Spelman's Got (Math) Talent, Spring 2016
In the spring 2016 semester, students in both my Math 324 (Cal III) and Math 463 (Real Vars) classes were given the option of doing something "artistic" for extra credit. The following statement was included in all of my syllabi:at the discretion of the instructor, for coming up with and sharing
an innovative original artistic creation about class material
in the form of a poem, rap, song, video or dance."
This is what they came up with!

Journey of Discovery: Mystique of the Double Integral (Abiana Adamson) (click to Show/Hide)
Late this afternoon I wondered
Late this afternoon I pondered
Late this afternoon I discovered
The double integral
With domains of 2 dimensions
With the chance of 2 integrations
With the prospect of volume calculations
The double integral
I can tell Carol the center of mass
I can tell Daryl the volume between surfaces
I can tell Cheryl the average value
The double integral
Early next morning I wondered
Early next morning I pondered
Early next morning I remembered
The double integral
The Creation of Partial Derivatives (Kristina Brown) (click to Show/Hide)
There once was a family of variables who lived deep in the textbook of Calculus 3
The parents liked to be called F, and the children were x, y, and sometimes z
The children never liked to do anything together, even though they had so much in common
Because of this everything was done separately, giving respect to each child
One day at the school of FUNCTIONS
X and Y both decided to play in coloring Math and Arts
They were supposed to work together, but of course this didn’t happen
In coloring math and Arts the children picked a picture to color
And at the end of Coloring Math and Arts the children have to take derivatives
Derivatives is when all the children show how the picture has changed after coloring it
X and Y did not want to present together
So two derivatives had to be done so each child could feel special
X went first and Y did not want to participate at all
So when it was Y’s turn X didn’t want to play
Finally when both children did there derivatives a strange image was made
Together they were able to make the slope of the curves on the picture
The children were so happy about their accomplishments
And since then they have been making partial derivative history
3D Surfaces (Amanda Collins) (click to Show/Hide)
3D surfaces are solid, not flat.
Look at a cone; it is like a pointy hat.
Even a cylinder looks like a can.
Of course, a sphere is like a ball man.
However, if it loses air it looks more like an ellipsoid.
Even an hourglass is shaped like a one sheet hyperboloid.
Nevertheless, a paraboloid is more like a bowl.
With a 2- sheet hyperboloid, you get two for one bowl goal.
3D surfaces can be so much fun.
Haikus on vectors (Sydney Harris) (click to Show/Hide)
Haiku Poems on Vectors
Two dimensional,
Sometimes three dimensional,
Vectors are unique.
Two points in the plane,
An initial point P and
Terminal point Q.
Length or magnitude,
The distance from P to Q,
Is easy to find.
Distance formula,
Square-root of a2+b2,
Length of the vector.
Compute the dot product,
Multiply corresponding
Components and add.
Calculus three has
Vector geometry and
Many more concepts.
What Do You Do? (Morgan Lipkins) (click to Show/Hide)
Based on "How Will I Know" by Whitney Houston
There’s some things I know, all in Chapter Four-Teen
In the end you’ll see, how it will all come to be
Here comes the first one, just for several variables
It’s partial derivatives, and it measures rate of change
[Chorus #1]
What do you do? (With Partial Derivatives)
What do you do?
What do you do? (Given a nice Function)
What do you do?
You have to single out each variable
Then take their distinct derivative
Fx for “x” and fy for “y”
Well, it depends on what dimension I’m in
Treat the other variable as a constant
And if there are some given points (Keep Colm)
All you have to do is plug them in
Now you’re done what else could there be?
Oh, of course, higher order, partial derivatives
Said there’s no mistaking, it’s the second-order deriatives
[Chorus #2]
Ooh There’s more: What do you do? (for a Mixed Partial)
What do you do?
What do you do? (Relation to another)
What do you do?
Look at the first partial derivatives,
Take the rate of change of one nice variable
In accordance of the other variable
Find mixed partials in respect of both variables
And just remember mixed partials must match
If you try it and it fails you (replay)
Solving it out is all very easy
If you listen to me, credits to Mulcahy
Now you know too, all that this includes (3x)
What do you do?
