercises Illustrating the subject + ? 2nd ed 1898 (8 + 678 pages)
James McMahon (with Virgil Snyder)
Elements of the Differential Calculus 1898 American Book Company 14 + 337 Text
William James Dilworth
TCD graduate A New Sequel to Euclid 1898 Blackie 35 + 190
James Riddell
Practical Plane and Solid Geometry 1899 Oliver & Boyd + 326
Charles Jasper Joly
Hamilton's Elements of Quaternions Volume I 1899 Longmans, Green, and Co 2nd ed with new material 33 + 583 text
Sophie Bryant (ed, with Charles Smith)
Euclid's Elements of Geometry Books III and IV 1899 Macmillan ? Text
Arthur Lyster
TCD graduate Mathematical Facts and Formulae 1899 Blackie & Son Furnishing Hints in Arithmetic, Algebra, and Plane Trigonometry 69
Robert Stawell Ball TCD graduate & staff A Treatise on the Theory of Screws 1900 Cambridge 544 Text
Joseph Larmor QUB graduate and Queen's College, Galway staff (former) Aether and Matter 1900 Cambridge T Physics 396 Wikisource
Charles Jasper Joly
Hamilton's Elements of Quaternions Volume II 1901 Longmans, Green, and Co 2nd ed with new material 54 + 502 text
George Stokes, George (ed) Sligo born Mathematical and Physical Papers Vol 3 1901 Cambridge 415
Sophie Bryant (ed, with Charles Smith)
Euclid's Elements of Geometry Books VI and IX 1901 Macmillan ? Text
Alexander Larmor
QUB graduate Geometrical Exercises from Nixon's 'Euclid Revised' 1901? Clarendon 170 Nature
James McMahon
TCD graduate Elementary Geometry: Plane 1903 American Book Company 10 + 358 Text
John Edward Campbell
QUB graduate Lie's Theory of Finite Continuous Groups 1903 Clarendon/Oxford Monograph 416 Nature
Joseph Larmor QUB graduate and Queen's College, Galway staff (former) Mathematical and Physical Papers of George Gabriel Stokes Vol 4 1904 Cambridge 378
James J. O'Dea
An Elementary Treatise on Logarthims, Exponential and Logarithmic Series, Undeterimed Co-efficients, and the Theory of Determinants 1903? Crown?
J. G. Leathem
QUB graduate Volume and Surface Integrals Used in Physics 1905 Cambridge (Tracts in Mathematics and Mathematical Physics No. 1) 8 + 74 Text
Charles Jasper Joly
TCD graduate and staff A Manual of Quaternions 1905 Macmillan and Co 27 + 320 text
Joseph Larmor QUB graduate and Queen's College, Galway staff (former) Mathematical and Physical Papers of George Gabriel Stokes Vol 5 1905 Cambridge 371
T. J. I' A. Bromwich
Queen's College Galway staff Quadratic Forms and their Classification by Means of Invariant Factors 1906 Cambridge (Tracts in Mathematics and Mathematical Physics No. 3) 8 + 100 AMS
J. G. Leathem
QUB graduate Examples in the Mathematical Theory of Electricity and Magnetism 1906 Edward Arnold 2 + 59 Text
George Minchin
(with John Borthwick Dale)

TCD graduate Mathematical Drawing 1906 160
James McMahon
TCD graduate Hyperbolic Functions 1906 Wiley & Son Monographs (ed by Mansfield Merriman & Robert S. Woodward) Hyperbolic trig 8 + 89 Text expanded from chapter 4 of Higher Mathematics (Smithsonian, 1896)
E. T. Whittaker TCD staff The Theory of Optical Instruments 1907 Cambridge 8 + 72 text
Robert Stawell Ball TCD graduate & staff A Treatise on Spherical Astronomy 1908 Geometry/Astronomy 510
J. G. Leathem
QUB graduate The Elementary Theory of the Symmetrical Optical Instrument 1908 Cambridge (Tracts in Mathematics and Mathematical Physics No. 8) 8 + 74 Text
Annie S. D. Maunder (and E. Walter Maunder)
The Heavens and Their Story 1908 Robert Culley 357 Text
John Perry
QUB graduate Spinning Tops 1908? Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge The "Operatives" Lecture of the British Association metting at Leeds, 6th September, 1890 150 revised 1910; as Spinning Tops and Gyroscopic Motions Dover (1957)
T. J. I' A. Bromwich
Queen's College Galway staff An Introduction to the Theory of Infinite Series 1908 Macmillan 16 + 511 Nature 2nd ed 1926; reissued AMS (2005)
Thomas I. Cowlishaw
RUI graduate Examples and Homework in Preliminary Practical Mathematics 1909 Longmans, Green & Company 99 Review 1 Review 2 Review 1 also Answers to Examples and Homework in Preliminary Practical Mathematics (15 pages)
E. T. Whittaker TCD staff A History of the Theories of Aether and Electricity: From the Age of Descartes to the Close of the Nineteenth Century 1910 Longman, Green, and Co. 13 + 475 text
George William Parker
TCD graduate and staff Elements of Mechanics 1911 Longmans, Greeen, and Co with Numerous Examples for the use of schools and colleges 9 + 245 text
Alfred Robb
QUB graduate Optical Geometry of Motion, a New View of the Theory of Relativity 1911 Heffer & Sons 4 + 32 Text
Edgar H. Harper (with Allan Ferguson)
TCD graduate and UCC staff Aerial Locomotion 1912 Cambridge 12 + 164 text
George William Parker
TCD graduate and staff Elements of Hydrostatics 1912 Longmans, Greeen, and Co with Numerous Examples for the use of schools and colleges 8 + 150 text
Patrick J. Browne Royal Univ of Ireland graduate and future St. Patrick's Maynooth staff Sur un problème d'inversion posé par Abel, et sur ses généralisations 1913 Gauthier-Villars Thesis Analysis 146 Link
Francis A. Tarleton TCD graduate and staff An Introduction to the Mathematical Theory of Attraction, Vol. II 1913 Longmans, Green, and Co. 220
Seaghán Mac hEnrigh
Algébar 1 1913 Connradh na Gaeilge 105 Web
John Perry
QUB graduate Elementary Practical Mathematics 1913 Macmillan and Company, Limited With numerous exercises for the use of students and especially of mechanical and electrical engineering students 14 + 336
Alfred Robb
QUB graduate A Theory of Time and Space 1914 Cambridge 6 + 373 Text
Arthur Conway
UCD graduate and staff Relativity 1915 G. Bell & Sons (Edinburgh Mathematical Tracts No. 3) 43 Text
George William Parker
TCD graduate and staff Elements of Optics 1915 Longmans, Greeen, and Co for the use of schools and colleges 4 + 122 text
Francis W. Harvey
QUB graduate Everyman's Mathematics 1920 Methuen 138 Review
Alfred Robb
QUB graduate The Absolute Relations of Time and Space 1921 Cambridge 10 + 80 Text
Francis D. Murnaghan UCD graduate Vector Analysis and the Theory of Relativity 1922 Johns Hopkins Press Maths Physics 138 AMS
Seoirse Mac Niocaill
Uimhrigheacht 1922 ? 93
Seoirse Mac Niocaill
TCD graduate Céimseata 1922 ? 463
James Rice
QUB graduate Relativity: A Systematic Treatment of Einstein's Theory 1923 Longman Green 397
Eoghan Ó Neachtain
Tús na Céimseatan - Leabhar a hAon 1923 Connradh na Gaeilge ? Web
Seoirse Mac Niocaill
TCD graduate Algébar 1923 Brun agus Nualain 4 + 222
E. T. Whittaker & G. Robinson TCD staff (former) The Calculus of Observations: A Treatise on Numerical Mathematics 1924 16 + 395 LMS AMS text
J. G. Leathem
QUB graduate Elements of the Mathematical Theory of Limits 1925 G. Bell and Sons 8 + 288 Text
John Edward Campbell
(with E. B. Elliott)

QUB graduate A Course of Differential Geometry 1926 Clarendon/Oxford Monograph 15 + 261 AMS Preface
Marjorie J. Long (trans)
UCG graduate Absolute Differential Calculus 1927 Blackie & Son Relativity translation of Lezioni di calcolo differenziale assoluto (Alberto Stock Editore, 1925) by Tullio Levi-Civita, ed by Enrico Persico 452 Link
James Rice
QUB graduate Relativity: An Exposition without Mathematics 1927 Ernest Benn Undergraduate 78 Nature
Henry Francis Biggs
TCD graduate Wave Mechanics: An Introductory Sketch 1927 Oxford () 77 Review
Arthur Lyon Bowley
F. Y. Edgeworth's Contributions to Mathematical Statistics 1928 Royal Statistitical Society 7+ 139
James Rice
QUB graduate An Introduction to Physical Science 1928 Ernest Benn Undergraduate 79
Joseph Larmor QUB graduate and Queen's College, Galway staff (former) Mathematical and Physical Papers Vol 1 1929 Cambridge T Physics 12 + 679 AMS
Joseph Larmor QUB graduate and Queen's College, Galway staff (former) Mathematical and Physical Papers Vol 2 1929 Cambridge T Physics 32 + 831 AMS
Herbert Tate
TCD graduate Interest, Annuities and Bonds 1929 Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons 103 Review
1929 Murnaghan Francis D. Murnaghan
(with Joseph Sweetman Ames)
UCD graduate Theoretical Mechanics: an Introduction to Mathematical Physics 1929 Ginn Maths Physics 462 Dover 1958
Karl George Emeléus
QUB staff The Conduction of Electricity through Gases 1929 Methuen (Monographs on physical subjects series) Monograph 99 revised 1936 and (with J A Hornbeck) 1951
James Rice
QUB graduate Introduction to Statistical Mechanics for Students of Physics and Physical Chemistry 1930 Constable Undergraduate Statistical mechanics 333
Albert Joseph McConnell TCD graduate and staff Applications of the Absolute Differential Calculus 1931 Blackie & Son 318 Dover 1947 (as Applications of Tensor Analysis)
1931 Synge Arthur W. Conway & John L. Synge (eds) UCD graduate and staff & TCD graduate and future DIAS staff The Mathematical Papers of Sir William Rowan Hamilton: Volume 1, Geometrical Optics 1931 Cambridge 28 + 534
Seoirse Mac Niocaill
TCD graduate Algébar II (Cuid 2) 1931 An Gum 6+ 461
John Henry Lawlor (edit of 1920 book by Philip Boswood Ballard)
TCD graduate Fundamental Arithmetic 1931 80 pages?
Francis D. Murnaghan
(with Harry Bateman & Hugh Dryden)
UCD graduate Hydrodynamics 1932 National Research Council Maths Physics 634 Dover 1956
Henry Francis Biggs
TCD graduate The Electromagnetic Field 1934 Clarendon Press 154
Seoirse Mac Niocaill
TCD graduate An Chéad Chéim san Ailgéabar 1935 ? ??
Alfred Robb
QUB graduate Geometry Of Time And Space 1936 Cambridge 8 + 408 Text
Thomas Bernard Vinycomb (with Edward Mallett)
Queen's Belfast graduate Foundations Of Technical Electricity 1936 10 editions up to 1944
Joseph Larmor (ed) QUB graduate and Queen's College, Galway staff (former) Origins of Clerk Maxwell's Electric Ideas as Described in Familiar Letters to William Thomson 1937 Cambridge T Physics 56 AMS
Herbert Tate
TCD graduate Elements of the Mathematical Theory of Interest 1937 Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons 131 2nd ed has 4 new chapters
1937 Synge John L. Synge TCD graduate and future DIAS staff Geometrical Optics: An Introduction to Hamilton's Method 1937 Cambridge 9 + 110 AMS
W. R. Westropp Roberts
TCD graduate Elliptic and Hyperelliptic Integrals and Allied Theory 1938 Cambridge 8 + 311
Alfred O'Rahilly
UCD graduate and UCC staff Electromagnetics 1938 Longmans, Green and Company (and Cork University Press?) 11 + 884? As "Electromagnetics, A Discussion of Fundamentals" (1948), and as "Electromagnetic theory, a critical examination of fundamentals" Dover (1965)
Francis D. Murnaghan UCD graduate The Theory of Group Representations 1938 Johns Hopkins Press? Algebra 384 Dover 1958
Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey
QUB staff Negative Ions 1938 Cambridge Monograph Physics 105 Science 2nd ed (136 pages) 1950, 3rd ed (759 pages) 1976
Thomas Bernard Vinycomb
Queen's Belfast graduate Electricity To-Day 1939 Oxford 192 12 editions up to 1957 (some rev by F. J. M. Laver)
Seoirse Mac Niocaill
TCD graduate Céimseata Chomhordnaidhtheach 1939 Oifig an tSolathair BAC (clodoiri Cathail BAC) 5 + 463
Arthur W. Conway & A. J. McConnell (eds) UCD graduate and staff & TCD graduate and staff The Mathematical Papers of Sir William Rowan Hamilton: Volume 2, Dynamics 1940 Cambridge 5 + 656 Nature
Robert William Greene (posthumous, with Henry George Forder)
Dublin born The Calculus of Extension 1941 16 + 490
1942 Synge John L. Synge TCD graduate and future DIAS staff Geometrical Mechanics and de Broglie Waves 1942 Cambridge 167 AMS
John L. Synge
(with Byron A. Griffith)
TCD graduate and future DIAS staff Principles of Mechanics 1942 McGraw Hill 12 + 514 AMS 2nd ed 1949
William H. McCrea
Analytical Geometry of Three Dimensions 1942 Oliver and Boyd Ltd 7 + 144
P. A. M. Dirac Quantum Electrodynamics 1943 DIAS (Communications of the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 1, Series A) ? rep 1960
A. S. Eddington 1943 DIAS (Communications of the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 2, Series A) ? rep 1960
Walter Heitler DIAS staff Elementary Wave Mechanics: Introductory Course of Lectures 1943 ? Notes taken and prepared by W. S. E. Hickson 202 2nd ed, 1945; revised as "Elementary Wave Mechanics With Applications to Quantum Chemistry," Oxford, 1956. Translated into French, Italian, and German
Erwin Schrödinger DIAS staff What Is Life? 1944 Cambridge General Thermodynamics & biology 194 Web
Herbert Tate
TCD graduate Elementary Mathematical Analysis 1946 Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons 299
P. A. M. Dirac The Combination of Relativity Theory and Quantum Theoryelectrodynamics 1946 DIAS (Communications of the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 3, Series A) ? rep 1968
Herbert Tate
TCD graduate Mathematical Theory of Interest 1947 113
L. Jánossy Cosmic Rays 1947 DIAS (Communications of the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 4, Series A) ?
Máirtín Ó Tnúthail UCG graduate and staff Algébar Iolscoile 1947 Oifig an tSolathair Undergraduate 8 + 135 Determinants, vectors, matrices, algebraic equations to the solution of cubic and biquadratic equations
Francis D. Murnaghan UCD graduate Differential and Integral Calculus, Functions of One Variable 1947 Remsen Undergraduate ("Used for the past four years in mimeographed form at Johns Hopkins") Calculus 10 + 502
Francis D. Murnaghan UCD graduate Introduction to Applied Mathematics 1948 Wiley (Applied Mathematics Series) Postgraduate Applied mathematics 9 + 389 Dover 1963
1949 Synge John L. Synge
(with Alfred Schild)
TCD graduate and DIAS staff Tensor Calculus 1949 U Toronto Press (Mathematical Expositions) 12 + 324 AMS Dover 1978
C. Møller On the Definition of the Centre of Gravity of an Arbitrary Closed System in the Theory of Relativity 1949 DIAS (Communications of the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 5, Series A) ?
1949 Semple J. G. Semple (with L. Roth) 978-0198533634
QUB graduate and staff (former) Introduction to Algebraic Geometry 1949 Clarendon/Oxford 480 MR814690 paperback 1985
E. T. Whittaker TCD staff (former) From Euclid to Eddington, A Study of Conceptions of the External World 1949 Tarner Lectures, 1947 16? + 212 Dover, 1958
Michéal de Paor & Máirtín Ó Tnúthail UCD graduate and UCG staff & UCG graduate and staff Nótaí ar mhion-áireamh 1951? Gaillimh : Coláiste na hIolsgoile Undergraduate Calculus 159 NLI
Erwin Schrödinger Studies in the Non-Symmetric Generalization of the Theory of Gravitation, I 1951 DIAS (Communications of the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 6, Series A) ? rep 1968
Jan J Łukasiewicz
Aristotle's Syllogistic from the Standpoint of Modern Formal Logic 1951 Clarendon 11 + 141 (2nd ed 1957, 222 pages)
H. Messel On the Theory of a Nucleon Cascade 1951 DIAS (Communications of the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 7, Series A) ?
Erwin Schrödinger (with Otto Hittmair) Studies in the Generalized Theory of Gravitation, II: The Velocity of Light 1951 DIAS (Communications of the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 8, Series A) ? rep 1968
Stephen O'Brien & J.L. Synge UCD graduate and TCD graduate Jump Conditions at Discontinuities in General Relativity 1952 DIAS (Communications of the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 9, Series A) ? rep 1968?
Francis D. Murnaghan UCD graduate Finite Deformation of an Elastic Solid 1951 John Wiley Maths Physics 6 + 140 Science 2 Dover 1967
John L. Synge TCD graduate and DIAS staff Science: Sense and Nonsense 1951 Norton / Jonathan Cape 156
Erwin Schrödinger Science and Humanism 1952 Cambridge ?
J. G. Semple and G. T. Kneebone 978-0198503637
QUB graduate and staff (former) Algebraic Projective Geometry 1952 Oxford 412 reissued in Oxford Classic Texts in the Physical Sciences series, 1998
George Boole Queen's College, Cork staff Studies in Logic and Probability 1952 Watts & Co. 512 Dover 2012 Text
George Dixon Rochster Papers read at Cosmic Ray Colloquium September 1951 1952 DIAS (Communications of the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 10, Series A) 195
James McConnell (ed)
UCD graduate and Maynooth staff Selected Papers of Arthur William Conway 1953 DIAS 11 + 252
Barry Spain
TCD graduate and staff Tensor Calculus--A concise Course 1953 Oliver & Boyd Ltd Undergraduate 10 + 125 2nd ed 1957; revised 3rd ed (10 + 132? pages) 1960, also Dover 2003
Francis D. Murnaghan UCD graduate Algebra elementar e trigonometria 1954 Companhia Editora Nacional Algebra and trigonometry 331
Francis D. Murnaghan UCD graduate Cálculo avançado 1954 Centro Técnico de Aeronáutica Calculus 476?
