Card Colm

Colm Mulcahy
is professor of mathematics at
Spelman College, Atlanta, GA,
where he has taught since 1988, serving as chair of the
department 2003-06.
He is on leave for the academic year 2013-14, visiting The American University, but is always reachable by
Click for his bio. More links are at his old webpage.
Title (Aperiodical)
23 Sep 2013
Inspired by Math (Wild by Math)
21 Sep 2013
Let the Mathemagic Begin (Math Tango)
15 Sep 2013
Spelman’s Own ‘Mathemagician’ (Inside Spelman)
5 Sep 2013

Fall Dept Public Lecture, American Univ, Fri, 8 Nov 2013
(Lecture on mathemagic with a deck of cards)
Fall Meeting of MD-DC-VA Section of the MAA, Fri, 1 Nov 2013
(Banquet address on Martin Gardner)
Panel on Martin Gardner, MoMath, NY, Sat, 26 Oct 2013
(Personal reminiscences )
Panel on Martin Gardner, Princeton Univ, Fri, 25 Oct 2013
(Personal reminiscences )
Pi Mu Epsilon Talk, Gettysburg College, Tue, 22 Oct 2013
(Lecture on mathemagic with a deck of cards)
(AK Peters/CRC Press, 380 pages, 128 illustrations, Aug 2013)

"Filled with many original ideas that will keep
mathematicians and magicians busy for a very long time"
— Arthur Benjamin
"A stimulating collection of novel card magic tricks that .... form
a wonderful introduction to important ideas in combinatorics"
— Ronald Graham
"A must for your magic library"
— Lennart Green

With the late Martin Gardner, in Oklahoma, Mar 2007. The famed writer was a sweet, unassuming and generous man. He played a significant role in enriching the intellectual climate of a nation during the space race era, turning tens of thousands of people on to the joys of creative thinking. In a sense, he did for mathematics what Julia Child did for French cooking. His legacy is celebrated every Oct with Celebration of Mind parties worldwide.

With Ethan Brown, in NYC, Aug 2013, at the first MOVES conference at the groundbreaking Museum of Math. Though he's only starting 9th grade, Ethan is already an energetic blogger, and a protégé of Art Benjamin. He's a total whiz at magic square completion and can do amazing mental arithmetic feats.

With Ron Graham and Persi Diaconis, in San Diego, Jan 2013, at a book signing for their beautiful and inspirational Magical Mathematics: The Mathematical Ideas that Animate Great Magic Tricks (Princeton University Press, 2011) deservedly won the 2013 2013 Euler Book Prize. The wonderful mathematics and magic in that tome is much more sophisticated than that found in Mathematical Card Magic: Fifty-Two New Effects.
(All photos on this and related webpages are copyrighted and may not be used without permission.)