What do you do?
What do you do?
[Chorus #3]
What do you do? (With Partial Derivatives)
What do you do?
What do you do? (Given a nice Function)
What do you do?
You have to single out each variable
Then take their distinct derivative
Fx for “x” and fy for “y”
Well, it depends on what dimension I’m in
Treat the other variable as a constant
And if there are some given points (Keep Colm)
Now all you do is continue through
This short process, and now you it too!
Haiku on integrals (Faith Lyons) (click to Show/Hide)
Volume of Solids.
Make them iterated then,
Fubini's Theorem.
The Class of Oh My! (Sheveika Robinson, with Audio) (click to Show/Hide)
What is the cross product?
Can you sketch part of the plane?
Is the equation of a 2-sheet hyperboloid x2-y2-z2=1?
Note to self, Calculus 3 is not a game!
Gradients and Derivatives and Integrals OH MY,
Gradients and Derivatives and Integrals OH MY,
Gradients and Derivatives and Integrals OH MYYYYYYY!
Is it a min?
Is it a max?
Can you find the derivative?
What is the directional derivative?
What is the partial derivative?
Reality Check, Calculus 3 is still not a game!
XY-Planes to XYZ-Planes,
XY Coordinates to Cylindrical Coordinates to Spherical Coordinates,
Integration of one variable to Integration in two variables,
Single Integrals to Double Integrals to Triple integrals.
Calculus 1 and Calculus 2 and Calculus 3, OH MY,
Calculus 1 and Calculus 2 and Calculus 3, OH MY,
Calculus 1 and Calculus 2 and Calculus 3, OH MYYYYYYY!
None of it is a game!
The Best of Both Worlds (Maenishia Simmons, with Audio) (click to Show/Hide)
The Best of Both Worlds: Rendition of Hannah Montana lyrics
Oh yea, come on
You got the vector in the plane
Any length, two dimensions, two points
Yea when you’re a vector, it can get confusing
It’s really simple but no one ever discovers
In some ways vectors represent direction
But it is just a line
You get the best of both worlds
Three dimensions
Then you have three coordinates now
You get the best of both worlds
Switch it up, same concept
Then you know it is the best of both dimensions
Best of both dimensions
Vectors are in physics
See your applications
Living two dimensions is a little weird
But it’s cool because it is the same
You start with an initial point
But end with a terminal one
You get the best of both worlds
The length is magnitude
And is from P to Q
You get the best of worlds
Switch it up, same concept
Real Variables
I Got a Feelin' (Veron Frith) (click to Show/Hide)
I Got a Feelin’ Remix (Black-Eyed Peas)
Some Words of Wisdom
Some words of wisdom, I’ll share a good few theorems,
I’ll share a few good theorems
I’ll share a few good the-e-orems
Some definitions, remember definitions
Remember definitions
These really important definitions
Todays the day! Lets turn it up!
I got my Reals notes, lets learn it up!
Just attempt it, its not so hard
Contradiction! Round of applause!
I know that we’ll have a ball
Let’s start with the order properties of R
It says, that there of three of them
P is closed under addition and multiplication!
Law of Trichotemy! (shout)
Let’s move on, lets talk closed balls
With center x, and radius r
Represented, just like this Br(x)={y Î R | ||y-x||£ r}
Remember tis equation for other things
Lets do it, let’s do it, lets do it, lets do it
And do it, and do do it, (do it again)
Lets do it, let’s do it, lets do it, lets do it
Lets do it, let’s do it, lets do it, lets do it
Some words of wisdom, I’ll share a good few theorems,
I’ll share a few good theorems
I’ll share a few good the-e-orems
Some definitions, remember definitions
Remember definitions
These really important definitions
Another topic, lets talk about points
Interior, exterior, boundary points
All together, they make the set
But x can only be, one of them
Here it comes, Heine-Borel
It makes this easy, we’ll use it well
A set is compact if its bounded and closed
So what’s this set [0,1] (compact)! Round of applause
Now guess what we’re at the end
Another topic, sup and inf
They describe bounds greatest and least
They’re from a property called Complete!