J.R. Pounder On Relativistically Rigid Surfaces of Revolution 1954 DIAS (Communications of the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 11, Series A) ?
A. M. MacBeath (with P. T. Bateman, Hans Radstrom, Olaf Hanner, C. A. Rogers, B. J. Pettis & V. L. Klee)
QUB graduate Seminar of Convex Sets 1954 IAS Princeton Seminar 1949-1950 88
John L. Synge TCD graduate and DIAS staff Relativity: The Special Theory 1956 North-Holland 15 + 450 AMS Elsevier 1980
Francis D. Murnaghan UCD graduate Equações diferenciais 1956 Centro Técnico de Aeronáutica DE 401
Maurice Jaswon
TCD graduate The Theory of Cohesion 1954 Pergamon 245
J.L. Synge TCD graduate and staff Geometrical Optics in Moving Dispersive Media 1956 DIAS (Communications of the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 12, Series A) ?
Cornelius Lanczos DIAS staff Applied Analysis 1956 Postgraduate 576 Dover, 2010
Francis D. Murnaghan UCD graduate Analytical Geometry 1956 Prentice-Hall 402
John L. Synge TCD graduate and DIAS staff The Relativistic Gas 1957 New Holland 108
John L. Synge TCD graduate and DIAS staff The Hypercircle in Mathematical Physics 1957 Cambridge 12 + 424 AMS
John L. Synge TCD graduate and DIAS staff Kandelman's Krim: A Realistic Fantasy 1957 Jonathan Cape Reflection & fiction 175 Review
Barry Spain
TCD graduate and staff Analytical Conics 1957 Pergamon Press Geometry Undergraduate 10 + 150? Dover 2007
James McConnell
UCD graduate and Maynooth staff Quantum Particle Dynamics 1958 North-Holland (Series in Physics) 11 + 252
Micheál de Paor & Máirtín Ó Tnúthail UCD graduate and UCG staff & UCG graduate and staff Nótaí ar Mhion-Aireamh 1959 Oifig an tSolathair Secondary 177
James Hamilton
QUB graduate and DIAS staff The Theory of Elementary Particles 1959 Clarendon/Oxford (Monographs on Physics) Monograph Physics 482
Francis D. Murnaghan UCD graduate and DIAS lecturer The Orthogonal and Symplectic Groups 1959 DIAS (Communications of the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 13, Series A) Lectures given at DIAS (1957) Algebra 146
J. G. Semple (with G. T. Kneebone) QUB graduate and staff (former) Algebraic Curves 1959 Oxford 361
Maurice Jaswon
TCD graduate Studies in Crystal Physics 1959 Butterworths 42
A P Kearney
An Introduction to Sets 1960 Educational Co of Ireland 120
John L. Synge TCD graduate and DIAS staff Relativity: The General Theory 1960 North-Holland 505 + 15 AMS
Barry Spain
TCD graduate and former TCD staff Analytical Quadrics 1960 Pergamon Press (Student Editions) Undergraduate 134?
Cornelius Lanczos DIAS staff Linear Differential Operators 1961 Van Nostrand 582 Martino Fine Books, 2012
P.S. Florides & J.L. Synge TCD staff & TCD graduate and staff Notes on the Schwarzschild Line-Element 1961 DIAS (Communications of the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 14, Series A) ?
Francis D. Murnaghan UCD graduate The Laplace Transformation: Lectures on Applied Mathematics, Vol 1 1962 Spartan Books based on lectures, given in 1959 at the Applied Mathematics Laboratory of the David Taylor Model Basin Applied Maths 172
Francis D. Murnaghan UCD graduate The Calculus of Variations: Lectures on Applied Mathematics, Vol 2 1962 Spartan Books based on lectures, given in the spring of 1960 at the Applied Mathematics Laboratory of the David Taylor Model Basin Applied Maths 174
W. S. Gosset
Guinness statistician Letters from W. S. Gosset to R. A. Fisher 1915-1936 1962 or 1962? private summaries by R. A. Fisher, with a foreword by L. McMullen ? + 193
John Acheson Faris
QUB staff Truth-Functional Logic 1962 Routledge & Kegan Paul (Monographs in modern logic) Monograph Logic 122
Francis D. Murnaghan UCD graduate The Unitary and Rotation Groups: Lectures on Applied Mathematics, Vol 3 1962 Spartan Books based on lectures, given at the Applied Mathematics Laboratory of the David Taylor Model Basin Applied Maths 10 + 151
George Garfield Hall
QUB graduate Matrices and Tensors 1963 Pergamon Press (Encyclopedia of Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics, Topic 1, Vol 4) Undergraduate 13 + 93
F J Holland
Mathematical Sets 1963 Browne & Nolan 61
Ralph Henstock QUB staff Theory of Integration 1963 Butterworths Undergraduate Analysis 168 MR0158047
Richard Ingram (with Maurice Kennedy, S O'Brien, James Timoney)
Modern Mathematics for Teachers 1963 Browne & Nolan 93 Review
1963 Todd John Todd QUB graduate and staff (former) Introduction to the Constructive Theory of Functions 1963 Academic Press 127 Review
Francis D. Murnaghan
(with John W. Wrench)
UCD graduate The Converging Factor for the Exponential Integral 1963 ? 103
J.L. Synge TCD graduate and staff The Petrov Classification of Gravitational Fields 1964 DIAS (Communications of the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 15, Series A) ?
Lochlainn O'Raifeartaigh UCD graduate and DIAS staff Lectures on Local Lie Groups and Their Representations 1964 Madras Institute for Mathematical Science (Report No. 25) A series of 24 lectures delivered at the Institute M. Physics 239
M. R. C. McDowell (ed)
QUB graduate Atomic Collision Processes 1964 North Holland Proceedings of the Third International Conference on the Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions, University College, London, 22-26 July, 1963 1165
James McConnell
UCD graduate and Maynooth staff Introduction to the Group Theory of Elementary Particles 1965 DIAS (Communications of the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 16, Theoretical physics, Series A) Monograph 111
Patrick Heelan
UCD graduate and staff Quantum Mechanics and Objectivity: a Study of the Physical Philosophy of Werner Heisenberg 1965 Martinus Nijhoff 207
Frederick J. Holland
UCD gratduate An Introduction to Co-ordinate Geometry, Limits and Differential Calculus 1965 Brown & Nolan ?
A. M. MacBeath
QUB graduate Fuchsian Groups 1965 ? 154
L. Ó Conghaile
Modern Mathematics for Schools 1965 Fallons 313
John Acheson Faris
QUB staff Quantification Theory 1964 Routledge & Kegan Paul (Monographs in modern logic) Monograph Logic 147
Maurice Jaswon
TCD graduate An Introduction to Mathematical Crystallography 1965 American Elsevier 11 + 125
George Garfield Hall
QUB graduate Applied Group Theory 1965 Longman (Mathematical Physics) Postgraduate 7 + 128 Also published in Hungarian
John Herivel QUB staff The Background to Newton's Principia: A Study of Newton's Dynamical Researches in the Years 1664-84 1965 Clarendon/Oxford General Biography / History 337
Cornelius Lanczos DIAS staff Albert Einstein and the Cosmic World Order 1965 or 6 Interscience Postgraduate 139 Six lectures delivered at the University of Michigan in the Spring of 1962
Francis D. Murnaghan UCD graduate Evaluation of the Probability Integral to High Precision 1965 ? A report for Dept of the Navy 128
A. M. MacBeath
QUB graduate Elementary Vector Algebra 1966 Oxford 137 2nd ed 1970
1966 Taylor S. J. Taylor
(with J. F. C. Kingman)
QUB graduate Introduction to Measure and Probability 1966 Cambridge 15 + 401 Chapters 1-9 appeared as 276-page paperback "Introduction to Measure and Integration" (1973)
John Acheson Faris
QUB staff The Paradoxes of Zeno 1966 Routledge & Kegan Paul 136 Dover
Derek Burgess QUB staff Analytical Topology 1966 Van Nostrad Undergraduate Topology 14 + 180 MR0220239
Cornelius Lanczos DIAS staff Discourse on Fourier Series 1966 Oliver & Boyd 267
B. L. Moiseiwitsch QUB staff Variational Principles 1966 Wiley Interscience Undergraduate 320? Dover 2004
Ralph Henstock QUB staff (former) Linear Analysis 1967 Butterworths Monograph Analysis 441 MR0419707
Ralph Cooper QUB staff Functions of Real Variables: A Course of Advanced Calculus 1966 Van Nostrand (New University Mathematics Series) 228 MR0204577
C. Ryan Aspects of the Current Algebra Approach 1967 DIAS (Communications of the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 17, Series A) ?
Richard E. Ingram
(with H. Halberstam)
UCD graduate and staff The Mathematical Papers of Sir William Rowan Hamilton: Volume 3, Algebra 1967 Cambridge 24 + 672 Science
Dermott Julian McCrea UCG graduate and later UCD staff Gravitational Radiation 1968 DIAS (Communications of the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 18, Series A) ?
Cornelius Lanczos DIAS staff Numbers Without End 1968 Oliver & Boyd Postgraduate 174
1968 Simms David J. Simms TCD graduate and staff Lie Groups and Quantum Mechanics 1968 Springer
(Lecture Notes in Mathematics 52)
? Theoretical Physics 93
Johnston Andrew Anderson, Johnston
QUB graduate Real Analysis 1969 Elek Scientific (or Gordon & Breach?) 345
Patrick D. Barry (ed) George Boole; a Miscellany 1969 Cork University Press General 78
TJM Boyd (& J. Sanderson) 978-017616113
QUB graduate Plasma Dynamics 1969 Nelson 6 + 348 Russian edition "Dynamika Plazmy" (Academiya Nauk, circa 1974), revised and expanded Chinese edition (Academica Sinica, 10 + 408 pages, 1977)
Barry Spain
TCD graduate and former TCD staff Ordinary Differential Equations 1969 Van Nostrand Reinhold (The New University Mathematics Series) Undergraduate 142
M. R. C. McDowell (ed, with Earl W. Bransden)
QUB graduate Case Studies in Atomic Collision Physics I 1969 North Holland 593
M. R. C. McDowell (with John P. Coleman)
QUB graduate An Introduction to the Theory of Ion-Atom Collisions 1969 North Holland ?
1969 Takahashi Yasushi Takahashi
DIAS staff An Introduction to Field Quantization 1969 Pergamon Press (International series of monographs in natural philosophy) 310
1969 Ryan Ciaran P. Ryan
(with Robert Eugene Marshak & Riazuddin)

Maynooth & UCD/DIAS grad, UCD staff Theory of Weak Interactions in Particle Physics 1969 Wiley-Interscience (Monographs and Texts in Physics and Astronomy Voume 24) Monograph Theoretical physics 16 + 761
Trevor Weekes
UCD graduate High Energy Astrophysics 1969 Chapman & Hall Monograph Astronomy 12 + 209
T. D. Spearman (with A. D. Martin)
TCD graduate and staff Elementary Particle Theory 1970 North Holland 16 + 528 Review
Philip McShane 978-0268004361
UCD graduate Randomness, Statistics and Emergence 1970 Univ of Notre Dame Press 268
Cornelius Lanczos DIAS staff (former) Space Through the Ages: The Evolution of Geometrical Ideas from Pythagoras to Hilbert and Einstein 1970 Academic Press 320
Karl George Emeléus (ed, with G. A. Woolsey)
QUB staff Discharges in Electronegative Gases 1970 Taylor and Francis 162
Barry Spain (& Michael Gambier Smith)
TCD graduate and former TCD staff Functions of Mathematical Physics 1970 Van Nostrand Reinhold Undergraduate 208
W. Israel Differential Forms in General Relativity 1970 DIAS (Communications of the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 19, Series A) ? 2nd ed 1979 (Communications of DIAS 26)
A. M. Arthurs QUB graduate Complementary Variational Principles 1970 Clarendon/Oxford Monograph 100 2nd ed, 154 pages, 1980
Samuel James Taylor 978-0602213855
QUB graduate Exploring Mathematical Thought 1970 Ginn 8 + 183
Ivor J. Maddox QUB staff Elements of Functional Analysis 1970 Cambridge Undergraduate Functional Anal 208 MR0390692 2nd ed 1989, 256 pages
John L. Synge TCD graduate and DIAS staff Talking About Relativity 1970 North-Holland 324 Dover 1978
M. R. C. McDowell (ed, with Earl Wadsworth McDaniel)
QUB graduate Case Studies in Atomic Collision Physics II 1970 North Holland 649
Hugh Terence Combe
QUB graduate Sets and Symbolic Logic 1970 Ginn 93
Gerard Beggan
Thinking Through Mathematics: junior standards part 1 1970 Fallons 93
Gerard Beggan
Thinking Through Mathematics: middle standards part 1 1970 Fallons 108
Gerard Beggan
Thinking Through Mathematics: middle standards part 2 1970 Fallons 144
Hugh Terence Combe
QUB graduate Relations and Functions 1971 Ginn 93
Hugh Terence Combe
QUB graduate Mathematical Structures 1971 Ginn 93
Timothy M. Cronin (with Stephen Barnett)
Mathematical Topics for Engineering and Science Students 1971 Bradford University Press (Mathematical Topics for Engineering and Science Students) 8 + 74 2nd ed 1975, 4th ed (96 pages, 1986)
James McConnell Weight Diagrams 1971 DIAS (Communications of the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 20, Series A) ?
Gerard Beggan
Thinking Through Mathematics: junior standards part 1 1971 Fallons 88
Gerard Beggan
Thinking Through Mathematics: senior standards part one 1971 Fallons 128
B. K. P. Scaife
TCD staff Complex Permittivity 1971 Hodder & Stoughton (Science and Technology Series) 176
James Hindley (with Bruce Lercher & Jonathan P. Seldin)
QUB graduate Introduction to Combinatory Logic 1972 Cambridge LMS Lecture Note Series 7 170
James Hamilton
(with B. Tromborg)

QUB graduate and DIAS staff Partial Wave Amplitudes and Resonance Poles 1972 Oxford (Mathematical Monographs) Monograph Physics 8 + 146
1972 O'Raifeartaigh Lochlainn O'Raifeartaigh (ed) UCD graduate and DIAS staff General Relativity; Papers in Honour of J. L. Synge 1972 Clarendon/Oxford Theoretical Physics 277
J.L. Synge Quaternions, Lorentz Transformations and the Conway-Dirac-Eddington Matrices 1972 DIAS (Communications of the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 21, Series A) ?
Gerard Beggan
Thinking Through Mathematics: senior standards part 2 1972 Fallons 128
David Abraham Franklin (David, with G. B. Newman)
TCD graduate A Guide to Medical Mathematics 1972 Blackwell Scientific 12 + 453
Percival D. McCormack and Lawrence Crane 978-0124822504
TCD graduate and TCD staff Physical Fluid Dynamics 1973 Academic Press 23 + 487
John J. H. Miller (ed) TCD graduate and staff Topics in Numerical Analysis 1973 Academic Press Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy Conference on Numerical Analysis, 1972 Numerical / DE 6 + 348
Gearoid de Barra 978-0442020293
UCD graduate Introduction to Measure Theory 1974 Van Nostrand Reinhold 9 + 287
Trevor West (with T. T. Kaashoek)
TCD graduate and staff Locally Compact Semi-Algebras--with applications to spectral theory of positive operators 1974 North Holland 102
Samuel James Taylor
QUB graduate Introduction to Measure and Integration 1973 Cambridge Undergraduate 276 Chapters 1-9 of "Introduction to Measure and Probability" (1966)
M. R. C. McDowell (ed, with Earl Wadsworth McDaniel)
QUB graduate Case Studies in Atomic Collision Physics 3 1974 North Holland 430
B. K. P. Scaife 978-0126211504
TCD staff Studies in Numerical Analysis 1974 Academic Press (for RIA) Papers in Honour of Cornelius Lanczos 22 + 333
Derek McNally QUB graduate Positional Astronomy 1974 John Wiley & Sons Postgraduate Astronomy 378?
1974 McDonough T. P. McDonough (ed, with V. C. Mavron) 978-0521204545
UCG graduate Combinatorics 1974 Cambridge (LMS Lecture Note Series 13) Proceedings of the British Combinatorial Conference 1973, University College of Wales Aberystwyth, 2-6 July 1973 212
Alan C. Newell, Alan TCD graduate Nonlinear Wave Motion 1974 AMS
(Lectures in Applied Mathematics)
Editor 229
Terence Hugh Jackson 0710079982
QUB graduate Number Theory 1975 Routledge & Kegan Paul (Library of Mathematics) 7 + 88 Review
Lochlainn O'Raifeartaigh UCD graduate and DIAS staff Lecture Notes on Supersymmetry 1975 DIAS (Communications of the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 22, Series A) M. Physics 77
John J. H. Miller (ed)
TCD graduate and staff Topics in Numerical Analysis II 1975 Academic Press Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy Conference on Numerical Analysis held at University College Dublin from 29th July to 2nd August, 1974 Numerical / DE 12? + 280
1975 Herivel John Herivel QUB staff Joseph Fourier: The Man and the Physicist 1975 Oxford Biography / History General 350 Phy Today
W.G. Sullivan UCD staff Markov Processes for Random Fields 1975 DIAS (Communications of the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 23, Series A) ?
M. R. C. McDowell (ed, with Earl Wadsworth McDaniel)
QUB graduate Case Studies in Atomic Collision Physics 4 1975 North Holland 466
A. M. Arthurs QUB graduate Functional Integration and its Applications 1975 Clarendon/Oxford Prodceedings of the International Conference, Cumberland Lodge Windsor Great Park, London, April 1974 195
Sam Lilley
Guide to S100 Mathematics: MAFs for Beginners 1976 Oxford for Open University foundation course +
Trevor West (ed)
TCD graduate and staff Symposium on Harmonic Analysis and Topological Algebras 1976 Proceedings of Royal Irish Academy (Section A, Vol 76, 21-33) Proceedings of symposium, Trinity College Dublin, December 16-19, 1975 125?
