G4G Wall Calendar 2022
G4G is pleased to announce a 28-page full color wall calendar for 2022.
Apologies for the long production delays, it's finally available as of Thursday, 7 April.
[What they said about the 2021 G4G Wall Calendar. You can download that one here (28 print pages in a 15-page 35MB PDF), or request print a copy still, there are a few dozen left.]
Scroll to the bottom to find out how to get one (or more) of the 2022 calendars for yourself.

Here are the people highlighted (with photos and bio sketches) in the 2022 wall
calendar. Almost all names are new, only Martin and his sidekick Dr I J Matrix
are repeated from the 2021 calendar.
Adriana Salerno
Amina Bühler-Allen
Annalisa Crannell
Art Benjamin
Ayliean MacDonald
Bob Bosch
Bob Wainwright
Carl Sagan (1934-1996)
Chaim Goodman-Strauss
Cindy Lawrence
Craig Kaplan
Dick Hess
Don Knuth
Douglas Hofstadter
Érika Roldán
Fernando Blasco
George Miller
Gerry Piel (1915-2004)
Glen Whitney
Greg Frederickson
Hannah Fry
Henry Segerman
Hirokazu Iwasawa
Ian Stewart
I J Matrix (1908-?)
Isaac Asimov (1920-1992)
Jamy Ian Swiss
Jason Rosenhouse
Jeanette Shakalli
Jennifer Beineke
Jenny Quinn
Jessica Sklar
Jim Wilder
JoAnne Growney
Joe M. Turner
John Allen Paulos
John E. Miller
Jorge Nuno Silva
Joseph Dunninger (1892–1975)
Kate Jones
Katie Steckles
Kōkichi Sugihara
Lajos Szilassi
Lou Kauffman
Marc Pelletier (1958-2017)
Mark Burstein
Mark Mitton
Martin Gardner (1914-2010)
Max Maven
M C Escher (1898-1972)
Moon Duchin
Oskar van Deventer
Paula Apsell
Percy MacMahon (1854-1929)
Persi Diaconis
Rachel Quinlan
Rashmi Sunder-Raj
Rinus Roelofs
Ron Graham (1935-2020)
Roxanne Miller
Rudy Rucker
Sabetta Matsumoto
Scott Kim
Snezana Lawrence
Sol Golomb (1932-2016)
Stewart Coffin
Susan Goldstine
Sydney Weaver
Tamara Munzner
Tanya Thompson
Wei-Hwa Huang
William James (1842-1910)
Yossi Elran
This carefully curated calendar celebrates the past, present and future of that special community known as Gathering 4 Gardner. We are a group of people who aim to stimulate curiosity and the playful exchange of ideas and critical thinking in recreational math, magic, science, literature, rationality, and puzzles. In part, we do this through preserving and promoting the legacy of prolific writer and polymath Martin Gardner (1914-2010).
Many thanks to all the people who helped to assemble this product, check facts and grammar, assist with wordsmithing, and so on. Skona Brittain and Kate Jones went above and beyond (and not for the first time).
Thanks also to those who contributed graphics and puzzles. (The latter are named below.)
Graphic design implemented by Jack McClelland and Scott Hudson. Stellar printing (as always) by Scott Hudson in Atlanta.

In addition to G4G associates, we include many historical figures of note. We do not list year of birth for living people. There are several triple and quadruple birthday matches. We finally have a quintuple match, in October. The number of birthdays listed is currently just under 365.
For each month there are two pages, as depicted. Six people are highlighted per month, along with one associated image of note (with description), and a puzzle to ponder. The puzzles for 2022 have been contributed by Jerry & Karen Farrell, Iwahiro, Bill Gosper, Oskar van Deventer, Pablo Basterrechea, Dick Hess, Jess Sklar, Gord Hamilton, Serhiy Grabarchuk Jnr, Pete Winkler, and Jason Rosenhouse.
Other pages of the calendar feature additional treats, including a history of G4G, a visual panorama of CoM You Tube videos from the past year, and more.
Calendars will soon be available for shipping. The following lists suggested
donations to The Gathering 4 Gardner (G4G) Foundation:
and $20 for each additional calendar (up to 5 total).
For 10, do that twice! (Donating information is below)
Domestic postage is included but there is an additional charge for International postage. We won't know out-of-USA postage cost until we ship, but we can tell you what the (cheaper) rate was last year to Canada, Germany, UK, Japan, etc.
Please email calendar@g4gfoundation.org to request yours. We'll throw in a 2021 calendar if you like (while supplies last) if you order 3 or more of the 2022 calendars (be sure so ask!). State how many 2022 ones you want and tell us your shipping address (with a phone number if you live outside the USA). Then, at your convenience, consider donating here, using the calendar button. (You do NOT need to specify quantities and shipping address, etc, there.) For orders outside the USA, you can wait until shipping costs are known before donating if you don't want to donate twice. Please note that credit card donations do NOT use Paypal.
We expect to mail the first calendars finally in April 2022.