Lets do it, let’s do it, lets do it, lets do it
And do it, and do do it, (do it again)
Lets do it, let’s do it, lets do it, lets do it
Lets do it, let’s do it, lets do it, lets do it
Cartoon (Micah Henson, Video) (click to Show/Hide)
A Conversation (Tyler Howe) (click to Show/Hide)
A Conversation between the Number Groups
Starring: The Rational and Irrational Numbers
Rational: Oh Real Numbers, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways…
Irrational: Dear brother, you cannot, do not lead my love astray.
Because someone like you cannot comprehend the power that she holds.
A number group so uncountable, so unbounded, and so bold.
Rational: But can you not see how different she is?
How unafraid?
She is my hero.
The way she carries herself so gracefully while including the number zero.
Irrational: Are you sure you really love her if that is the only quality you see?
If so, you can gladly love the Integers and leave the Real Numbers to me.
Integer: So am I just disposable to two number groups like you?
Because I am exclusive and never include you two?
I have a certain way of doing things so don’t sneer about me.
Zero, positive, and negative numbers are my friends.
Something you all will never be!
Rational: I thought I came here all alone to court my lady love.
Irrational: Your lady love?
Rational: My lady love!
Real: Must we always have this argument?
I’m simply sick of this.
You two are both a part of me!
This quarrel must be dismissed!
I refuse to choose between you two.
This decision is making us all tense.
Just know, I love you both the same.
In the heart of me, so dense.
Rational and Irrational: *blank stares*
Real: *triumphant exit*
Integer: *wondering why she was mentioned in the first place*
The "Reals I" Struggle (Hadiyah Jones, with Audio) (click to Show/Hide)
When you hear the word math, what comes to mind?
Most people say numbers, both composite and prime.
My hardest math course thus far has been Reals,
While taking this class, I struggled a great deal.
A’s and B’s in Reals took effort to earn,
But I came out smarter and this is what I learned.
The first thing you should know is how to write a proof,
Using all the rules and theorems to show something is true.
If a set has an upper bound, it has one below,
And it has an inf and supremum fa’sho!
If the complement of a set is open then it’s closed,
if a point is interior in the set it’s enclosed!
Exterior points are in the complement of a set,
And since they aren’t included they always are upset!
Cluster points are cool when talking about sets,
Every open ball contains a point that isn’t x!
Compact sets are, closed, bounded, and covered,
And we proved that in class, word to yo’ mother!
Sequences and limits were my least favorite topics,
The stressful subjects almost turned me into an alcoholic
If a limit of a sequence is zero it converges,
But if it’s limit is infinite then you know it diverges!
When proving convergence, there’s a few things you must know,
Like seek an epsilon that is greater than zero!
Even though this the end, there’s much more I could say,
But if I talked about it all we’d be here all day!
My relationship with Reals is made up of love and hate,
I am thankful for the knowledge plus my teacher was great.
Will I see these theorems again? Only time will tell.
But for now goodbye "Reals I" I bid you farewell!
Wannabe (Naccari Murphy & Taylor Sain) (click to Show/Hide)
Based on www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJLIiF15wjQ
by the Spice Girls
“Wanna Learn about Reals”
Yo, I'll tell you what I know, what I really really know,
So tell me what you know , what you really really know (x2)
I gonna, I gonna, I gonna, I gonna, I gonna really really really teach you some reals.
Verse 1:
Reals is the study of functions and continuity.
Whole numbers, Integers, and rationals alike
Real numbers are these sets combined
Plus the irrationals like e and π.
Verse 2:
If you wanna learn about reals, a couple things you should understand
Make the reals a field, you can order it,
If you have bounded sets, you need sups and infs,
It sounds too easy, but that's the way it is.
What you think about that? now you know some reals,
Can you handle this math? Prove it for real
Does root 2 exist? Lets give it a try.
If the sequence diverges, then I’ll say goodbye.
Real (Nyla Walker) (click to Show/Hide)
Real analysis is equal to
Proofs measured by time spent,
And the names attached to them
Equal to the open balls of endless opportunities
Analysis of mainstream minds
In search of the challenge of real life
Solutions uncovered by any means necessary
Real time multiplied by answers
Only meant to detract from the
Real analysis of