Johnston Andrew Anderson, Johnston (ed)
QUB graduate Adapting university mathematics to current and future educational need 1976 proceedings of the conference at the University of Nottingham, 14th-17th December, 1975 98
M. R. C. McDowell (ed, with Hans Kleinpoppen)
QUB graduate Electron and Photon Interactions with Atoms 1976 Kluwer/Plenum Festschrift for Professor Ugo Fano 682 Springer (2013)
Timothy M. Cronin
UCC graduate Elementary Calculus 1976 Bradford University Press 206
1976 Kennedy Patrick B. Kennedy (with Walter Kurt Hayman)
UCC graduate & staff (deceased) Subharmonic Functions, Vol. 1 1976 Academic Press (LMS Monographs 9) 17 + 284 MR 0460672>
noimage Hoon-Heng H. Teh
(with S. C. Shee)

QUB graduate Algebraic theory of graphs 1976 Lee Kong Chian Institute 6 + 168 MR0434872
Philip J. Boland 84 7191 010 1 UCD staff Holomorphic Functions on Nuclear Spaces 1976 Publicationes del Departamento de Analisis Matematico, Universidad: de Santiago de Compostela, Série B, no. 16 Monograph 61
B. L. Moiseiwitsch
& P. G. Burke (eds)
QUB staff & QUB staff Atomic Processes and Application 1976 North Holland (In Honour of David R. Bates' 60th Birthday) 533
P. G. Burke 978-1461341147
QUB staff Potential Scattering in Atomic Physics 1977 Plenum 138 text
Alan Jennings QUB staff Matrix Computation for Engineers and Scientists 1977 Wiley-Interscience Undergraduate Matrices 330 MR0471244 Wiley-Blackwell, 346 pages, 1980; as "Matrix Computation" with J J McKeown, 17 + 427 pages, 1992, MR1199109
D.E. Evans & J.T. Lewis Dilations of Irreversible Evolutions in Algebraic Quantum Theory 1977 DIAS (Communications of the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 24, Series A) ?
M. P. J. Curran (ed) UCG graduate and staff Topics in Group Theory and Computation 1977 Academic Press Proceedings of a Summer School Held at University College, Galway, Under the Auspices of the Royal Irish Academy from 16th to 21st August, 1973 8 + 118
John J. H. Miller TCD graduate and staff Topics in Numerical Analysis III (No. 3) 1977 Academic Press Numerical / DE 491
TJM Boyd (& J. Sanderson)
QUB graduate Plasma Dynamics 1977 Academica Sinica Revised and expanded Chinese edition of 1977 book 10 + 408
Ivor J. Maddox QUB staff Introductory Mathematical Analysis 1977 Institute of Physics Undergraduate Anal 339 MR0492104 Arabic edition "Maǧmaʻ al-Luġa al-ʻArabīya al-Urdunnī" 1984, 628 pages
Colm A. O'Muircheartaigh
(with Clive Payne)
UCD graduate Analysis of Survey Data Volume 1: Exploring Data Structures 1977 John Wiley 290
Colm A. O'Muircheartaigh
(with Clive Payne)
UCD graduate Analysis of Survey Data Volume 2: Model Fitting 1977 John Wiley 272
1977 Moiseiwitsch B. L. Moiseiwitsch QUB staff Integral Equations 1977 Longman or Prentice Hall Postgrad? Integral equations 176 Dover 2005
John Todd QUB graduate and staff (former) Basic Numerical Mathematics Vol 1 Numerical Analysis 1977 Academic Press Numerical methods 253
John Todd QUB graduate and staff (former) Basic Numerical Mathematics Vol 2 Numerical Algebra 1977 Academic Press Numerical methods 216
David J. Simms
(with N. M. J. Woodhouse)
TCD graduate and staff Lectures on Geometric Quantization 1977 Springer (Lecture Notes in Physics 53) ? Th Physics 169
Desmond F. Sheahan (and Robert A. Johnson), eds 0471032379
Modern Crystal & Mechanical Filters 1977 Wiley / IEEE 456
Maurice Jaswon (with G.T. Symm)
Integral Equation Methods in Potential Theory and Elastostatics 1977 Academic Press 14 + 287
Joseph L. Smyrl QUB graduate Introduction to University Mathematics 1978 Hodder & Stoughton 760 review
J.H. Rawnsley Differential Geometry of Instantons 1978 DIAS (Communications of the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 25, Series A) ?
Charles Nash TCD graduate and Maynooth staff Relativistic Quantum Fields 1978 Academic Press Theoretical physics 238 Dover edition
1978 Dineen Seán Dineen
(ed, with R. M. Aron)
UCC graduate and UCD staff Vector Space Measures and Applications I 1978 Springer (Lecture Notes in Mathematics 644) Proceeding (TCD Jun-Jul 1977) Analysis 918
Seán Dineen
(ed, with R. M. Aron)
UCC graduate and UCD staff Vector Space Measures and Applications II 1978 Springer (Lecture Notes in Mathematics 645) Proceeding (TCD Jun-Jul 1977) Analysis 222
TJM Boyd (& C. A. Coulson) 0582442818
QUB graduate Electricity 1979 Longmans 8 + 392
1979 McClean Sally I. McClean
(with David J. Bartholomew & Andrew F. Forbes)
UU staff Statistical Techniques for Manpower Planning 1979 John Wiley & Sons Statistics 288 2nd ed 1991
Thomas M. O'Donovan 978-0471276142
UCC and TCD graduate and UCC staff General Purpose Simulation System: Simulation Made Simple 1979 Wiley-Blackwell Wiley Series in Computing 140
William McMullan Hawthorne (with Adedoto O. Kalejaiye)
Nation-wide Primary Mathematics 1979 Evans Brothers Teacher's book Volume 3 112
Cyril Walsh 978 0177511561
Applied Mathematics: Advanced Level (Worked Examples) 1979 Celtic Revision Aids ?
Cyril Walsh 9780177511561
Pure Mathematics: Advanced Level (Worked Examples) 1979? Celtic Revision Aids ?
James McConnell 978-0124818507
UCD graduate and Maynooth staff Rotational Brownian Motion and Dielectric Theory 1980 Academic Press 300
John J. H. Miller (ed) 0963167812 TCD graduate and staff BAIL I 1980 Boole Press Proceedings of the First International Conference on Boundary and Interior Layers, Computational and Asymptotic Methods, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, 3-6 June, 1980 Numerical 12 + 425
George Gettinby
(with George Eason & Christopher W. Coles)
QUB & Coleraine graduate Mathematics and Statistics for the Bio-sciences 1980 Ellis Horwood 578
Thomas L. Hankins 978-0801822032
Biographer Sir William Rowan Hamilton 1980 Johns Hopkins University Press Biography 496
Ivor J. Maddox QUB staff Infinite Matrices of Operators 1980 Springer (Lecture Notes in Mathematics 786) Monograph Functional Anal 122 MR0568707
John J. H. Miller & Edward P. Doolan (with W.H.A. Schilders) 978-0906783023
TCD graduate and staff & TCD graduate Uniform Numerical Methods for Problems with Initial and Boundary Layers 1980 Boole Press Monograph Numerical 16 + 324
Sam Lilley
QUB graduate Discovering Relativity for Yourself 1981 Cambridge 11 + 425 text Russian edition
Gearoid de Barra
UCD graduate Measure Theory and Integration 1981 Horwood Publications 239 Italian ed; 2nd ed (2013, 248 pages)
Joyce M. Alexander (with Thomas L. Saaty) 978-0080264752
QUB graduate Thinking with Models: Mathematical Models in the Physical, Biological and Social Sciences 1981 Pergamon (International series in modern applied mathematics and computer science) 11 + 181
John J. H. Miller & Brendan Browne (eds) TCD graduate and staff & UCD graduate and Kevin St staff
NASECODE I Proceedings 1981 Boole Press Papers presented at NASECODE I, the First International Conference on the Numerical Analysis of Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits, Dublin 1979 12 + 303
John J. H. Miller (ed) TCD graduate and staff
NASECODE II Proceedings 1981 Boole Press Papers presented at NASECODE II, the Second International Conference on the Numerical Analysis of Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits, TCD, Dublin, 1981 12 + 288
Wim Crans (ed) Irish published 978-0906783047
An Introduction to the Numerical Analysis of Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits 1981 Boole Press Lecture Notes of a Short Course held in association with the NASECODE II Conference, TCD, Dublin, 1981 83
Seán Dineen 978-0444557421
UCC graduate and UCD staff Complex Analysis in Locally Convex Spaces 1981 North-Holland (Mathematical Studies 57) Monograph Analysis 543
James Caldwell 978-0950699417
QUB graduate Computational and Quantitative Methods 1981 Emjoc Press 134
W. M. L. Holcombe QUB staff Algebraic Automata Theory 1982 Cambridge (Studies in Advanced Mathematics 1) Postgraduate Algebra 228 MR0675101
Eugene Ryan 978-0906048566
UCC graduate Optimal Relay and Saturating Control System Synthesis 1982 Peter Peregrinus IEE control engineering series Vol 14 10 + 340
William McMullan Hawthorne (with A. Olumbummo & A. Olumbummo)
Continuing Mathematics Book 3 1982 ? 192
Trevor West, G. J. Murphy & M. R. F. Smyth (with B. A. Barnes) 978-0273085638
TCD graduate and staff, TCD graduate and UCC staff & TCD graduate and QUB staff Riesz and Fredholm Theory in Banach Algebras 1982 Pitman (Research Notes in Mathematics 67) Monograph Operator Theory 123 Camb
John J. H. Miller (ed) 0906783119 TCD graduate and staff BAIL II 1982 Boole Press Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Boundary and Interior Layers, Computational and Asymptotic Methods, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, 16-18 June, 1982 Numerical 10 + 410
James Caldwell (ed, with Alfredo O. Moscardini) 978-0727314048
QUB graduate Numerical Modelling in Diffusion Convection 1982 Pantech Press Proceedings of POLYMODEL 4, the Fourth Annual Conference of the North East Polytechnics Mathematical Modelling and Computet Simulation Group, Sunderland Polytechnic in May 1981 262
John J. H. Miller 0906783127 TCD graduate and staff BAIL II Short Course: An Introduction to Computational and Asymptotic Methods for Boundary and Interior Layers 1982 Boole Press Lecture notes of a short course at Trinity College Dublin, 14th to 15th June, 1982 in association with the BAIL II Conference Numerical 8 + 107
F. G. Foster TCD staff Informatics and industrial development 1982 Tycooly International Pub?? Proceedings of the International Conference on Policies for Information Processing for Developing Countries, 19-13 March 1981, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, Volume 1 CS 453
Michael S. Mock Irish published 978-0906783139
Analysis of Mathematical Models of Semiconductor Devices 1983 Boole Press PDEs 8 + 200
Maurice Jaswon (with M. A. Rose)
Crystal Symmetry: Theory of Colour Crystallography 1983 Ellis Horwood 190
Patrick Heelan 978-0520057395
UCD graduate and former staff Space-Perception and the Philosophy of Science 1983 University of California Press 300
John J. H. Miller (ed) TCD graduate and staff
NASECODE III Proceedings 1983 Boole Press Papers presented at NASECODE III, the Third International Conference on the Numerical Analysis of Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits, 15-17 June, 1983, in Galway 10 + 316
John J. H. Miller (ed) TCD graduate and staff 978-0906783238
Finite Element Programming with Special Emphasis on Semiconductor Device and Process Modelling 1983 Boole Press Lecture Notes of a Short Course held in association with NASECODE III, 13-14 June, 1983, in Galway 7 + 95
Thomas M. O'Donovan 978-0471900139
UCC and TCD graduate and UCC staff Short Term Forecasting: Introduction to the Box-Jenkins Approach 1983 Wiley 292
1983 Sen & Nash Charles Nash & Sen Siddhartha TCD staff & TCD graduate and Maynooth staff Topology and Geometry for Physicists 1983 Academic Press ? Th Physics 311 in Japanese 1989, and Chinese 1986; Dover edition
J. Burzlaff Magnetic Poles in Gauge Field Theories 1983 DIAS (Communications of the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 27, Series A) ?
Peter McCullagh
(with J. A. Nelder)
Tyrone Generalized Linear Models 1983 Chapman & Hall/ CRC (Monographs on Statistics & Applied Probability) Monograph Statistics 500 2nd ed 1989
Sean O'Donnell 978-0906783061
William Rowan Hamilton: Portrait of a Prodigy 1983 Boole Press Biography 16 + 224
James Caldwell (ed, with Roy Bradley) 978-9400969193
QUB graduate Industrial Electromagnetics Modelling 1983 Martinus Nijhoff (Developments in Electromagnetic Theory and Applications 1) proceedings of POLYMODEL 6, the Sixth Annual Conference of the North East Polytechnics Mathematical Modelling Computational and Quantitative Methods 234
Thomas M. O'Donovan 978-0471904571
UCC and TCD graduate and UCC staff Visicalc Made Simple 1984 Wiley 166
J. S. Bell (translator, with J. B. Sykes & M. J. Kearsley)
Electrodynamics of Continuous Media 1984 Pergamon Press Landau and Lifshitz Course of Theoretical Physics Volume 8 460
John J. H. Miller TCD graduate and staff BAIL III Short Course: Advances in Computational Methods for Boundary and Interior Layers 1984 Boole Press Lecture notes of a short course, Trinity College Dublin, 20-22 June, 1984, in association with the BAIL III Conference Numerical 8 + 107
John J. H. Miller (ed) 090678333X TCD graduate and staff BAIL III 1984 Boole Press Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Boundary and Interior Layers, Computational and Asymptotic Methods, 20-22 June, 1984, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland Numerical 10 + 339
M. R. C. McDowell (with John W. Humberston) 978-0306416347
QUB graduate Positron Scattering in Gases 1984 Kluwer/Plenum (NATO Science Series B: Physics Vol 107) Proceedings of a conference, Royal Holloway, 19-23 July 1983 230
Diarmuid Ó Mathúna UCC graduate and DIAS staff Mechanics, Boundary Layers and Function Spaces 1984 DIAS (Communications of the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 28, Series A) ?
Denis Weaire (with P. G. Harper)
TCD staff Introduction to Physical Mathematics 1985 Cambridge 11 + 260
John J. Roche (ed, with John David North) 978-9024731657
UCG graduate The Light of Nature: Essays in the History and Philosophy of Science presented to A.C. Crombie 1985 Dordrecht (International Archives of the History of Ideas) 471
Simeon Ola Fatunla Irish published
Computational Mathematics I 1985 Boole Press Proceedings of the First International Conference on Numerical Analysis and its Applications, 2-4 Nov 1983, Benin, Nigeria, 1983 141
1985 Newell Alan C. Newell, Alan TCD graduate Solitons in Mathematics and Physics 1985 SIAM (CBMS-NSF Regional Conference Series in Applied Math) 260
John J. H. Miller (ed) TCD graduate and staff
NASECODE IV Proceedings 1981 Boole Press Papers presented at NASECODE IV, the Fourth International Conference on the Numerical Analysis of Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits, 19-21 June 1985, TCD 14 + 545
John J. H. Miller (ed) TCD graduate and staff 978-0906783450
New Problems and New Solutions for Device and Process Modelling 1985 Boole Press Lecture Notes of a Short Course held in association with NASECODE IV, ?19-21 June 1985, TCD 8 + 151
P. F. Hodnett UCC graduate and Univ Limerick staff Proceedings of the Conference on The Role of Mathematics in Engineering Education 1985? Tycooly International Pub?? Proceedings of the Conference on The Role of Mathematics in Engineering Education, The National Institute for Higher Education, Limerick, 7-8 June 1984 Mathematics & Eng 415?
Desmond MacHale
UCG graduate and UCC staff George Boole His Life and Work 1985 Boole Press General History 270 Review expanded with a new title in 2014
Teunis C. Dorlas (with N. M. Hugenholtz & M. Winnick, eds) 0387167773
DIAS staff Statistical Mechanics and Field Theory: Mathematical Aspects 1986 Springer (Lecture Notes in Physics) Proceedings of the International Conference on the Mathematical Aspects of Statistical Mechanics and Field Theory, Held in Groningen, The Netherlands, August 26-30, 1985 328
John Anthony Gaughan 095060166X
Alfred O'Rahilly I: Academic 1986 Kingdom Biography 352 Review
Colin D. Walter
(with R. D. Dowsing / V. J. Rayward-Smith)
UCD staff (former) A First Course in Formal Logic and Its Applications in Computer Science 1986 Blackwell 6 + 265
John J. H. Miller (ed, with Sergeĭ Konstantinovich Godunov & Vi︠a︡cheslav Aleksandrovich Novikov) TCD graduate and staff BAIL IV 1986 Boole Press Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Boundary and Interior Layers, Computational and Asymptotic Methods, 7-11 July, 1986, Novosibirsk, USSR Numerical 10 + 443
Lochlainn O'Raifeartaigh UCD graduate and DIAS staff Group Structure of Gauge Theories 1986 Cambridge (Monographs on Mathematical Physics) M. Physics 184 paperback 1988
Terence Hugh Jackson
QUB graduate From Number Theory to Secret Codes--A Computer Illustrated Text 1987 IOP (Adam Hilger) 93
J. C. McConnell (with J. C. Robson)
QUB graduate Noncommutative Noetherian Rings 1987 Wiley 16+ 596 AMS reissued by AMS (Graduate Studies in Mathematics 30), 2001, 636 pages
P. Kevin MacKeown (with D. J. Newman) 978-0852745373
UCD graduate Computational Techniques in Physics 1987 Adam Hilger General 16 + 217 In Japanese as "Nyumon keisan butsuri no shuko" (Gendai Kogaku Sha, 7 + 203 pages, 1993)
Simeon Ola Fatunla Irish published 978-0906783696
Computational Mathematics II 1987 Boole Press Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Numerical Analysis and its Applications, 27-31 January 1986, Benin, Nigeria 221
John J. H. Miller (ed) TCD graduate and staff
Fundamental Research on the Numerical Modelling of Semiconductor Devices and Processes 1987 Boole Press Papers from NUMOS I, the First International Workshop on the Numerical Modelling of Semiconductors, 11th-12th December 1986, Los Angeles 6 + 123
James Caldwell (ed, with Roy Bradley) 978-9024734238
QUB graduate Industrial Vibration Modelling 1987 Martinus Nijhoff Proceedings of POLYMODEL 9, the Ninth Annual Conference of the North East Polytechnics Mathematical Modelling and Computer Simulation Group, Newcastle upon Tyne, May 21-22 1986 8 + 251
John J. H. Miller (ed) TCD graduate and staff 978-0906783719
NASECODE V Proceedings 1987 Boole Press Papers presented at NASECODE V, the Fifth International Conference on the Numerical Analysis of Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits, 17-19 June, 1987, TCD 11 + 354
John J. H. Miller (ed) TCD graduate and staff 978-0906783610
The Interfaces and Integration of Process, Device and Circuit Models - An Introduction 1987 Boole Press Lecture notes of a Short Course held in association with the NASECODE V Conference, June, 1987, TCD 7 + 109
John C. Lennox
(with Stewart E. Stonehewer)
QUB graduate Subnormal Subgroups of Groups 1987 Oxford (Mathematical Monographs) Monograph 268 AMS
Arthur E. Kingston (ed) 978-0306426872
QUB graduate Recent Studies in Atomic and Molecular Processes 1987 Plemun Press Proceedings of conference, Queen's University Belfast, 17th and 18th November 1986, to mark 70th birthday of David Bates Atomic and Molecular Physics ?
