G4G Wall Calendar 2021
G4G is pleased to announce a 28-page full color wall calendar for 2021. DOWNLOAD ALL 28 PAGES FREE HERE (35MB)
members, and sad to see how many we have lost. This is far more than
just a calendar. It’s a memory book, a celebration of Martin’s legacy,
an album of exciting highlights of the last 28 years. Thanks for seeing
this heart-warming project through to completion. (Kate Jones)
People who got these calendars will treasure them like they do their books
by Gardner. The calendars will be saved for years to come. They will not
thrown out. Instead they will stay right up on walls, year after
until they are right again. (Ron Lancaster)
The calendar is gorgeous. (Nancy Blachman)
The calendar is lots of fun and interesting to read. I was pleased to see my
bio-entry on the calendar, particularly my adjacency to Martin Gardner's
tribute. It was also cool to be on the quadruple-hit date of 10 October. Of
course, my parents deserve the credit for this, not me. (Margaret Kepner)
This is not just a calendar! If you've been to a G4G, this is filled with memories.
If you haven't been, this is what you've been missing. And see which G4G
presenter or participant shares your birthday!
(Doris Schattschneider)
I just received my G4G calendar and don't give a hoot that it's already
February. It is simply splendid, beautifully designed and produced and
so respectful of those who have passed on.
(Ann Schwartz)
We just received the beautiful G4G Calendar 2021 and are really enjoying
all of the memories of past Gatherings! Thank you so very much for
putting this
together and to all those who helped. (Jerry & Karen Farrell)
Here are suggested donations to The Gathering 4 Gardner (G4G) Foundation: $40 for the first calendar, $30 for the second, and $20 for each additional calendar (up to 5 total). If you want 10, do that twice! Domestic postage is included but there is an additional charge for International postage. The first calendars were packed and shipped on Thursday, 4th February, and the rest will go out by Monday 8th. More will follow as orders are received.
Please email calendar@g4gfoundation.org to request yours. State how many you want and the shipping address for each.
Then, at your convenience, consider donating here, and please indicate that it's in connection with calendars (details NOT needed there).

Richard Guy with Steve Butler at G4G11; Ron Graham; 'Mindplay For Sir Roger' by Teja Krašek; Elwyn Berlekamp; Paula Apsel; Ernő Rubik at G4G13 with Sydney Weaver, Ron Lancaster, David Singmaster, Jeff Varasano and Lucas Garron; Mark Burstein; Moon Duchin; James Randi with Martin Gardner; ‘Café Wall Optical Illusion’ by Victoria Skye; Roxana Kuwer Arsalan at G4G13; John Conway at G4G11 with Yoshiyuki Kotani and Greg Whitehead.
This carefully curated calendar celebrates the past, present and future of that special community known as Gathering 4 Gardner. We are a group of people who aim to stimulate curiosity and the playful exchange of ideas and critical thinking in recreational math, magic, science, literature, rationality, and puzzles. In part, we do this through preserving and promoting the legacy of prolific writer and polymath Martin Gardner (1914-2010).
The front cover celebrates upcoming featured G4G14 speakers Paula Apsell, Mark Burstein and Moon Duchin, as well as guest Ernő Rubik from G4G13 2018. It includes innovative artistic creations (Teja Krašek's new tribute to Roger Penrose and a baffling optical illusion from Victoria Skye), along with a nod to special G4G13 performers (some speedcubers from different eras, and Roxana Kuwen Arsalan, who juggles with her feet).

We also acknowledge the sad passing of five people who were very important to the legacy of Martin Gardner, namely Richard Guy, Ron Graham, Elwyn Berkekamp, James Randi, and John Conway.

For each month there will be two pages, as depicted. Six people are highlighted per month, along with one associated image of note (with description), and a puzzle to ponder. Puzzles have been contributed by Tanya Khovanova, Serhiy Grabarchuk Snr, Scott Kim, Bill Gosper, Dick Hess, Rob Jones, Serhiy Grabarchuk Jnr, Pete Winkler, Dick Esterle and John Conway.
In addition to G4G associates, we include many historical figures of note. We do not list year of birth for living people. Note there are several birthday matches, and even a triple match.
Other pages of the calendar feature additional treats, including a history of G4G, long lost correspondence with Dr IJ Matrix, a visual panorama of G413, and a customized crossword puzzle offering from Dana Richards.
Once you have your very own calendar in hand, you will know what Ed Marlo, Neil Sloane, David Klarner & Margaret Kepner have in common!
Here are the people highlighted (with photos and bio sketches):
Alan Schoen
Adrian Fisher
Alex Bellos
Alexa Meade
Bill Cutler
Bronna Butler
Carlota Simões
Carolyn Yackel
Daina Taimina
David Singmaster
Doris Schattschneider
Elwyn Berlekamp (1940-2019)
Eli Maor
Erik Demaine
Ernő Rubik
Frank Baum (1856-1919)
George Csicsery
Gwen Fisher
Harry Houdini (1874-1926)
Henry Dudeney (1857-1930)
Irving Joshua Matrix (1908-?)
Ivan Moscovich
James Randi (1928-2020)
Jean Pedersen (1934-2016)
Jeannine Mosely
Jerry & Karen Farrell
John H Conway
John & Jane Kostick
Karl Shaffer
Ken Knowlton
Klaus Peters (1937-2014)
Laura Taalman
Lennart Green
Lewis Carroll (1832-1898)
Lisa Menna
Lisa Rougetet
Manjul Bhargava
Margaret Kepner
Marjorie Rice (1923-2017)
Marjorie Senechal
Mark Setteducati
Markus Goetz (1974-2018)
Martin Gardner (1914-2010)
Miquel Duran
Nob Yoshigahara (1936-2004)
Paul Swinford (1931-2000)
Pete Winkler
Ravi Vakil
Ray Hyman
Richard Guy (1916-2020)
Robert Fathauer
Roger Penrose
Rudolf Carnap (1891-1970)
Sam Loyd (1841-1911)
Sándor Bozóki
Siobhan Roberts
Skona Brittain
Stan Isaacs
Stewart Coffin
Tadashi Tokieda
Tanya Chartier
Tanya Khovanova
Teja Krašek
Tim & Tanya Chartier
Tom Rodgers (1943-2012)
Vickie Kearn
Victoria Sky
Zvezdelina Stankova