Spelman College, Spring 2017

Math 487 (Senior Seminar)

Here we document projects created by students in Math 487 (Senior Seminar), spring 2017. Thanks to the Spelman Design & Innovation Laboratory, many of these gave rise to interesting 3D printed objects.

Note: Math 487 students please register each project here, selecting "Class Project (Use of SDIL required)" in the "My application is best described as" dropdown menu.

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N. Monica Almendral is a graduating senior Mathematics major from San Francisco, CA. For her senior seminar project she researched the 17 Planar Tessellations. Unfortunately, Monica no longer has her 3d print-out. The picture provided is an example of a tessellation.
Shannon Bennett is a graduating senior Mathematics major from Germantown, Maryland. She explored Space Tiling for her senior seminar class. In spelman's Innovation Lab, she was able to 3D print 3-space filling polyhedra. The photo right shows a tetrahedron, rhombic dodecahedron, and a truncated octahedron (blue).
Ambria Berksteiner is a graduating senior Mathematics/Dual Degree Engineering major from Savannah, Georgia. She explored Planar Dissections for her semester long project in her Mathematics Senior Seminar Class. She was able to explore and analyze 2D and 3D versions of Dissection Puzzles. The photo shows an example of a Planar Dissection.
Kristina L. Brown is a graduating senior mathematics major. During her time in senior seminar she studied Monge Sponges and slicing them diagonally. From her findings she found that a diagonal slicing of a Menger Sponge creates a hexagonal shape with stars in the middle. Due to Spelman's College Innovation Lab and Dr. Mulcahy, Kristina was able to 3d print the object on the right.
Saleigh Derico is a Dual Degree Mathematics and Industrial Engineering major from Atlanta, GA. For her senior seminar project she chose to explore two optical illusions: the Penrose Triangle and the Ames Room. With the help of the Spelman Design & Innovation Laboratory, she was able to print out the Penrose triangle. (It's shown here on the left as an impossible triangle, and on the right as it really is.)
Sydney Harris is a graduating senior Mathematics major from Gastonia, NC. She explored Johnson Solids for her Senior Seminar class. With the help of Spelman's Innovation Lab, she was able to 3D print 3 models of Johnson Solids. The photo shows: (Left) J03- Trianguar Cupola, (Middle) J79- Bigyrate diminished rhombicosidodecahedron, and (Right) J60- Metabiaugmented dodecahedron.
Mya Havard is a graduating senior from Woodbine, MD. For her senior project, she explored the topics of 4D Platonic solids. She was able to learn about how they were made, patterns amongst polytopes, and polytopes in higher dimensions. With the help of Dr. Mulcahy, she broadened her knowledge about theses geometrical objects.
Chelsea Huston is graduating senior from Marietta, GA. For her research assignment in senior seminar she studied fractals, particularly looking at the Sierpinski Triangle and Tetrahedron. She was able to 3D print 3 tetrahedra (iterations 1,2, and 3) with the help of Dr. Mulcahy at Spelman College's Innovation Lab.
Nicole Jones did her research on gyroids and minimal surfaces.
Maya Kirkland is a senior Mathematics major, from Houston, TX, who will be a data analyst consultant for IBM starting this summer. She explored Space-filling Curves as the topic for her senior seminar class. With the assistance of Spelman's Innovation Lab, she was able to print a level-3 Hilbert space-filling curve.
Jamese Lewis is a graduating senior Mathematics major from Winston-Salem, NC. She explored Cassini Ovals for her Senior Seminar class. She was able to explore and analyze the shapes of 2D ovals and ellipses and see how they transform into 3D everyday objects. The photo shows four 3D Cassini Ovals as everyday objects (melon, peanut, dumbbell, egg).
Prenessa Lowery is a graduating Mathematics Major from Raleigh, NC. She explored Archimedean Solids in her Senior Seminar class. In addition to her research, she was able to print physical 3D-models of the solids. The picture displays: The Tetrahedron, The Truncated Tetrahedron, The Snub Dodecahedron, The Dodecahedron, The Icosahedron, The Truncated Icosahedron, The Great Rhomicosidodecahedron, The Cuboctahedron, and The Snub Cube.
Simone Paul is a Dual Degree Industrial Engineering and Mathematics major from Atlanta, GA. She explored Klein Bottles for her Senior Seminar Project. With the help of Spelman's Innovation Lab, Simone was able to 3D print various models for her project. Featured in the photo are (Left) Mobius Band, (Middle) traditional Klein Bottle, and (Right) Figure-8 Klein Bottle.
Jasmine Rich is is a Senior Mathematics major, from Harlem, New York, who will be a NYC Teaching Fellow in the Fall of 2017. She explored Spherical Tessellations in her Senior Seminar class. With the assistance of Spelman's Innovation Lab, Jasmine was able to 3D print a spherical polyhedron which was the basis of her topic.
Shakevia Robinson is a graduating senior, soon to attend Mercer University for graduate school. For her senior seminar project she explored Knot Theory. Thanks to the 3D printers in the Innovation Lab, printing her model was a success. The models gave her a visual representation of the knots she was researching. The picture shows the Unknot and Star. The Unknot is a trivial closed knot. The Star is a knot with seven crossings."
Lauren Winston is
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