1987 Muldowney Patrick Muldowney UCG and Coleraine graduate and Magee staff General Theory of Integration in Function Spaces 1987 Longman Scientific & Technical (Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics Series) Analysis 128
Michael Sever Irish published
Ordinary Differential Equations 1987 Boole Press 6 + 341
Fionn Murtagh
(with Andre Heck)
TCD graduate and QUB staff (future) Multivariate Data Analysis 1987 Springer (Astronomy and Astrophysics Library) Data Analysis 224? paperback 2013
Robin Harte TCD graduate and UCC staff Invertibiliy and Singularity for Bounded Linear Operators 1987 Dekker QUB graduate and UCC staff 528
Peter McCullagh Tensor Methods in Statistics 1987 Chapman & Hall/ CRC (Monographs on Statistics & Applied Probability 29) Monograph Statistics 288
P. G. Burke (and J. B. West)
QUB staff Electron-Molecule Scattering and Photoionization 1988 Springer? (Physics of Atoms and Molecules) 272
P. Y. Lee
(with Stephen T. L. Choy & Judith Packer Jesudason)
QUB graduate Proceedings of the Analysis Conference, Singapore 1986 1988 North Holland (Mathematical Studies 150) 316
Ralph Henstock Univ of Ulster staff, QUB staff (former) Lectures on the Theory of Integration 1988 World Scientific Monograph Analysis 206 MR0963249
Percival D. McCormack (with Charles E. Swenberg & Horst Bucker) 978-0306430206
TCD graduate Terrestrial Space Radiation and Its Biological Effects 1988 Springer (Nato Science Series A: 154) Proceedings of an Advanced Study Institute (ASI) sponsored by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), October 1987, Corfu, Greece 10 + 864
Arthur E. Kingston (ed, with W. B. Eissner)
QUB graduate Proceedings of the Atomic Data Workshop Held at St. Catherine's College, Oxford, 1-2 August 1987 1988 QUB? assessment of data for photo-ionization and photo-excitation and for electron impact exhibition of atomic ions Atomic and Molecular Physics 152
Samuel James Patterson 0521499054
Belfast born An Introduction to the Theory of the Riemann Zeta-Function 1988 Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics 14 176
John J. H. Miller (ed, with Guo Ben-yu & Shi Zhong-ci) 0906783593 TCD graduate and staff BAIL V 1988 Boole Press Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Boundary and Interior Layers, Computational and Asymptotic Methods, 20-24 June, 1988, Shanghai, China Numerical 9 + 442
Mary T. Brück (with Hermann A. Brück) 978-0852744208
UCD graduate & Dunsink staff The Peripatetic Astronomer, the Life of Charles Piazzi Smyth 1988 Huger 288
John Murrough Golden & George A. C. Graham UCD graduate and Kevin St staff & TCD graduate Boundary Value Problems in Linear Viscoelasticity 1988 Springer 284
Allan I. Solomon (ed)
TCD graduate Statistical Mechanics 1988 World Scientific Chester, England, 15-19 August 1988 160
Joseph C. Varilly
UCD graduate Elementos de Geometría Plana 1988 Editorial de la Univeridad de Costa Rica Undergraduate Geometry 2nd ed 2014 (978-9968464215, 18 + 413 pages)
1988 Bell John Stewart Bell 978-0521368698
QUB graduate Speakable and Unspeakable in Quantum Mechanics 1988 Cambridge (Collected Papers on Quantum Philosophy) Th Physics Undergraduate 224 2nd ed 2004 (expanded, 283 pages)
Julian MacAirt (ed) 085342862X
Operations Research in Ireland 1988 Mercier Press 152
Brian Henderson (& George F. Imbusch)
TCD staff & UCG staff Optical Spectroscopy of Inorganic Solids 1989 Oxford Monographs on the Physics and Chemistry of Materials 16 + 645
TJM Boyd
QUB graduate Coherence and Chaos 1989 OECD Lectures at Mathematics Workshop, Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan 2 + 82
Allan I. Solomon (ed)
TCD graduate Differential Geometric Methods in Theoretical Physics 1989 World Scientific Chester, England, 15-19 August 1988 367
Joyce M. Alexander (with Thomas L. Saaty) 978-0275932299
QUB graduate Conflict Resolution: The Analytic Hierarchy Process 1989 Praeger 264
P. Y. Lee 978-9971508920
QUB graduate Lanzhou Lectures On Henstock Integration 1989 World Scientific (Series in Real Analysis 2) 190
B. K. P. Scaife 978-0198513803
TCD staff Principles of Dielectrics 1989 Clarendon/Oxford (Monographs on the Physics & Chemistry of Materials 45) Postgraduate 384 Revised 448 pages, 1998
John J. H. Miller (ed) TCD graduate and staff 978-0906783856
NASECODE VI Proceedings 1989 Boole Press Papers presented at NASECODE VI, the Sixth International Conference on the Numerical Analysis of Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits, 11-14 July, 1989, TCD 13 + 559
John J. H. Miller (ed) TCD graduate and staff -
Software Tools for Process, Device and Circuit Modelling 1989 Boole Press Lecture Notes of the Short Course and Digest of the Software Forum held in association with NASECODE VI, July, 1989, TCD 6 + 193
Hoon-Heng Teh (ed, with L.-F. Pau, J. Motiwalla & Y.-H. Pao) 978-0444880604
QUB graduate Expert Systems in Economics, Banking and Management 1989 North-Holland Papers from the Second International IFIP/IFAC/IFORS Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Economics and Management, Singapore, January 9–13, 1989 Artificial Intelligence 14 + 475 MR1098944
Phelim P. Boyle
(with Saloon Tham)
UCD graduate Pension Splitting in Canada 1989 Intl Foundation of Employee Benefit ? Mathematical finance 45
Raymond Flood (ed, with John Fauvel, Michael Shortland & Robin Wilson) 978-0198539247
QUB & UCD graduate Let Newton Be! 1989 Oxford General History 280
Derek McNally 978-0792305507
QUB graduate Reports on Astronomy 1989 Kluwer Transactions of the IAU Vol. 20B Astronomy 976
Derek McNally QUB graduate Highlights of Astronomy 1989 Kluwer As presented at the XXth General Assembly of the IAU, 1988 (August 2-11, Baltimore) Astronomy 722
James Dunwoody QUB Elements of Stability of Viscoelastic Fluids 1989 Longman Monograph Fluid Mechanics 105 MR1102459
1989 Ó Mathúna Diarmuid Ó Mathúna 978-0132106344
UCC graduate and DIAS staff Mechanics, Boundary Layers and Function Spaces 1989 Birkhäuser Monograph 216
John Hinde
(with Murray Aitkin & Brian Francis)
NUIG staff (future) Statistical Modelling in GLIM 1989 Oxford (Statistical Science) ? Statistics 6 + 374 2nd ed as "Statistical Modelling in GLIM 4," 574 pages, 2005
Fionn Murtagh
(with Andre Heck)
TCD graduate and QUB staff (future) Knowledge-Based Systems in Astronomy 1989 Springer (Lecture Notes in Physics 329) Postgraduate Astronomy 284 2nd ed 2013
Walter Moore 985-
Biographer Schrödinger: Life and Thought 1989 Cambridge Biography 11 + 513 Review
M. F. McCarthy & M. A. Hayes (eds)
Elastic Wave Propagation 1989 North-Holland Series in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics Proceedings of the Second I.U.T.A.M. - I.U.P.A.P., Symposium on Elastic Wave Propagation, Galway, Ireland, March 20-25, 1988 93
George A. C. Graham (ed, with S. J. Malik)
TCD graduate Continuuum Mechanics and Its Applications 1989 Hemisphere ?
John J. Roche (ed) 978-0852740019
UCG graduate Physicists Look Back: Studies in the History of Physics 1990 Adam Hilger 12 + 393 Brit J Hist Sci Also CRC Press
John G. McWhirter (ed) 978-0198536413
QUB graduate Mathematics in Signal Processing II 1990 Clarendon/Oxford Papers from the IMA conference on Mathematics in Signal Processing 834
John G. McWhirter (ed) 978-0198534808
QUB graduate Mathematics in Signal Processing III 1990 Clarendon/Oxford Papers from the IMA conference on Mathematics in Signal Processing 460
John J. McKeown & Dan Sprevak
(with D. Meegan)
QUB staff An Introduction to Unconstrained Optimisation 1990 CRC Press (Computer Illustrated Text) Undergraduate Optimization 160 MR1146918
M. R. C. McDowell (ed, with A. M. Ferendici)
QUB graduate Atomic and Molecular Physics in Controlled Thermonuclear Fusion 1990 Kluwer/Plenum (NATO advanced study institutes series. Series B: physics) Proceedings of The NATO Advanced Study Institute on "Atomic and Molecular Processes in Controlled Thermonuclear Fusion", Chateau de Bonas, Castéra-Verduzan, France, 13-24 August 1979 12 + 493 later Springer
Gerard J. Murphy C*-Algebras and Operator Theory 1990 Academic Press Postgraduate Analysis 330 Russian trans by A. Ya. Helemskii, 1997
Fionn Murtagh (ed, with Carlos Jaschek) 978-0521393003
TCD graduate and QUB staff (future) Errors, Bias and Uncertainties in Astronomy 1990 Cambridge Proceedings of a meeting, September 1989, International Stellar Data Centre, Strasbourg Astronomy 443
Patrick Muldowney & Peng Yee Lee (ed, with Peter S. Bullen, Jean L. Mawhin, & Washek F. Pfeffer) 978-3540523222
UCG and Coleraine graduate and Magee staff & QUB graduate New Integrals 1990 Springer (Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1419) Proceedings of the Henstock Conference, Coleraine, Northern Ireland, August 9-12, 1988 Analysis 208
Seán Dineen 978-0198535713
UCC graduate and UCD staff The Schwarz Lemma 1990 Clarendon/Oxford Monograph Analysis 248
George Garfield Hall 978-3540537922
QUB graduate Molecular Solid State Physics 1991 Springer 151
David W. Lewis 978-9810206895
UCD staff Matrix Theory 1991 World Scientific 308
John J. H. Miller (ed) TCD graduate and staff
NASECODE VII Proceedings 1991 Boole Press Papers presented at NASECODE VII, the Seventh International Conference on the Numerical Analysis of Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits, April 8-12, 1991, Copper Mountain, Colorado, USA 10 + 280
Raymond Flood (ed, with Michael Lockwood) 978-0631165781
QUB & UCD graduate The Nature of Time 1991 Wiley-Blackwell General History 196
Derek McNally 978-9401054874
QUB graduate Reports on Astronomy 1991 Springer? Transactions of the IAU Vol. XXIA (Reports 1991) Astronomy 632 Space Science Reviews, 62
Ralph Henstock QUB & Univ of Ulster staff (former) The General Theory of Integration 1991 Oxford Monograph Analysis 262 MR1134656
John J. H. Miller (ed) TCD graduate and staff 978-1857480009
NASECODE VIII Proceedings 1992 James & James Papers presented at NASECODE VIII, the Eighth International Conference on the Numerical Analysis of Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits, May 19-22, 1992, the City Club, Vienna 165
M. R. C. McDowell (with B. H. Bransden)
QUB graduate Charge Exchange and the Theory of Ion-Atom Collisions 1992 Clarendon Press (International Series of Monographs on Physics) 488
John J. H. Miller (ed, with ?) 0963167812 TCD graduate and staff BAIL VI 1992 Front Range Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Boundary and Interior Layers, Computational and Asymptotic Methods, August 18-20, 1992, Copper Mountain, Colorado, USA Numerical 94
Charles Nash TCD graduate and Maynooth staff Differential Topology and Quantum Field Theory 1992 Academic Press ? Theoretical physics 386
1992 Ellis Graham Ellis UCG staff Rings and Fields 1992 Clarendon/Oxford Undergraduate Algebra 178 Oxford
Phelim P. Boyle 978-0938959267
UCD graduate Options and the Management of Financial Risk 1992 Society of Actuaries ? Mathematical finance 210
Alan C. Newell, Alan
(with Jerome V. Moloney)
TCD graduate Nonlinear Optics 1992 Addison-Wesley (Advanced Topics in Interdisciplinary Math Sci) 448 Westbrook 2003
P. G. Burke
(ed, with Keith A. Berrington)
QUB staff Atomic and Molecular Processes: An R-Matrix Approach 1993 CRC 416
1993 McMurry Sara M. McMurry 978-0201544398
TCD staff Quantum Mechanics 1993 Addison-Wesley 392
John J. H. Miller (ed) TCD graduate and staff 978-0963167828
NASECODE IX Proceedings 1993 James & James Papers presented at NASECODE IX, the Ninth International Conference on the Numerical Analysis of Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits, April, 1993, Copper Mountain, Colorado, USA 110
Fionn Murtagh (ed, with Andre Heck) TCD graduate and UU Derry staff Intelligent Information Retrieval: The Case of Astronomy and Related Space Sciences 1993 Springer (Astrophysics and Space Science Library) Postgraduate Astronomy 214
Desmond MacHale UCG graduate and UCC staff Comic Sections: The book of mathematical jokes, humour, wit, and wisdom 1993 Boole Press General Humour 154
Colm T. Whelan (ed, with H. R. J. Walters, A. Lahmam-Bennani & H. Ehrhardt) 978-9401049016
UCD graduate (e, 2e) & Related Processes 1993 Kluwer (Vol 414 NATO ASI Series) Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop Sep 28-Oct 1, 1992, Cambridge 295?
Michael A. Hayes
(with P. Boulanger)
UCG graduate & UCD staff Bivectors and Waves in Mechanics and Optics 1993 Chapman & Hall (Applied Mathematics and Mathematical Computation 4) 288
Patrick Fitzpatrick, Patrick M.
(with Jacobo Pejsachowicz)
Cork born Orientation and the Leray-Schauder Theory for Fully Nonlinear Elliptic Boundary Value Problems 1993 AMS (Memoirs of the AMS 483) 113
Patrick Fitzpatrick, Patrick M. (ed, with Mario Martelli, Jean Mawhin & Roger Nussbaum) 978-3540564614
Cork born Topological Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations 1993 Springer (Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1537) Lectures given at the 1st Session of the Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo (C.I.M.E.), Montecatini Terme, Italy, June 24-July 2, 1991 220
1993 Flood Raymond Flood (ed, with John Fauvel & Robin Wilson) 978-0198539698
QUB & UCD graduate Mobius and his Band: Mathematics and Astronomy in Nineteenth-Century Germany 1993 Oxford General History 184
John J. H. Miller (ed) 978-1857480016
TCD graduate and staff Applications of Advanced Computational Methods for Boundary and Interior Layers 1993 Boole Press Numerical 7 + 213
Allan I. Solomon (ed, with M. Balkanski & H.-R. Trebin)
TCD graduate Theories of Matter 1994 World Scientific A Festschrift for Prof Joseph L. Birman 12?? + 305?
Michael Purser 978-0890067840
TCD Introduction to Error Correcting Codes 1994 Artech House science 15 + 133
Harry G. Perros 978-0195085808
TCD graduate Queueing Networks with Blocking: Exact and Approximate Solutions 1994 Oxford Computer science 304?
Michael Ryan (with Jun Yan & James Power)
UCD graduate and DCU staff Using Fuzzy Logic: towards intelligent systems, Volume 1 1994 Prentice Hall 256?
Hugh Morrison (with Alison Hughes, Anne Hunt & Mairead Tallon) 978-0719553240
QUB graduate and staff member Additional Mathematic 1994 John Murray 432
John J. H. Miller (ed) TCD graduate and staff 978-1857480085
NASECODE X Proceedings 1994 James & James Papers presented at NASECODE X, the Tenth International Conference on the Numerical Analysis of Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits, Dublin 109
Donal O'Regan
(with Ravi P. Agarwal & Samir H. Saker)
UCG staff UCC graduate and UCG staff Theory of Singular Boundary Value Problems 1994 World Scientific 154
Julian Dermott McCrea
(with M. A. H. MacCallum, J. E. F. Skea, R. G. McLenaghan)
Algebraic Computing in General Relativity 1994 Oxford Lecture notes from the First Brazilian School on Computer Algebra: V. 2 400
George A. C. Graham (ed, with J. R. Walton)
TCD graduate Crack and Contact Problems for Viscoelastic Bodies 1995 Springer ?
James Casey (ed, with P. M. Naghdi and Marcel J. Crochet) 978-3764351397
UCD graduate Theoretical, Experimental, and Numerical Contributions to the Mechanics of Fluids and Solids 1995 Birkhäuser ZAMP 46 A collection of papers in honor of Paul M. Naghdi 852
P. G. Burke (and Charles J. Joachain)
QUB staff Theory of Electron—Atom Collisions 1995 Springer (Physics of Atoms and Molecules) 13 + 255
Terence Hugh Jackson 978-0750303293
QUB graduate From Polynomials to Sums of Squares 1995 IOP 184 or 196
Patrick Fitzpatrick, Patrick M. 978-0534926120
Cork born Advanced Calculus: A Course in Mathematical Analysis 1995 AMS (Pure and Applied Undergraduate Texts: the Sally Series) 576 2nd edition 2009 from AMS (Pure and Applied Undergraduate Texts: the Sally Series)
Denis Weaire (ed, with John F. McGilp & Charles H. Patterson) 978-3540594109
TCD staff Epioptics: Linear and Nonlinear Optical Spectroscopy of Surfaces and Interfaces 1995 Springer (ESPRIT Basic Research Series) 230 paperback 2001
Ken Houston (ed, with J. Berry) 978-0340614044
QUB graduate and UU staff Mathematical Modelling 1995 Gulf Professional Publishing 142
Hoon-Heng H. Teh 978-9810218447
QUB graduate Neural Logic Networks: A New Class of Neural Networks 1995 World Scientific Neural networks 16 + 504 MR1462351
Ted Hurley, S. J. Tobin, J. J. Ward (ed, with C. M. Campbell & E. F. Robertson) 978-0521477499
UCG staff Groups '93 Galway/St Andrews (Volume 1) 1995 Cambridge (LMS Lecture Note Series 211) Selected papers from the international conference "Groups 1993 Galway/St Andrews", University College Galway, August 1993 318?
Ted Hurley, S. J. Tobin, J. J. Ward (ed, with C. M. Campbell & E. F. Robertson) 978-0521477505
UCG staff Groups '93 Galway/St Andrews (Volume 2) 1995 Cambridge (LMS Lecture Note Series 212) Selected papers from the international conference "Groups 1993 Galway/St Andrews", University College Galway, August 1993 320?
John J. H. Miller (ed, with Feng Gan Zhuang) 7-80003-240-X TCD graduate and staff BAIL VII 1995 International Academic Publishers Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Boundary and Interior Layers, Computational and Asymptotic Methods, September 5-8, 1994, Beijing, China Numerical 10 + 332
Stephen J. Gardiner 978-0521497992
QUB graduate and UCD staff Harmonic Approximation 1995 Cambridge (LMS Lecture Note Series 221) Postgraduate 148
Seán Dineen 978-0412707605
UCC graduate and UCD staff Functions of Two Variables 1995 CRC
Undergraduate Calculus 191 2nd ed 2000
D.R. Schultz, M.R. Strayer & J.H. Macek (eds) 978-1563963223
Atomic Collisions: A Symposium in Honor of Christopher Bottcher (1945-1993) 1995 AIP (Conference Proceedings 347) Atomic Collisions: A Symposium in Honor of Christopher Bottcher (1945-1993) 320
D. H. Tchrakian 978-9810223502
Topics in Quantum Field Theory--Modern Methods in Fundamental Physics 1995 World Scientific Proceedings of the meeting Theories of Fundamental Interactions, Maynooth, 1995, held as part of Bicentenary celebrations 212
James Casey
978 3528064754
UCD graduate Exploring Curvature 1996 Teubner 291
Martin L. Newell (ed, with Francesco de Giovanni) 978-3110143324
UCG graduate and staff Infinite Groups 1994 1996 Walter de Gruyter Proceedings of the International Conference, Ravello, Italy, May 23-27, 1994 9 + 335
Michael M. Carroll & Michael A. Hayes (eds) 0306451794
Nonlinear Effects in Fluids and Solids 1996 Kluwer/Plenum (Mathematical Concepts and Methds in Science and Engineering 45 ) in honor of Ronald S. Rivlin 358 or 384 Link
James N. Flavin (with Salvatore Rionero) 978-0849385124
UCC graduate and UCG staff Qualtitative Estimates for Partial Differential Equations: An Introduction 1996 CRC 400
William T. Coffey, Yuri P. Kalmykov & John T. Waldron 978-9810216511
TCD staff The Langevin Equation: With Applications in Physics, Chemistry and Electrical Engineering 1996 World Scientific (Series in Contemporary Chemical Physics 10) 413 Link 2nd ed (as "The Langevin Equation: With Applications to Stochastic Problems in Physics, Chemistry and Electrical Engineering"), 704 pages, 2004; 3rd ed, 852 pages, 2012
Joseph J. K. O Ruanaidh, Joseph (with William J. Fitzgerald) 978-0387946290
TCD graduate Numerical Bayesian Methods Applied to Signal Processing 1996 Springer (Statistics and Computing) 244
Andrew Whitaker 978-0521671026
QUB staff Einstein, Bohr and the Quantum Dilemma: From Quantum Theory to Quantum Information 1996 Cambridge 349 Sci & Soc 2nd ed, 480 pages, 2006
1996 Miller & O'Riordan John J. H. Miller and Eugene O'Riordan
(with Grigorii I. Shishkin)
TCD graduate and staff 981-0224621
Fitted Numerical Methods for Singular Perturbation Problems: Error Estimates in the Maximum Norm for Linear Problems in One and Two Dimensions 1996 World Scientific Numerical 14 + 166
Seán Dineen
(ed, with Susanne Dierolf & Pawel Domanski)
UCC graduate and UCD staff Functional Analysis 1996 Walter de Gruyter Proceedings (First International Workshop Held at Trier University, Germany, September 26-October 1, 1994) Analysis 483
P. Kevin MacKeown 978-9813083264
UCD graduate Stochastic Simulation in Physics 1997 Springer 21 + 456
Johnston Andrew Anderson, Johnston (ed)
QUB graduate Undergraduate Mathematics Teaching Conference 1997? Royal Statistical Society Centre for Statistical Education Proceedings of the 1996 Conference, 2nd-5th September, 1996, on Improving the Mathematics Curriculum 96
Samuel Kenneth Houston and N. T. Neill (ed, with W. Blum & I. Huntley) 978-
QUB graduates and UU staff Teaching & Learning Mathematical Modelling 1997 Albion Publications 401
Phelim P. Boyle
(with Ritchken Peter Ritchken & George Pennachi)
UCD graduate Advances in Futures and Options Research, Volume 9 1997 Emerald Group Mathematical finance 296
James Hamilton 9783540626473
QUB graduate and DIAS staff (former) Aharonov-Bohm and Other Cyclic Phenomena 1997 Springer (Tracts in Modern Physics 139) Physics 7 + 179
Eoghan MacAogáin (ed, with Seán Ó Nualláin & Paul McKevitt) 978-1556191893
Univ of Limerick staff Two Sciences of Mind: Readings in Cognitive Science and Consciousness 1997 John Benjamins (Advances in Consciousness Research) Proceedings of The Reaching for Mind workshop, AISB ’95 Artificial intelligence 502
Colm T. Whelan (ed, with H. R. J. Walters) 978-0306456893
UCD graduate Coincidence Studies of Electron and Photon Impact Ionization 1997 Kluwer/Plenum 340
Denis Weaire 978-0748406326
TCD staff The Kelvin Problem 1997 CRC Press 176
Donal O'Regan 978-0792345114
UCC graduate and UCG staff Existence Theory for Nonlinear Ordinary Differential Equations 1997 Kluwer (Mathematics and Its Applications 398) 200
John J. Roche 978-0485114737
UCG graduate The Mathematics of Measurement: A Critical History 1998 Athlone Press / Springer 390
George Gettinby
(with William P. Gardiner)
QUB & Coleraine graduate Experimental Design Techniques in Statistical Practice: A Practical Software-based Approach 1998 Horwood Publications Statistics 11 + 390 + 15?
John G. McWhirter (ed, with I. K. Proudler) 978-0198502029
QUB graduate Mathematics in Signal Processing IV 1998 Clarendon/Oxford Papers from the IMA conference on Mathematics in Signal Processing, University of Warwick, December 1996 16 + 382
John E. McCarthy
(ed, with Sheldon Axler & Donald Sarason)
0-521-63193-9 TCD graduate Holomorphic Spaces 1998 Cambridge (Mathematical Sciences Research Institute Publications Book 33) 488
Martin Mathieu QUB staff Funktionalanalysis 1998 Spektrum Akademischer Verlag Undergraduate Functional analysis 393
Martin Mathieu QUB staff Funktionalanalysis, Ein Arbeitsbuch 1998 Spektrum Akademischer Verlag Undergraduate Functional analysis ?
Martin Mathieu (ed, with E. Albrecht) QUB staff Banach Algebras '97 1998 Walter de Gruyter Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Banach Algebras 1997, Blaubeuren, July 20–August 3, 1997 Functional analysis 566 MR1656594
1998 Murtagh Fionn D. Murtagh
(with Albert Bijaoui & Jean-Luc Starck)
TCD graduate and UU Derry staff Image Processing and Data Analysis: The Multiscale Approach 1998 Cambridge 297
1998 O'Regan & Meehan Donal O'Regan & Maria Meehan 978-9401060950
UCC graduate and UCG staff & UCG graduate and UCD staff Existence Theory for Nonlinear Integral and Integrodifferential Equations 1998 Springer (Mathematics and Its Applications 445) 222
John Stalker Complex Analysis, Fundamentals of the Classical Theory of Functions 1998 Birkhäuser Postgraduate Complex analysis 11 + 228 AMS
Seán Dineen 978-3540761761
UCC graduate and UCD staff Multivariate Calculus and Geometry 1998? Springer
(UMS Series)
Undergrad Calculus 257 2nd ed 2001, 3rd ed 2014
1999 Crothers Kenneth L. Bell, Keith A. Berrington, Derrick S. F. Crothers, Kenneth T. Taylor & Alan Hibbert (eds) 978-0306461903
QUB graduate & staff, ?? and QUB staff Supercomputing, Collision Processes, and Applications 1999 Springer (Physics of Atoms and Molecules) Proceedings for conference to mark retirement of Philip G. Burke Theoretical physics 288
Teunis C. Dorlas 0750305401
DIAS staff Statistical Mechanics: Fundamentals and Model Solutions 1999 Taylor & Francis 273 2nd ed, 325 pages CRC 2021
Denis Weaire & Stefan Hutzler 978-0198510970
TCD staff & TCD staff The Physics of Foams 1999 Oxford 264 Japanese edition (2004)
Donal O'Regan
(with Ravi P. Agarwal & Patricia J. Y. Wong)
UCC graduate and UCG staff Positive Solutions of Differential, Difference and Integral Equations 1999 Kluwer 419
Lester N. Coyle (with Gregory F. Lawler) 978-0821820292
TCD graduate Lectures in Contemporary Probability 1999 American Mathematical Society (Student Mathematical Library 2) Probability Based on classes in probability for advanced undergraduates, IAS/Park City Mathematics Institute (Utah) 97
James Caldwell (with Ytshak M. Ram) 978-0792358206
QUB graduate Mathematical Modelling: Concepts and Case Studies 1999 Kluwer Academic (Mathematical Modelling: Theory and Applications 6) 12 + 288
1999 O'Connor Liam O'Connor
(with H. Flenner & W. Vogel)
Joins and Intersections 1999 Springer (Monographs in Mathematics) 301
Colm T. Whelan (ed, with Reiner M. Dreizler, J. H. Macek & H. R. J. Walters) 978-0306461811
UCD graduate New Directions in Atomic Physics 1999 Kluwer/Plenum associated with New Directions in Atomic Physics conference, Jul 1998, Cambridge 373
Seán Dineen UCC graduate and UCD staff Complex Analysis on Infinite Dimensional Spaces 1999 Springer Monograph Analysis 543 paperback 2011
Lochlainn O'Raifeartaigh UCD graduate and DIAS staff The Dawning of Gauge Theory 1997 Princeton M. Physics 272
Martin Stynes
(with Hans-G. Roos & Lutz Tobiska)
UCC graduate Numerical Methods for Singularly Perturbed Differential Equations: Convection-Diffusion-Reaction and Flow Problems 1996 Springer (Computational Mathematics Volume 24) 348 Numerical / DE 2008 2nd ed, 604 pages, with "Robust" inserted at start of title
Phelim P. Boyle
(ed, with Harry H. Panjer, Samuel H. Cox, Hans U. Gerber & Heinz H. Mueller)
UCD graduate Financial Economics: With Applications to Investments, Insurance and Pensions 1998 Society of Actuaries Mathematical finance 669
Phelim P. Boyle
(with Ritchken Peter Ritchken & George Pennachi)
UCD graduate Advances in Futures and Options Research, Volume 10 1999 Emerald Group ? Mathematical finance 266
Turlough Downes (with José Gracia & Fabio de Colle) 978-3642033698
TCD graduate and DCU staff Jets from Young Stars V 2000 Springer Lecture Notes in Physics 791 Graduate level high-performance computing 222
Peter Finlay Browne 978-0953783304
TCD grad Superfluid Aether, Particles and Quantum Mechanics 2000 ? 228
Diarmuid Ó Mathúna
UCC graduate and DIAS staff The Bernoulli Project: historic origins, development of the mathematical works and the evolution of the Bernoulli edition 2000 Dundalgan Press / Die Bernoulli-Edition 63
Peng Yee Lee
(with Rudolf Výborný)
QUB graduate The Integral: an Easy Approach after Kurzweil and Henstock 2000 Cambridge () 12 + 311 Review
Robert Helsham (ed by Denis Weaire, with Patrick Kelly & David Attis) 978-1898706175
TCD staff A Course of Lectures on Natural Philosophy 2000 CRC Press new ed of 1739 book 448
Donal J. Hurley & Michel A. Vandyck 978-1852332235
UCC staff & UCC staff Geometry, Spinors and Applications 2000 Springer (Praxis Books) 22 + 370
2000 Weaire Denis Weaire
(with Tomaso Aste)
TCD staff The Pursuit of Perfect Packing 2000 CRC Press 136 2nd ed, 216 pages, 2008
Paul A. Farrell, Alan F. Hegarty, John J. Miller, Eugene O'Riordan & Grigorii I. Shishkin
Robust Computational Techniques for Boundary Layers 2000 Chapman and Hall / CRC (Applied Mathematics) Numerical 16 + 256
John J. H. Miller (ed., with Lubin G. Vulkov & Grigorii I. Shishkin)
Analytical & Numerical Methods for Convention-Dominated & Singularly Perturbed Problems 2000 Nova Science Proceedings of the Workshop on Analytical and Computational Methods for Convection-Dominated and Singularly Perturbed Problems in Lozenetz, Bulgaria, 27-31 August 1998 Numerical 277 or 309
David Lewis (ed, with Eva Bayer-Fluckiger & Andrew Ranicki) 978-0821827796
UCD staff Quadratic Forms and Their Applications 2000 AMS (Contemporary Mathematics 272) Proceedings of the Conference on Quadratic Forms and Their Applications, July 5-9, 1999, University College Dublin Quadratic forms 311 MR1803355
Raymond Flood (ed, with John Fauvel & Robin Wilson) 978-0198523093
QUB & UCD graduate Oxford Figures: 800 Years of the Mathematical Sciences 2000 Oxford General History 304 2nd ed (2013, 10 + 405 pages) as "Oxford Figures: Eight Centuries of the Mathematical Sciences
Götz Pfeiffer
(with Meinolf Geck)
NUIG Characters of Finite Coxeter Groups and Iwahori-Hecke Algebras. 2000 Oxford (LMS New Series 21) Monograph Group representations 14 + 446 MR1778802
Donal O'Regan
(ed, with Ravi P. Agarwal)
UCC graduate and UCG staff Integral and Integrodifferential Equations 2000 Gordon & Breach Science (Mathematical Analysis and Applications Vol 2) 331
Donal O'Regan
(with Ravi P. Agarwal & Said R. Grace)
UCC graduate and UCG staff Oscillation Theory for Difference and Functional Differential Equations 2000 Kluwer 337
John B. Cosgrave A Prime For The Millennium 2000 Folding Landscapes General 48 MAA
2000 Flannery Sarah Flannery & David Flannery Irish student & UCC graduate and CIT staff In Code: A Mathematical Journey 2000 Profile General 12 + 271 expanded 2001, Workman Publishing, 341 pages
2000 Houston Samuel Kenneth Houston (ed) 978-0750308663
QUB graduate and UU staff Creators of Mathematics: The Irish Connection 2000 UCD Press General History 10 + 150 IMS
2000 Varilly Joseph C. Varilly (with Hector Figueroa & Jose M. Gracia-Bondia) UCD graduate Elements of Noncommutative Geometry 2000 Birkhäuser (Advanced Texts) Postgrad Geometry 686
Carl D. Murray
(with Stanley F. Dermott)
Solar System Dynamics 2000 Cambridge Postgraduate Dynamics 608
Derrick S. F. Crothers 978-0306464249
QUB graduate & staff Relativistic Heavy-Particle Collisions 2000 Kluwer/Plenum (Physics of Atoms and Molecules) ? Theoretical physics 311
B. K. P. Scaife 978-0521592161
TCD staff The Mathematical Papers of Sir William Rowan Hamilton: Volume 4, Geometry, Analysis, Astronomy, Probability and Finite Differences, Miscellaneous 2000 Cambridge (Cunningham Memoir 16) 852
2000 Bell Kenneth Bell (ed, with Keith A. Berrington) 978-1563969713
QUB graduate & staff Atomic and Molecular Data and Their Applications: Icamdata - Second International Conference 2000 American Institute of Physics (Conference Proceedings 543) Theoretical physics 324
P. F. Hodnett (ed) UCC graduate and Univ Limerick staff Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium on Advances in Mathematical Modelling of Atmospheric and Ocean Dynamics 2001 Kluwer (Fluid Mechanics and Its Applications 61) Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium, Limerick, 2–7 July 2000 Mathematics & Eng 4 + 298
Philip McShane (ed) 978-0802084484
UCD graduate Phenomenology and Logic 2001 Univ of Toronto Press The Boston College Lectures on Mathematical Logic and Existentialism, Volume 18 (Collected Works of Bernard Lonergan) 448
Samuel Kenneth Houston (ed, with Hans-Georg Weigand, Elmar Cohors-Fresenborg, Hermann Maier, Andrea Peter-Koop, Kristina Reiss, Günter Törner & Bernd Wollring)
QUB graduate and UU staff Developments in Mathematics Education in Germany 2001 Franzbecker Selected papers from the Annual Conference on Didactics of Mathematics, Regensburg, 1997 160
Harry G. Perros 978-0471498278
TCD graduate An Introduction to ATM Networks 2001 Wiley Computer science 304
Donal O'Regan
(with Ravi P. Agarwal)

UCC graduate and UCG staff Infinite Interval Problems for Differential, Difference and Integral Equations 2001 Kluwer 341
Samuel Kenneth Houston (ed, with João Filipe Matos, W. Blum & S. P. Carreira) 978-
QUB graduate and UU staff Modelling and Mathematics Education - ICTMA 9 2001 Horwood Publications papers from ICTMA 9 conference, Lisbon, 1999 10 + 422
Donal O'Regan & Maria Meehan
(with Ravi P. Agarwal)
UCC graduate and UCG staff & UCG graduate and UCD staff Nonlinear Integral Equations and Inclusions 2001 Nova Science 362
Patrick D. Barry
Geometry with Trigonometry 2001 Horwood Undergraduate 256
Samuel Kenneth Houston (ed, with João Filipe Matos, W. Blum & S. P. Carreira) 978-
QUB graduate and UU staff Modelling, Applications and Mathematics Education--Trends and Issues 2001 Horwood Publications 12? + 422
2001 Armitage & Gardiner David H. Armitage & Stephen J. Gardiner 978-1447111160
QUB staff & QUB graduate and UCD staff Classical Potential Theory 2001 Springer (Monographs in Mathematics) Postgraduate Potential Theory 356 MR1801253 paperback 2012
Fionn Murtagh
(with Susan Bergin, Geraldive McParland, John Keating, Chris Harper & Mohsen Farid)
TCD graduate and QUB staff The Evolution of Telecom Technologies: Current Trends and Near-future Implications 2001? Centre for Cross Border Studies 76
Phelim P. Boyle
(with Feidhlim Boyle)
UCD graduate Derivatives: The Tools That Changed Finance 2001 Risk ? Mathematical Finance 203
Maria Meehan & Donal O'Regan
(with Ravi P. Agarwal)
UCC graduate and UCG staff & UCG graduate and UCD staff Fixed Point Theory and Applications 2001? or 2009? Cambridge (Tracts in Mathematics) ? ? 184
Mícheál Ó Searcóid ? 978-1852334246
UCD staff Elements of
Abstract Analysis
2002 Springer
(UMS Series)
Undergrad Analysis 311 paperback later
Fionn Murtagh
(with Jean-Luc Starck)
TCD graduate and QUB staff Astronomical Data Analysis 2001? SPIE Press Proceedings of Spie, 2-3 August 2001, San Diego Astronomy ?
Charles Martin Quinn 0125696825
Computational Quantum Chemistry 2002 Elsevier 237
T.J.M. Boyd (& J. J. Sanderson) 0521 452902
QUB graduate The Physics of Plasmas 2002 Cambridge 7 + 532
Eoin P. O'Reilly 978-0748406272
Quantum Theory of Solids 2002 CRC Press Master's Series in Physics and Astronomy 12 + 264
John G. McWhirter (ed, with I. K. Proudler) 978-0198507345
QUB graduate Mathematics in Signal Processing V 2002 Clarendon/Oxford Papers from the IMA conference on Mathematics in Signal Processing 376
Ted Hurley, ed, with Micheal Mac an Airchinnigh, Michel Schellekens and Anthony Seda
UCG & UCC staff The First Irish Conference on the Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science and Information Technology (MFCSIT2000) 2002 Elsevier Science (Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, Vol 40) Cork, Ireland, 20th and 21st July, 2000 ?
Mary T. Bruck 978-0511029387
UCD graduate & Dunsink staff Agnes Mary Clerke and the Rise of Astrophysics 2002 Cambridge 275
Donal O'Regan
(with Ravi P. Agarwal & Said R. Grace)
UCC graduate and UCG staff Oscillation Theory for Second Order Linear, Half–linear, Superlinear and Sublinear Dynamic Equations 2002 Kluwer 672
John E. McCarthy
(with Jim Agler)
TCD graduate Pick Interpolation and Hilbert Function Spaces 2002 AMS
(GSM 44)
Postgraduate Anal 328
Donal J. Hurley & Michel A. Vandyck 978-1852334918
UCC staff & UCC staff Topics in Differential Geometry; a New Approach Using D-differentiation 2002 Springer (Praxis Books) 178
Gary McGuire, A. G. O'Farrell, D. B. Redmond, R. O. Watson & D. J. Wraith 0-9544269-0-8 NUIM staff Maynooth Mathematical Olympiad Manual 2002 Kilcock Secondary General 8 + 143 Revised and somewhat expanded 2008, with additional author James Cruickshank, as Irish Mathematical Olympiad Manual, 8 + 166 pages (0-9544269-7-5), second ed, 2013 (978-0-9544269-8-9)
Fionn Murtagh
(with Jean-Luc Starck)
TCD graduate and QUB staff Astronomical Data Analysis II 2002 Society of Photo Optical Proceedings of Spie, 2-3 August 2001, San Diego Astronomy 474
Adrian E. Raftery (ed, with Martin A. Tanner & Martin T. Wells) Statistics in the 21st Century 2002 Chapman & Hall / CRC Press (Monographs on Statistics and Applied Probability 93) Monograph Statistcs 576
Fionn Murtagh
(with Jean-Luc Starck)
TCD graduate and QUB staff Astronomical Image and Data Analysis 2002 Springer (Astronomy and Astrophysics Library) Astronomy 301
Raymond A. Ryan 978-1852334376
NUIG staff Introduction to Tensor Products of Banach Spaces 2002 Springer (Monographs in Mathematics) Monographs Analysis 239
Aiden O'Reilly
Maynooth Maple Manual 2003 Logic Press Software 10 + 147 Link
Antoin O Fearghail (Anthony O'Farrell)
UCD graduate and Maynooth staff Notai an Bhrathar Mac Craith 2003 Institiud Oideachais Marino Secondary textbook General 6 + 170 Link
Martin Mathieu (ed) 0791-5578 QUB staff Proceedings All Ireland Algebra Days 2001 2003 Irish Mathematical Society
Proceedings of meeting at Belfast, 16–19 May 2001 146 Web
2003 McCartney & Whitaker Mark McCartney & Andrew Whitaker (ed) 978-0750308663
QUB graduate and Jordanstown staff & Coleraine and QUB staff Physicists of Ireland: Passion and Precision 2003 Institute of Physics Publishing General History 14 + 298 = 312 CRC Press reissue
Eamonn Mullins 978-0854046713
TCD graduate and staff Statistics for the Quality Control Chemistry Laboratory 2003 Royal Society of Chemistry 474
Peter Newman 978-0198287124
F.Y. Edgeworth: Mathematical psychics, and further papers on political economy 2003 Oxford 712
Samuel Kenneth Houston (ed, with Ye Qi-Xiao, W Blum & Jiang Qiyuan) 978-1904275053
QUB graduate and UU staff Mathematical Modelling in Education and Culture: ICTMA 10 2003 Horwood Publications 12? + 330
Samuel Kenneth Houston (ed, with S. J. Lamon & W. A. Parker)
QUB graduate and UU staff Mathematical Modelling: A Way of Life – ICTMA 11 2003 Horwood Publications 267
Martin L. Newell (ed, with Francesco de Giovanni) 978-8879995641
UCG graduate and staff Advances in Group Theory 2002 2003 Aracne Proceedings of the Intensive Bimester Dedicated to the Memory of Reinhold Baer (1902-1979), Napoli (Italy), May-June 2002 267
Trevor Weekes 978-0750306584
UCD graduate Very High Energy Gamma-Ray Astronomy 2003 Institute of Physics (Series in Astronomy and Astrophysics) Monograph Astronomy 221
Colin D. Walter (ed. with Çetin Koç & Christof Paar) 978-3540408338
UCD staff (former) Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems—CHES 2003 2003 Springer (LNCS 2279) Proceedings 5th International Workshop, Cologne, Germany, September 8-10, 2003 Cryptography/Hardware 446
Adrian Phair Roberts, Adrian 978-0521817660
QUB staff Statics and Dynamics with Background Mathematics 2003 Cambridge Undergraduate Applied 15 + 369
Colm T. Whelan (ed, with James H. McGuire)
UCD graduate From the Atomic to the Nano Scale 2003 American Institute of Physics ?
Martin Mathieu
(with Pere Ara)
QUB staff Local Multipliers of C*-Algebras 2003 Springer
Monograph Functional analysis 11 + 319 MR1949428
Ted Hurley, ed, with Sharon Flynn, Micheal Mac an Airchinnigh, Niall Madden, Michael McGettrick, Michel Schellekens and Anthony Seda UCG & UCC staff The Second Irish Conference on the Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science and Information Technology (MFCSIT2002) 2003 Elsevier Science (Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, Vol 74) Galway, Ireland, 18th and 19th of July 2002 ?
Philip J. Boland
(with M. Lyons, K. Lynch, S. Close & E. Sheerin)
1 902448 83 9 UCD staff Inside Classooms: the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics in the Social Context 2003 Institute of Public Administration ? UCD
Donal O'Regan
(with Radu Precup)
UCC graduate and UCG staff Theorems of Leray-Schauder Type and Applications 2003 Gordon & Breach Science (Mathematical Analysis and Applications Vol 3) 216
Donal O'Regan
(ed, with Ravi P. Agarwal)
UCC graduate and UCG staff Nonlinear Analysis and Applications: Volume 1 2003 Kluwer To V. Lakshmikantham on his 80th Birthday 956
Donal O'Regan
(ed, with Ravi P. Agarwal)
UCC graduate and UCG staff Nonlinear Analysis and Applications: Volume 2 2003 Kluwer To V. Lakshmikantham on his 80th Birthday 362
Donal O'Regan
(with Ravi P. Agarwal)
UCC graduate and UCG staff Singular Differential and Integral Equations with Applications 2003 Kluwer 402
2003 O'Regan set Donal O'Regan
(with Ravi P. Agarwal)

UCC graduate and UCG staff Set Valued Mappings with Applications in Nonlinear Analysis 2003 CRC Press (Mathematical Analysis and Applications Vol 4) 480
Donal O'Regan
(with Ravi P. Agarwal & Said R. Grace)
UCC graduate and UCG staff Oscillation Theory for Second Order Dynamic Equations 2003 Taylor & Francis (Mathematical Analysis and Applications Vol 5) 416
Daniel J. Duffy 978-0470855096
TCD graduate Financial Instrument Pricing Using C++ 2004 Wiley (The Wiley Finance Series) 432 2nd ed, 160 pages, 2015
Neil O'Connell (with Ayalvadi Ganesh & Damon Wischik)
TCD grad and UCD staff Big Queues 2004 Springer (LNM 1838) 11 + 248 + 5
John C. Lennox
(with J. S. Robinson)
QUB graduate The Theory of Infinite Soluble Groups 2004 Oxford (Mathematical Monographs) Monograph 368
Samuel Kenneth Houston (with Neil Challis & David Stirling)
QUB graduate and UU staff Supporting Good Practice in Assessment in Mathematics, Statistics and Operational Research 2004 Univ Birmingham Maths, Stats & OR Network Briefings, Guide for Heads of Departments, Guide for Lecturers 48 Text
Peter A. Hogan (with Claude Barrabès) 978-9812387370
UCD staff Singular Null Hypersurfaces in General Relativity: light-like signals from violent astrophysical events 2004 World Scientific Postgraduate Physics 204
Ivo Sachs Lectures on Supersymmetry 2004 DIAS (Communications of the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 29, Series A) ?
James Caldwell (with Douglas Kei Shing Ng) 978-9048165667
QUB graduate Mathematical Modelling: Case Studies and Projects 2004 Kluwer Academic (Texts in the Mathematical Sciences 28) 11 + 252
Margaret Sullivan Pepe 978-0198565826
UCC graduate The Statistical Evaluation of Medical Tests for Classification and Prediction 2005 Oxford Statistical Science Series 318
Michael A. Hayes
(ed, with Millard F. Beatty)
UCG graduate & UCD staff Mechanics and Mathematics of Crystals: Selected Papers of J. L. Ericksen 2005 World Scientific 656
Colm T. Whelan (ed, with Nigel J. Mason) 978-0306487019
UCD graduate Electron Scattering: From Atoms, Molecules, Nuclei and Bulk Matter 2005 Springer (Physics of Atoms and Molecules) the result of a meeting, which took place in Magdalene College Cambridge in December 2001 344
Christoph List
Maynooth graduate Linearization of Holomorphic Dynamical Systems 2005 Logic Press Analysis 145 Link
2005 Wilkins David R. Wilkins (ed) 978-1871408317
TCD staff Perplexingly Easy: Selected Correspondence between William Rowan Hamilton and Peter Guthrie Tait 2005 Royal Irish Academy 268
Michael P. Mortell and Alexei Pokrovskii (ed, with Robert E. O'Malley & Vladimir Sobolev) 978-0898715972
UCC graduate and staff and UCC staff Singular Perturbations and Hysteresis 2005 SIAM 360
Harry G. Perros 978-0470021637
TCD graduate Connection-Oriented Networks: SONET/SDH, ATM, MPLS and Optical Networks 2005 Wiley () Computer science 356
Donal O'Regan
(with Ravi P. Agarwal, M. Bohner & Said R. Grace)
UCC graduate and UCG staff Discrete Oscillation Theory 2005 Hindawi 961
Anthony G. O'Farrell 0-9544269-4-0 NUIM staff Introduction to Maple Programming 2005 Kilcock Undergraduate Programming and maths 8 + 235 Link
John Hinde
(with Murray Aitkin, Brian Francis & Ross Darnell)
NUIG staff Statistical Modelling in R 2005 Oxford (Statistical Science 35) ? Statistics 572 2nd ed 2009
Fionn Murtagh (ed) 978-0819458087
TCD graduate and QUB staff Opto-Ireland 2005: Imaging And Vision 2005 Society of Photo Optical Proceedings of Spie, 5-6 April, 2005, Dublin Image processing 304
Seán Dineen 978-0821839515
UCC graduate and UCD staff Probability Theory in Finance: A Mathematical Guide to the Black-Scholes Formula 2005 American Mathematical Society (GSM 70) Postgraduate Probability & finance 294 2nd ed, 305 pages, 2013
David Redmond (with Charles M. Quinn & Patrick Fowler) 978-0123704566
UCD graduate and Maynooth staff Computational Quantum Chemistry II - The Group Theory Calculator 2005 Academic 196
Declan Quinn (ed, with William Chin & James Osterburg) 978-0821839041
Groups, Rings and Algebras 2006 AMS (Contemporary Mathematics 420) A Conference in Honor of Donald S. Passman, June 10-12 301
Daniel J. Duffy 978-0470015384
TCD graduate Introduction to C++ for Financial Engineers: An Object-Oriented Approach 2006 Wiley 438
Daniel J. Duffy 978-0470858820
TCD graduate Finite Difference Methods in Financial Engineering: A Partial Differential Equation Approach 2006 Springer () 442
S. Adams Lectures on Mathematical Statistical Mechanics 2006 DIAS (Communications of the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 30, Series A) ?
Stephen M. Buckley
Maynooth staff Fractals and Real Dynamical Systems 2006 Logic Press 4 + 86 Link Simultaneously published in Irish as "Codaigh agus Córais Dhinimiciúla Réadacha" (Stíofán M. Ó Buachalla, ISBN 0954426959, 4 + 98 pages)
2006 Flannery David Flannery, David 978-1441918994
UCD graduate and CIT staff The Square Root of 2: A Dialogue Concerning a Number and a Sequence 2006 Copernicus / Springer General 12 + 256 paperback 2010
James W. Reilly UCG graduate and ITT Dublin staff Using Statistics 2006 Gill & Macmillan Undergraduate Statistics 192
Richard M. Timoney
(with Alec L. Matheson & Michael I. Stessin)

UCD graduate and TCD staff Recent Advances in Operator-Related Function Theory 2006 AMS
(Contemporary Mathematics 393)
John G. McWhirter (ed, with Simon Haykin, José C. Principe & Terrence J. Sejnowski) 978-0262083485
QUB graduate New Directions in Statistical Signal Processing: from Systems to Brains 2006 MIT Press (Neural Information Processing series) 544
Peter Lynch 978-0521857291
UCD staff The Emergence of Numerical Weather Prediction: Richardson's Dream 2006 Cambridge 11 + 279
Raymond Flood (ed, with John Fauvel & Robin Wilson) 978-0199298938
QUB & UCD graduate Music and Mathematics: From Pythagoras to Fractals 2006 Oxford General History 200
George Irwin (ed, with De-Shuang Huang & Kang Li) 978-3540372714
QUB staff Intelligent Computing: Proceedings, Part I 2006 Springer
(LNCS 4113)
Proceedings ICIC 2006, Kunming, China, August 16-19, 2006 Computing 1156
George Irwin (ed, with De-Shuang Huang & Kang Li) 978-3540372745
QUB staff Computational Intelligence: Proceedings, Part II 2006 Springer
(LNAI 4114)
Proceedings ICIC 2006, Kunming, China, August 16-19, 2006 Computing 1337
George Irwin (ed, with De-Shuang Huang & Kang Li) 978-3540372776
QUB staff Computational Intelligence and Bioinformatics 2006 Springer
(LNBI 4115)
Proceedings ICIC 2006, Kunming, China, August 16-19, 2006 Computing 25 + 803 MR2307926
George Irwin (ed, with De-Shuang Huang & Kang Li) 978-3540372554
QUB staff Intelligent Control and Automation 2006 Springer
(LNCIS 344)
Proceedings International Conference on Intelligent Computing, ICIC 2006, Kunming, China, August, 2006 Computing 1121 MR2265359
George Irwin (ed, with De-Shuang Huang & Kang Li) 978-3540372578
QUB staff Intelligent Computing in Signal Processing and Pattern Recognition 2006 Springer
(LNCIS 345)
Proceedings Computing 1179
Ted Hurley, ed, with Micheal Mac an Airchinnigh, Michel Schellekens, Anthony Seda & Glenn Strong UCG & UCC staff The Third Irish Conference on the Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science and Information Technology (MFCSIT2004) 2006 Elsevier Science (Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, Vol 161) Dublin, Ireland, 22-23 July 2004 184
Petros Florides (ed, with Brian Nolan & Adrian Ottewill) 978-9812564245
General Relativity And Gravitation 2006 World Scientific Proceedings of the 17th International Conference, RDS Convention Centre, Dublin, 18-23 July 2004 350
Fiacre Ó Cairbre & Richard Watson
(with John McKeon)
A Resource for Transition Year Mathematics Teachers 2006 Department of Education and Science Secondary General 145
Desmond MacHale 978-1856355087
UCG graduate and UCC staff Puzzleology: Tough Puzzles for Kids 2006 Mercier Press Recreational 93
Joseph C. Varilly UCD graduate An Introduction to Noncommutative Geometry 2006 European Mathematical Society (Series of Lectures in Mathematics) Postgraduate Geometry 121
Detta Dickinson
(with Victor Beresnevich & Sanju Velani)
Maynooth staff Measure Theoretic Laws for lim sup Sets 2006 AMS
(Memoirs of the AMS 846)
John E. McCarthy
(with Bob Dumas)
TCD graduate Transition to Higher Mathematics: Structure and Proof 2006 McGraw-Hill ((Walter Rudin Student Series in Advanced Mathematics) Foundations Undergraduate 304 pdf 2nd ed (13 + 281, 2015)
Siddhartha Sen & James C. Sexton and Ivo Sachs TCD staff & TCD graduate and staff Elements of Statistical Mechanics: With an Introduction to Quantum Field Theory and Numerical Simulation 2006 Cambridge ? Th Physics 348
Antony Unwin
(with Martin Theus & Heike Hofmann)
Graphics of Large Data Sets 2006 Springer
(Statistics and Computing)
13 + 272
Mícheál Ó Searcóid 978-1846283697
UCD staff Metric Spaces 2006 Springer
(UMS Series)
Undergrad Analysis 304 paperback 2010
Andrew Whitaker (with Dipamkar Home) 978-1441924452
QUB staff Einstein's Struggles with Quantum Theory: A Reappraisa 2007 Cambridge or Springer 370
Peng Yee Lee (ed, with Bin Xiong) 978-9812707895
QUB graduate Mathematical Olympiad in China: Problems and Solutions 2007 World Scientific 276
Owen O'Shea
(with Underwood Dudley)
UCC graduate The Magic Numbers of the Professor 2007 Mathematical Association of America (Spectrum Series) General Recreational Maths 168
Martin Stynes
(with Christian Grossmann & Hans-Gorg Roos)
Numerical Treatment of Partial Differential Equations 2007 Springer (Universitext) Numerical / DE 596
Noel P. Brady (with Tim Riley & Hamish Short) 978-3764379490
TCD graduate The Geometry of the Word Problem for Finitely Generated Groups 2007 Birkhäuser (Advanced Courses in Mathematics - CRM Barcelona) 7 + 206
John Miller (ed, with David Edelman & John Appleby) TCD graduate and staff Numerical Methods for Finance i 2007 Chapman & Hall / CRC (Financial Mathematics Series) Numerical / Fin Maths 312
Michel Destrade (ed, with G. Saccomandi) 978-3211999059
NUIG Waves in Nonlinear Pre-Stressed Materials 2007 Springer (CISM Courses and Lectures No. 495) Monograph 281
2007 Boland Philip J. Boland UCD staff Statistical and Probabilistic Methods in Actuarial Science 2007 Chapman & Hall/ CRC (Interdisciplinary Statistics)
Undergrad Prob & Stats 368
P. G. Burke
QUB staff The R-Matrix Theory of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Processes 2008 Taylor & Francis (Atomic Molecular Physics) 400
Brendan Goldsmith (ed, with Rüdiger Göbel)
Models, Modules and Abelian Groups 2008 Walter de Gruyter A series of articles dedicated to the memory of the late A.L.S. Corner. 10 + 497
Raymond Flood, Mark McCartney & Andrew Whitaker (eds) 978-0199231256
QUB & UCD graduate Kelvin: Life, Labours and Legacy 2008 Oxford General History 352
John Herivel 978-0947712464
QUB staff (former) Herivelismus and the German Military Enigma 2008 M&M Baldwin General History 144
Diarmuid Ó Mathúna 978-0817640965
UCC graduate and DIAS staff Integrable Systems in Celestial Mechanics 2008 Birkhäuser (Progress in Mathematical Physics 51) Monograph 234
2008 Crothers Derrick S. F. Crothers 978-0387743134
QUB graduate & QUB Semiclassical Dynamics and Relaxation 2008 Springer (Series on Atomic, Optical and Plasma Physics) Theoretical physics 342
Donal O'Regan
(with Ravi P. Agarwal)
UCC graduate and UCG staff Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations: With Special Functions, Fourier Series, and Boundary Value Problems 2008 Springer (Universitext) Undergraduate DE 410
Donal O'Regan
(with Ravi P. Agarwal)
UCC graduate and UCG staff An Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations 2008 Springer (Universitext) Undergraduate DE 322
Ross Geoghegan UCD graduate Topological Methods in Group Theory 2008 Springer (GTM 243) Postgraduate Algebra & Topology 473
Arthur Sands (and Sándor Szabó)
Factoring Groups into Subsets 2008 Chapman and Hall 274
Denis Weaire (ed) 978–3901585128
TCD staff George Francis Fitzgerald 2009 Living Edition 160
Dermott J. Mullan 978-1420083071
QUB grad Physics of the Sun: A First Course 2009 CRC Press 21 + 343 2nd ed (2022, 19 + 414)
Jane M. Horgan
UCC graduate & DCU staff Probability with R, an introduction with computer science applications 2009 Wiley Probability Undergraduate 8 + 393 = 416
Daniel J. Duffy (with Joerg Kienitz) 978-0470060698
TCD graduate Monte Carlo Frameworks: Building Customisable High-performance C++ Applications 2009 Springer 775
Bernd Kreußler (with Gerhard Pfister) 978-3540891062
Mary Immac College staff Mathematik für Informatiker: Algebra, Analysis, Diskrete Strukturen 2009 Springer 457 pages
Ted Hurley, ed, with Micheal Mac an Airchinnigh, Michel Schellekens, Anthony Seda, Glenn Strong (& Menouer Boubekeur) UCG & UCC staff Proceedings of the Fourth Irish Conference on the Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science and Information Technology (MFCSIT2006) 2009 Elsevier Science (Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, Vol 225) UCC, 1-5 August 2006 468
Peng Yee Lee (ed, with Bin Xiong) 978-9814261142
QUB graduate Mathematical Olympiad in China (2007-2008): Problems and Solutions 2009 World Scientific 194
Alan Hegarty, Natalia Kopteva, Eugene O'Riordan & Martin Stynes (ed)
BAIL 2008 - Boundary and Interior Layers 2009 Springer (Computational Science and Engineering) Proceedings of the International Conference on Boundary and Interior Layers Numerical 312
Donal O'Regan
(with Ravi P. Agarwal & D.R. Sahu)
UCC graduate and UCG staff Fixed Point Theory for Lipschitzian–type Mappings with Applications 2009 Springer (Topological Fixed Point Theory and Its Applications 6) 268
Diarmuid Early & Desmond MacHale 978-1906338015
UCC graduate & UCG graduate and UCC staff The first Twenty-Five Years of the Superbrain (1984-2008) 2009 Highperception 9 + 230 also The United Kingdom Mathematics Trust (2011)
Michael Stuart 978-0470973868
UCC graduate and TCD staff An Introduction to Statistical Analysis for Business and Industry - A Problem Solving Approach 2010 Wiley 400
Daniel J. Duffy (with Robert Demming) 978-9491028014
TCD graduate Introduction to the Boost C++ Libraries; Volume I - Foundations 2010 Datasim Education BV 310
2010 McMurry Sara M. McMurry 978-3901585135
TCD staff Mathematics As a Language - Understanding and Using Maths 2010 Living Edition Secondary 254
Dáibhí Ó Cróinín (with Immo Warntjes) 978-2503533179
UCG staff Computus and its Cultural Context in the Latin West, AD 300-1200 2010 Brepols Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on the Science of Computus in Ireland and Europe, Galway, 14-16 July, 2006 14 + 382
Ross Geoghegan
(with Matthias Beck)
UCD graduate The Art of Proof: Basic Training For Deeper Mathematics 2010 Springer (UTM) 182
Michael P. Tuite
(ed, with James Lepowsky & John McKay)
UCD graduate and NUIG staff Moonshine: The First Quarter Century and Beyond 2010 Cambridge
(LMS Lecture Note Series 372)
Conf Proc 416
Thomas Unger (translation of work by Manfred Knebusch) 978-1848822412
UCD graduate & staff Specialization of Quadratic and Symmetric Bilinear Forms 2010 Springer Algebra and Applications, Vol 11 translation of Spezialisierung von quadratischen und symmetrisch bilinearen Formen 16 + 192
Patrick Fitzpatrick, Patrick
(with H.L. Royden)
Cork born Real Analysis 2010 Pearson 544
Torsten Olaf Linß 978-3642051531
UCC graduate Layer-Adapted Meshes for Reaction-Convection-Diffusion Problems 2010 Springer (Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1985) 340
Peter A. Hogan with Hideki Asada & Toshifumi Futamase 978-0199584109
UCD staff Equations of Motion in General Relativity 2010 Oxford (International Series of Monographs on Physics Book 148) Postgraduate Physics 168
Roozbeh Hazrat 978-1849962506
Mathematica®: A Problem-Centered Approach 2010 Springer (Undergraduate Mathematics Series 53) Computer algebra 8 + 180
Terry Lynch & John Appleby 978-3843359351
DCU graduates and staff Large Fluctuations of Stochastic Differential Equations: Regime Switching and Applications to Simulation and Finance 2010 LAMBERT Academic Publishing Monograph Finacial Maths 240
Donal O'Regan
(with Kanishka Perera & Ravi P. Agarwal)
UCC graduate and UCG staff Morse Theoretic Aspects of p–Laplacian Type Operators 2010 AMS (Mathematical Surveys and Monographs 161) Monograph 141
Ciaran Mac an Bhaird 978-0954426934
Maynooth graduate and (future) staff Primality Testing and Gaussian Sums 2005 Logic Press Monograph based on masters thesis 130
Fionn Murtagh
(with Jean-Luc Starck & Jalal M. Fadili)
TCD graduate and QUB staff (former) Sparse Image and Signal Processing: Wavelets, Curvelets, Morphological Diversity 2010 Cambridge (Astronomy and Astrophysics Library) Postgraduate Astronomy 336
Fionn Murtagh 978-1584885283
TCD graduate and QUB staff (former) Correspondence Analysis and Data Coding with Java and R 2005 Chapman & Hall/ CRC (Computer Science & Data Analysis) Monograph 256
John Newell, John
(with Tom Aitchison & Stanley Grant)
UCG & UCC graduate and NUIG staff Statistics for Sport and Exercise Science: A Practical Approach 2010 Pearson Undergraduate Statistics 440
2010 McGuire Gary McGuire
(ed, with Gary L. Mullen, Daniel Panario & Igor E. Shparlinski)
? Finite Fields:
Theory and Applications
2010 AMS
(Contemporary Mathematics 518)
Conf Proc
(Dublin, 13-17 Jul 2009)
Algebra 384
Thomas Enda Conlon 978-1447839163
QUB graduate Thinking about Nothing: Otto von Guericke and the Magdeburg Expermients on the Vacuum 2011 lulu 382
P. Kevin MacKeown 978-9888028856
UCD graduate Early China Coast Meteorology: The Role of Hong Kong 2011 Hong Kong University Press (Royal Asiatic Society Hong Kong Studies Series) Meteorology General 14 + 289
B. L. Moiseiwitsch QUB staff How to Solve Applied Mathematics Problems 2011 Undergraduate 336? Dover
2011 Flannery Dane Flannery, Dane (with Warwick de Launey) 978-0821844960
NUIG staff Algebraic Design Theory 2011 AMS (Mathematical Surveys and Monographs 175) Monograph 298
Jerry Dwyer (ed, with Sonya Sherrod & Katherine Hitchcox) 978-3844313550
UCC graduate Science and Mathematics Integrated Activities for Middle School 2011 Lambert Academic Publishing 171
Andrew C. Fowler 978-0857296993
Belfast born Univ of Limerick staff Mathematical Geoscience 2011 Springer (Interdisciplinary Applied Mathematics 36) 19 + 883 reviews
John O'Donoghue (ed, with Juergen Maasz) 978-9460915413
Univ of Limerick staff Real-World Problems for Secondary School Mathematics Students: Case Studies 2011 Sense 292
2011 Matheiu Martin Mathieu (ed, with Raul E. Curto) QUB staff Elementary Operators and Their Applications 2011 Birkhäuser
Proceedings of 3rd International Workshop, Queen's University Belfast, 14-17 Apr 2009 Functional analysis 3 + 156 MR2789128
Denis Weaire & Petros Florides (eds, with John F. Donegan) 978–3901585173
TCD staff The Life and Works of Edward Hutchinson Synge (1890-1957) 2012 Living Edition 168
Daniel J. Duffy (with Robert Demming) 978-9491028021
TCD graduate Introduction to the Boost C++ Libraries; Volume II - Advanced Libraries 2012 Datasim Education BV 356
Valentin Blomer & Preda Mihăilescu (eds) 978-1461412182 Festschrift for Belfast's S. J. Patterson Contributions in Analytic and Algebraic Number Theory 2012 Springer Festschrift for S. J. Patterson: many of the articles were presented at "Patterson 60++" at the University of Göttingen in July 2009 18 + 290
Thérèse Dooley (with F. Waldron, J. Smith & M. Fitzpatrick) 978-1908308375
UCD & DCU graduate and SPD staff Re-imagining Initial Teacher Education: Perspectives on Transformation 2012 The Liffey Press Education 384
Percival D. McCormack 978-0306430206
TCD graduate Vortex, Molecular Spin and Nanovorticity: An Introduction 2012 Springer (Briefs in Physics) 7 + 136
Peng Yee Lee (ed, with Bin Xiong) 978-9814390217
QUB graduate Mathematical Olympiad in China (2009-2010): Problems and Solutions 2012 World Scientific 204
Ivan G. Graham (ed, with Thomas Y. Hou, Omar Lakkis & Robert Scheichl) 978-3642220609
Armagh born Numerical Analysis of Multiscale Problems 2012 Springer (Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering 83) 3 + 374
Andrew Whitaker 978-0199589135
QUB staff The New Quantum Age: From Bell's Theorem to Quantum Computation and Teleportation 2012 Oxford 416
Marc van Dongen 978-3-642-23815-4
UCC staff LaTeX and Friends 2012 Springer General Software 25 + 300 extras
2012 Flood, Rice & Wilson Raymond Flood
(with Adrian Rice & Robin Wilson)
QUB & UCD graduate Mathematics in Victorian Britain 2012 Oxford 496
Raymond Flood
(with Robin Wilson)
QUB & UCD graduate The Great Mathematicians: Unravelling the Mysteries of the Universe 2012 Arcturus 384
Patrick Muldowney 978-1118166406
UCG and Coleraine graduate and Magee staff A Modern Theory of Random Variation: With Applications in Stochastic Calculus, Financial Mathematics, and Feynman Integration 2012 John Wiley Analysis 544
2012 Golden John Murrough Golden
(with Giovambattista Amendola & Mauro Fabrizio)
Thermodynamics of Materials with Memory: Theory and Applications 2012 Springer Material Science 576
Fionn Murtagh
(with Mireille Gettler, Leon Bottou & Bernard Goldfarb)
TCD graduate and QUB staff (former) Statistical Learning and Data Science 2012 Chapman and Hall/ CRC 243
Ivan G. Graham (ed, with Ulrich Langer, Jens Melenk & Morad Sini) 978-3110282283
Armagh born Direct and Inverse Problems in Wave Propagation and Applications 2013 De Gruyter (Radon Series on Computational and Applied Mathematics 14) The third volume of three volume series recording the "Radon Special Semester 2011 on Multiscale Simulation & Analysis in Energy and the Environment" taking place in Linz, Austria, October 3-7, 2011 11 + 312
Annraoi de Paor
UCD graduate and staff An Illustrated Collection of Limericks for Engineers and Physicists 2013 Tyndall Publications 129
Daniel J. Duffy (with Andrea Germani) 978-0470030080
TCD graduate C# for Financial Markets 2013 Wiley 856
2013 Kelly & Doherty Mary J. Kelly & Charles Doherty (eds) 978-1846823923
Glendalough visitor centre staff & former UCD staff Music and the Stars: Mathematics in Medieval Ireland 2013 Four Courts Press 288 IT
Peter Richmond & Stefan Hutzler
(with Jurgen Mimkes)
TCD staff & TCD staff Econophysics and Physical Economics 2013 Oxford 272
2013 Hogan Peter A. Hogan with Claude Barrabès 978-0199680696
UCD staff Advanced General Relativity: Gravity Waves, Spinning Particles, and Black Holes 2013 Oxford (International Series of Monographs on Physics 160)) Postgraduate Physics 152
Iggy McGovern 978-0992629403
TCD staff (former) A Mystic Dream of 4 2013 Quaternia Press A sonnet sequence based on the life of William Rowan Hamilton Verse 88
Markus Hofmann (ed, with Ralf Klinkenberg) 978-1482205497
IT Blanchardstown staff RapidMiner: Data Mining Use Cases and Business Analytics Applications 2013 CRC Press (Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Series) 525
Donal O'Regan
(with Ravi P. Agarwal & Patricia J. Y. Wong)
UCC graduate and UCG staff Constant-Sign Solutions of Systems of Integral Equations 2013 Springer 648
Seán Dineen 978-9814401388
UCC graduate and UCD staff Analysis: A Gateway to Understanding Mathematics 2012 World Scientific Undergrad Analysis 320
Mark Cummins, Finbarr Murphy & John J. H. Miller (ed) 978-1461434320
Topics in Numerical Methods for Finance 2012 Springer (Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics 19) 204
Graham Wills Visualizing Time: Designing Graphical Representations for Statistical Data 2012 Springer (Statistics and Computing) 16 + 256
Siddhartha Sen
TCD staff The Joy of Understanding and Solving Problems: A Guide to School Mathematics 2013 154
Colm T. Whelan (ed) 978-9781107007444
UCD graduate Fragmentation Processes: Topics in Atomic and Molecular Physics 2013 Cambridge 277
Colm Mulcahy 978-1466509764
UCD graduate Mathematical Card Magic 2013 AK Peters / CRC Press General Recreational 380
Siddhartha Sen
TCD staff Numbers and Equations 2013 612
Eugene P. Ryan (with Hartmut Logemann) 978-1447163978
UCC graduate Ordinary Differential Equations - Analysis, Qualitative Theory and Control 2014 Springer 13 + 333
Michael P. Mortell (with Elena Shchepakina & Vladimir Sobolev) 978-3319095691
UCD graduate and staff Singular Perturbations: Introduction to System Order Recution Methods with Applications 2014 Springer (Lecture Notes in Mathematics 2114) 13 + 212
Michael O'Kelly (& Bohdana Ratitch) 978-1118460702
Clinical Trials with Missing Data: A Guide for Practitioners 2014 Wiley (Statistics in Practice) 472
Walter K. Hayman 978-1326032241
Irish published My Life and Functions 2014 Logic Press General Autobiography 152
Denis Weaire (ed, with Wim Blockmans & Lars Engwall) 978-1855781955
TCD staff Bibliometrics: Use and Abuse in the Review of Research Performance 2014 Portland Press (Wenner-Gren International Series) 178
Raymond Flood, Mark McCartney & Andrew Whitaker (ed) 978-0199664375
QUB and UCD graduate, QUB graduate and UU staff & QUB staff James Clerk Maxwell: Perspectives on his Life and Work 2014 Oxford General History 384
Donal O'Regan
(with Ravi P. Agarwal & Samir H. Saker)
UCC graduate and UCG staff Dynamic Inequalities On Time Scales 2014 Springer 256
Donal O'Regan
(with Ravi P. Agarwal & Samir H. Saker)
UCC graduate and UCG staff Oscillation and Stability of Delay Models in Biology 2014 Springer 340
Ivan Todorov (ed, with Luddmla Turowska) Algebraic Methods in Functional Analysis 2014 Birkhäuser (The Victor Shulman Anniversary Volume Series) Conference Proceedings Functional Analysis 8 + 294 MR3185653
Robin Harte
QUB graduate and UCC staff Spectral Mapping Theorems: A Bluffer's Guide 2014 Springer (Briefs in Mathematics) Functional Anal 14 + 120 IMS 2nd edition 2023
2014 McCluskey & McMaster Aisling McCluskey & Brian McMaster Undergraduate Topology: A Working Textbook 2014 Oxford Undergraduate Topology 160 MAA
2014 Attis David Attis 978-0988744981
Mathematics and the Making of Modern Ireland: Trinity College Dublin from Cromwell to the Celtic Tiger 2014 Docent Press 484
2014 MacHale Desmond MacHale 978-1782050049
UCG graduate and UCC staff The Life and Work of George Boole: A Prelude to the Digital Age 2014 Cork Univ Press General History 360
Desmond MacHale
(with Paul Sloane)
UCG graduate and UCC staff Mathematical Lateral Thinking Puzzles 2015 Puzzlewright Recreational 96
Donal O'Regan
(with R. P. Agarwal, E. Karapınar & A. F. Roldan-Lopez-de-Hierro)
UCC graduate and UCG staff Fixed Point Theory in Metric Type Spaces 2015 Springer 17 + 385
Daragh McInerney
(with Tomasz Zastawniak)
Stochastic Interest Rates 2015 Cambridge (Mastering Mathematical Finance) 170
2015 O'Farrell Anthony G. O'Farrell
(with Ian Short)
Maynooth Univ staff Reversibility in Dynamics and Group Theory 2015 Cambridge
(LMS Lecture Note Series 416)
Monograph Groups, geometry, topology, dynamics, complex analysis 11 + 281
Patrick Heelan (ed Babatte Babich) 978-1433130625
UCD graduate and former staff The Observable: Heisenberg’s Philosophy of Quantum Mechanics 2015 Peter Lang (History and Philosophy of Science 1) previously unpublished study of author's completely articulated development of his 1965 philosophy of quantum physics 185
Mark McCartney (with Snezana Lawrence) 978-0198703051
QUB graduate and Jordanstown staff Mathematicians & Their Gods: Interactions between Mathematics and Religious Beliefs 2015 Oxford General Religion 320
2015b O'Farrell Anthony G. O'Farrell 978-1326414337
UCD graduate and Maynooth Univ staff Analysis Zero 2015 Logic Press Undergraduate Foundations 9 + 148
David J. Wraith (with Wilderich Tuschmann) 978-3034809474
Maynooth staff Moduli Spaces of Riemannian Metrics 2015 Springer (Oberwolfach Seminars 46) Monograph Differential geometry 10 + 123
Maria Roginskaya 978-1326367435
Irish published Advanced Basics of Geometric Measure Theory 2015 Logic Press Graduate Analysis 104
Donal Gallagher (with Roland Lichters & Roland Stamm) 678-1137494832
UCD graduate and UL staff Modern Derivatives Pricing and Credit Exposure Analysis: Theory and Practice of CSA and XVA Pricing, Exposure Simulation and Backtesting 2015 Palgrave Macmillan (Applied Quantitative Finance) Stochastic calculus 432
Kieran F. Mulchrone (ed, with Soumyajit Mukherjee) 978-1118844960 UCC staff Ductile Shear Zones: From Micro- to Macro-scales 2015 Wiley Blackwell 11 + 320
Vladimir Dotsenko (with Bo Murray R. Bremmner)
TCD staff Algebraic Operads--An Algorithmic Companion 2016 CRC Press 17 + 365
Paul D. McNicholas
TCD graduate Mixture Model-Based Classification 2016 Chapman and Hall / CRC Press 212
Robert Shorten (with M Corles, C King and F Wirth)
UCD graduate AIMD Dynamics and Distributed Resource Allocation 2016 SIAM Advances in Design and Control 14 + 235
Andrew Whitaker 978-019874299
QUB staff John Stewart Bell and Twentieth-Century Physics: Vision and Integrity 2016 Oxford 460
Paul Barry
Riordan Arrays: a Primer 2016 Logic Press 7 + 291
Donal O'Regan
(with Afif Ben Amar)
UCC graduate and UCG staff Topological Fixed Point Theory for Singlevalued and Multivalued Mappings and Applications 2016 Springer 10 + 194
Owen O'Shea UCC graduate The Call of the Primes 2016 Prometheus General Recreational Maths 330
John J. H. Miller (ed, with Valarmathi Sigamani, Ramanujam Narasimhan, Paramasivam Mathiazhagan & Franklin Victor) 978-8132235965
TCD graduate and staff Differential Equations and Numerical Analysis 2016 Springer (Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics 172) Proceedings Tiruchirappalli, Indian January 2015 Numerical / DE 165
Colm T. Whelan 978-3527413331
UCD graduate A first Course in Mathematical Physics 2016 Wiley-VCH undergraduate 260
Peter Lynch 978-0717169559
UCD graduate and staff That's Maths 2016 Gill General General 12 + 331
Donal O'Regan
(with Ravi P. Agarwal, Erdal Karapinar, & Antonio Francisco Roldan-Lopez-de-Hierro)
UCC graduate and UCG staff Fixed Point Theory in Metric Spaces 2016 Springer 17 + 385
Ralph Kenna, edited, with Máirín MacCarron & Pádraig MacCarron 978-3319394435
Maths Meets Myths: Quantitative Approaches to Ancient Narratives 2016 Springer () Understanding Complex Systems 10 + 228
Donal O'Regan
(with Ravi P. Agarwal & Samir H. Saker)
UCC graduate and UCG staff Hardy Type Inequalilties on Time Scales 2016 Springer 10 + 305
Michael Mortell (with Brian R. Seymour) 978-9813100336
UCD graduate and staff Nonlinear Waves in Bounded Media 2017 World Scientific 320
James McLaughlin 978-9813224179
UU and UCD graduate Topics and Methods in q-Series 2017 World Scientific (Monographs in Number Theory 8) 320
Robert Shorten (and Emanuele Crisostomi, Sonja Stüdli and Fabian Wirth)
UCD graduate Electric and Plug-in Vehicle Networks: Optimisation and Control 2017+ CRC Press 260
TJM Boyd
QUB graduate George Hartley Bryant - Prophet without honour? 2017 Orphean 42
Donal O'Regan
(with Ravi P. Agarwal & Snezhana Hristova)
UCC graduate and UCG staff Non-Instantaneous Impulses in Differential Equations 2017 Springer 11 + 251
Brendan Dooley (ed) 978-0262535007
The Continued Exercise of Reason: Public Addresses by George Boole 2018 MIT 9 + 237
Andreas Amann (with Stefano Boccaletti, Alexander N. Pisarchik, and Charo I. del Genio) 978-1107297111
UCC staff Synchronization: From Coupled Systems to Complex Networks 2018 Cambridge 93
Michael J. Walsh
The Great Calendar Reform: An Historical and Mathematical Examination 2018 Logic Press 2683
Colm T. Whelan 978-
UCD graduate Atomic Structure 2018 Institue of Physics undergraduate IOP Concise Physics 152
Myrto Manolaki (ed, with Javad Mashregh & Paul Gauthier)
New Trends in Approximation Theory: In Memory of André Boivin 2018 Springer Fields Institute Communications 81 "New Trends in Approximation Theory", Fields Institute, Toronto, July 25 to 29, 2016 ?
Donal O'Regan
(with Ravi P. Agarwal & E. Christina Flaut)
UCC graduate and UCG staff An Introduction to Real Analysis 2018 Springer 10 + 305
Thérèse Dooley (ed, with Ghislaine Gueudet) 978-1873769737
Proceedings of the Tenth Congress of European Research in Mathematics Education (CERME 10) 2018 Institute of Education DCU, and ERME 1-5 Feb 2017, DCU Institute of Education and ERME 44 + 4045 text
2014 McCluskey & McMaster Aisling McCluskey & Brian McMaster QUB graduate and NUIG staff & QUB graduate and staff 9780198817567 Undergraduate Analysis: A Working Textbook 2018 Oxford Undergraduate Analysis 11 + 381 MAA
Desmond MacHale & Yvonne Cohen 978-1782052906
UCG graduate and UCC staff New Light on George Boole 2018 Cork University Press General History 492
Paul Feehan (& Thomas G. Leness)
An SO(3)-Monopole Cobordism Formula Relating Donaldson and Seiberg-Witten Invariants 2018 AMS 228
Niamh O'Meara (with Patrick Johnson, John O'Donoghue & Jürgen Maaß) 978-3030004309
Mathematical Modelling for Teachers: A Practical Guide to Applicable Mathematics Education 2018 Springer 176
John Gough (and Joachim Kupsch) 1108416764
Quantum Fields and Processes: A Combinatorial Approach 2018 Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics 171 93
Paul D. McNicholas (and Peter Tait)
TCD graduate Data Science with Julia 2019 Chapman and Hall / CRC Press 220
Anthony Donal Wickstead
(ed, with G. Buskes, M. de Jeu, P. Dodds, A. Schep, F. Sukochev & J. van Neerven)
QUB staff Positivity and Noncommutative Analysis 2019 Birkhäuser (Trends in Mathematics) Festschrift in honour of Ben de Pagter on the occasion of his 65th birthday 8 + 363
Donal O'Regan
(with Ravi P. Agarwal & Simona Hodis)
UCC graduate and UCG staff 500 Examples and Problems of Applied Differential Equations 2019 Springer (Problem Books in Mathematics) 9 + 388
Brendan Murphy (with Adrian E. Raftery and Charles Charles Bouveyron & Gilles Celeux) 978-1108494205
graduate Model-Based Clustering ans Classification for Data Science 2019 Cambridge With Appicaions in R 446
Mark McCartney, Andrew Whitaker & Alastair Wood (eds)
QUB graduate and UU staff, former QUB staff & former DCU staff George Gabriel Stokes: Life, Science and Faith 2019 Oxford 272
Raymond Flood (with Robin Wilson) 978-1841658520
QUB & UCD graduate Remarkable Lives: Isaac Newton 2019 Pitkin 36
Graham Ellis
NUIG staff An Invitation to Computational Homotopy 2019 Oxford postgraduate 560
Patrick D. Barry
Advanced Plane Geometry: some Generalization in Geometry 2019 Logic Press Undergraduate 522
Michael P. Tuite
(ed, with Matthew Krauel & Gaywalee Yamskulna)
UCD graduate and NUIG staff Vertex Operator Algebras, Number Theory and Related Topics 2000 AMS
(Contemporary Mathematics 753)
Proceedings of the International Conference on Vertex Operator Algebras, Number Theory, and Related Topics, June 11–15, 2018, California State University, Sacramento, California 250
Raymond Flood (with Tony Mann and Mary Croarken) 978-0367362720
QUB & UCD graduate Mathematics at the Meridian: The History of Mathematics at Greenwich 2020 Chapman & Hall / CRC (Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing) 242
Des MacHale
UCD graduate and UCC staff Number and Letter Puzzles 2020- Logic Press Recreational 330 puzzles 100
Owen O'Shea
UCC graduate Mathematical Brainteasers with Surprising Solutions 2020 Prometheus Press Recreational 208
Robert Shorten (ed, with Emanuele Crisostomi, Bissan Ghaddar, Florian Häusler, Joe Naoum-Sawaya, and Giovanni Russo)
UCD graduate Analytics for the Sharing Economy: Mathematics, Engineering and Business Perspectives 2020 Springer 6 + 348
Peter Lynch 978-1716507991 UCD graduate and staff That's Maths II: A Ton of Wonders 2020 Logic Press General 7 + 240
Donal O'Regan
(with Chao Wang, Ravi P. Agarwal & Rathinasamy Sakthivel)

UCC graduate and UCG staff Theory of Translation Closedness for Time Scales 2020 Springer (Developments in Mathematics) With Applications in Translation Functions and Dynamic Equations +
Owen O'Shea UCC graduate The Book of Proposition Bets: Using Mathematics to Reveal the Odds of Friendly (and Not-So-Friendly) Wagers 2021 Prometheus General Recreational Maths 160
Peter Hogan with Dirk Pützfeld 978-3-030-69370-1
Frontiers in General Relativity 2021 Springer Lecture Notes in Physics 984 11 + 246
Stephen R. Taylor 978-0367768621
Antrim born Nanohertz Gravitational Wave Astronomy 2021 CRC Press 172
Ron McCartney
A Gentle Path into General Topology, Part 1 2021 Springer Metric Spaces and their Open Sets 76
Ronan Flatley
MIghTY Maths: Mathematical Investigations for Transition Year 2022 pub 93
Peter Lynch 978-1471757525 UCD graduate and staff That's Maths III: Elegant Abstractions & Eclectic Applications 2022 Logic Press General 12 + 260
Paul Barry (and Louis Shapiro, Renzo Sprugnoli, Gi-Sang Cheon, Tian-Xiao He, Donatella Merlini & Weiping Wang)
The Riordan Group and Applications 2022 Springer 22 + 334 + 18
Shane Whelan
Mortality and Longevity in Ireland 2022 Dublin University Press 296
Donal O'Regan
(with Afif Ben Amar)
UCC graduate and UCG staff Topology and Approximate Fixed Points 2022 Springer (Developments in Mathematics 71) 13 + 251
2022 McCluskey & McMaster Aisling McCluskey & Brian McMaster QUB graduate and NUIG staff & QUB graduate and staff 9780192846075 Integration with Complex Numbers: A Primer on Complex Analysis 2022 Oxford Undergraduate Complex Analysis 288
Martin Mathieu 978-3-031-14208-6
QUB staff Classically Semisimple Rings: A Perspective Through Modules and Categories 2022 Springer 10 + 143
Peter Hogan with Dirk Pützfeld 978-
Exact Space-Time Models of Gravitational Waves 2022 Springer SpringerBriefs in Physics 984 7 + 77 + 8
Desmond MacHale 987-1471761478 UCG graduate and UCC staff Comic Sections: The book of mathematical jokes, humour, wit, and wisdom 2022 Logic Press General Humour 278
Thomas Unger (translation and with contribution of work by Manfred Knebusch & Claus Scheiderer)
UCD graduate & staff Real Algebra = A First Course 2022 Springer 12 + 206
Brian P. Dolan
Maynooth staff Einstein's General Theory of Relativity: A Concise Introduction 2023 Cambridge 10 + 204
Owen O'Shea UCC graduate The Call of Coincidence: Mathematical Gems, Peculiar Patterns, and More Stories of Numerical Serendipity 2023 Prometheus General Recreational Maths
Brendan O'Sullivan (with Ciaran Duffy and Eoghan O'Leary) 978-1-907330-49-0
school Junior Cycle Success -- Maths Book 1 2023 4schools 172 Link
Brendan O'Sullivan (with Ciaran Duffy and Eoghan O'Leary) 978-1-907330-50-6
school Junior Cycle Success -- Maths Book 2 2023 4schools 196
Brendan Murphy (with Adrian E. Raftery and Luca Scucca & Chris Fraley) 978-
graduate Model-Based Clustering, Classification, and Density Estimation Using mclust in R 2023 CRC (The R Series) 2
Neal Dobbs (& Mike Todd) 978-1470461263
Free Energy and Equilibrium States for Families of Interval Maps 2023 AMS (Memoirs Vol 286 No 1417) 103
Ronald H. Perrott 978-0201142310
Parallel Programming 1987 Addison-Wesley International Computer Science Series 252
Ronald H. Perrott 978-0442314101
Software for Parallel Computers 1992 Chapman & Hall 350
Susan McKenna-Lawlor w/ V. Rauschenbakh & M. Y. Ovchinnikov
Whatever Shines Should be Observed [quicquid nitet notandum] 1997?? Springer Space Technology Library Book 15 93 New edition 2003
Susan McKenna-Lawlor w/
Essential Spaceflight Dynamics and Magnetospherics 2006 Springer 93 New edition 2003
euclid oBell, John Stewart (2004). Speakable and Unspeakable in Quantum Mechanics (2nd ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-52338-7. 2004 edition with introduction by Alain Aspect and two additional papers: ISBN 0-521-52338-9. B. Tangney and D. O'Mahony., Local Area Networks and their Applications, (UK), Hemel Hempstead, Prentice-Hall, 1988, 246pp Book, 1988 FJ Madden & Alphonsus D Madden R. C. Geary (ed)
Europe's future in figures 1962 North-Holland 8 + 343 R. C. Geary (with J. E. Spencer) 0317561367 or 0852642164
978-0852642160 Elements of Linear Programming with Economic Applications 1973 Lubrecht & Cramer Ltd Griffins' statistical monographs and courses, No 15 138 2nd edition R. C. Geary (with J. E. Spencer) 0852642253
978-0852642252 Exercises in Mathematical Economics and Econometrics, with Outlines of Theory 1974 Hodder Arnold + 328 Gerard Beirne - irish lit times Europe's Future in Figures, North Holland (1962), ASIN: B002RB858E Elements of Linear Programming with Economic Applications (with J. E. Spencer), Lubrecht & Cramer Ltd (June 1973), ISBN 0317561367 Exercises in Mathematical Economics and Econometrics, with Outlines of Theory (with J. E. Spencer), London: Charles Griffin & Co (1987), ISBN 0852642261